Saturday, January 21, 2012

Changing trees

Been considering it for a couple years and decided to move on it. I want to change the type of trees in the yard. All these are cypress and Chinese elm. They're a pain and offer no benefits which some other types of trees would offer, along with more.

Gotten the tree survey from the Arbor Day Foundation several years in a row. For a small donation, they will send 10 trees to plant. Mostly decorative. As it is, I want to replace these with flowering, fruit and pecan trees. Crepe myrtle, apple, lemon, pecan and possibly cherry. Along with lots of blueberry bushes. 

That said, with the weather warming up so early this year, I have to get out and take down the existing trees soon, before they start budding out or form those horrendous seed pods. I have a few nights off this week, so going to take the chain saw out and take most of these trees down this week. Best get that done before doing so will interfere with the garden. 

There aren't any trees in the front of the house at the moment. Going to add several bushes and trees there. 

I know it will take several years before the new trees offer shade or produce anything edible but I'd much rather have that in the future than what I've got now. 

Of course, the rough part will be stump removal. Hope the truck will handle that. Most of these aren't too big, so it should. While I'm at it, get rid of that railroad tie sticking upright from the ground. (Why, I don't know. It was there when I moved in.) That and what to do with all the wood. Going to get a wood chipper in a few weeks and chip the smaller branches, compost it. Guess just stack the rest up and save it for fire pit or give it away.

Can't spend too much time on that this week. May have to take them down and leave them where they fall. Still not done rewiring the house. Should be done with that in another 2-3 weeks. Would have it done this week but was limited by time, now limited by finance. Now at the point where I need the more expensive tools and components to complete the job. When I am finished with that, I'll have some outdoor outlets for a well pump, waterfall and outdoor lighting. 

Finally got the seeds placed in plastic bags and in the fridge. As fast and easy as that went, I know I've been lazy about it. Haven't planted any of the seeds for spring yet. Get that done this week. Started watering the indoor tomato plants again the other day. Office was too cold for a while and they went dormant. Now it's remaining warm enough that they will come out of that, if they're still alive. Once I get the office rewired, bring in some of the outdoor tomato plants, start watering them and see if they recover. Not holding much hope for the outdoor ones but it's been a mild winter and you never know. Have to see what happens.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Warming up!

The weather this week and next is warming up! Still dropping to frost most nights but highs are around 60. So it's a good time to work on the yard and garden to get more prepared for spring.

Unfortunately, I do have lots of irons in the fire at the moment. Still in the process of rewiring the house. That's going to take a while but I want to get it done. I've done enough to make the house safe at this point. Replaced 11 outlets so far. Most of those tested as having an open ground condition.

While under the house, found it was much colder than I had expected. Cold drafts come up through the wood floors and into the house, even into spaces between the walls. So, started buying insulation to install under the house. I got R30 insulation, which is 9" thick. Some may see that as overkill but if it keeps the house comfortable, I disagree. Going to take a lot more to insulate the walls and ceilings. 

Still, I love working outdoors when the weather is nice. So, probably going to work on the wiring tonight and tomorrow, then do some tilling and such on Wed morning. Have to work that night, so can't do too much. Just considering doing the gardening a reward to myself for getting other things accomplished. And a break from doing things which are more mandatory. 

Got some potting soil this past weekend. Going to get some seeds started this week. New tomatoes, some pecans, etc. Keep forgetting to winterize some seeds which I think need the cold. Bag them in plastic tonight and put them in the fridge. 

Now that the temps are above the point of pipes bursting, need to reinstall the hose connector. Took it down when the pipes froze and one burst. That let me insulate the other pipes more effectively. Have to figure out some way to reconfigure the whole thing so I can keep it all from freezing. More difficult than you may think due to the terrible plumbing design. 

Okay. If I'm going to get anything at all done, need some sleep. Worked all night last night and went to Harbor Freight after work for a new tool. Really tired and getting a sinus infection.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter chores

Weather has been decent for a couple of days, in the 50's, near 60. So, got a few outside chores done.

Got the part for the furnace in the mail yesterday. Good timing. Had to climb in the crawlspace to check and run new cable. Then got the part installed. I was actually amazed at the fact that the second I hooked up power, it started with no delay at all. I've kept the occupied parts of the house warm but now the whole house is much more comfortable.

Finally collected most of the leaves from the dance studio. Piled most into the compost bin. Turned out to be more than I had counted on. I estimate I collected over 1000 lbs of leaves. Never really noted how many trees are on that lot. Over 20 trees, not counting bushes and bamboo. Still doesn't look that green because they're spaced out with rocks and parking lot between them. 

Not all the leaves would fit in the compost bin, even though the compost bin measures 3x4x4 ft. That's pretty big. So, I have several piles scattered here and there. Not worried about them scattering because I'll be spreading them out and tilling them directly in soon. 

I could fit more in the compost bin today but didn't. Expected some compaction but was surprised at the amount in one day. The bin was filled level with the top yesterday. Today it was down by nearly 1/3! I know much of that is simply from the weight but still surprising. 

The bagged leaves I collected from various sources are still next to the house. No longer bagged. The dog tore open every single bag. Wouldn't mind but now I have to pick out all the little pieces of ripped up plastic. And they're all wet, in the shadow of the house. Dry, they were 200-300 lbs of leaves. 

Cut some branches off trees today. Better to do it now, before spring, when there are no buds or leaves to contend with. Still need to buy a freestanding ladder to do more. Need it for other tasks, as well. Took down one huge branch which was large enough to be a small tree on it's own. It was overhanging the back drive and the power and phone lines. Didn't want it getting any larger. Though I will need at some point to rent, borrow or buy a wood chipper. I now have another huge pile of branches in the yard. Can't seem to completely eliminate that pile.

Going to take down the two trees causing most of the plumbing problems. I do like having trees there, so I'll replace them with Crepe Myrtle. Shallower and less invasive roots and they become decorative at a young age. 

Gotta get to bed.

Next paycheck, going to get some potting soil. Start some new tomato seeds now, so they have time to develop good root systems before spring.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ten minutes

Have ten minutes before I have to head out the door to work.

Days are getting slightly longer again. Only by a few minutes but temps are slightly warmer, also. Glad it's not a really harsh winter this year. Still hoping for more moisture, though by this time last year we had not seen rain or snow for 3-4 months. Not that bad this year.

Need to get out this week and get the leaves piled into the compost bin. They're still loose and in various places. Including the parking lot of the dance studio, which hasn't been open this season. Probably do that on Thur afternoon. Be a waste to not collect them in time for them to compost. 

If the ground isn't too hard, may till much of them straight into the north garden. Or not. Still debating buying tons of compost from the water utility before spring. 

Need to get out with the chain saw and trim trees as well. Better to get it done now than wait until they're budding out. 

Still have to be diverted from the agricultural tasks by the electrical and domestic tasks needing to be done. Try to get to those this week as much as possible. 

Okay. Time's up.