Moving ahead from last post.
The dogs ran away one day. I was able to pick one up from the shelter. The better behaved one. He is now snipped and chipped. Having a lot fewer problems with garden invasion but will still complete the fence for multiple reasons. For one, the old fence is falling down, victim of the dogs and the wind. New fence is considerably stronger. If dogs or wind knock this one down, the fence will be the least of my problems. Besides, it will continue to act as a trellis, as well. Plus I have part of it already built, including the gate. It would look ridiculous to have only part of a fence there.
Now up to at least 18 tomato plants, all looking good!
I have one cucumber vine inside the house which is gaining size and very healthy.
Got the sides of the solarium opened up. Still need to open one side, which will take more work.
Cut down the row of trees along the back fence. Again. Still in the process of cutting them down to smaller pieces, which will let me stack some for firewood, other for burning but most shredded for compost. They had to go because their roots will strangle the fruit trees and they were contacting the power lines.
Going to build the compost tumbler today.
Sprayed the main garden with a strong acid and ammonia solution yesterday. If I made it strong enough, today I'll be able to see the places I missed. I haven't tilled yet, so I am hoping it will desiccate any seeds left on the surface. One advantage of this is that I can repeat it as often as every day because it will just help increase the acidity and nitrogen in the soil. It's warm enough to plant a lot of things out right now but I'm going to wait and put more work into bringing the weeds under control.
Going to stick with a lot of containers again this year for the same purpose. If I have crops in containers, I can spray around the containers with weed killer or acid and not damage the plants. I may just lay down plastic sheeting under the containers and leave it there all summer in some spots.
Hmm. Solarizing would be a good idea for other areas once I get the trees out of the way. If I do it now, I could plant those areas by early May and they would be in good shape. Of course, that's if I start seedlings in containers.
I have come up with a design which will let me build long planters for around 15 dollars each for 5 ft long planters. Of course, that's not counting what it takes to fill them up. However, if I put unfinished compost in the bottom and a layer of potting soil on top that may work. Maybe compost garden soil so the heat kills off weed seeds that would also do it. Even if weeds are present in them, it's much easier to pull them and get them under control.
I'm wandering. Just brainstorming.
The down side to the early heat is that the broccoli is already beginning to flower. I need to order shade fabric for the solarium to reduce the temperature there.