Monday, January 11, 2010

Going to take a while

The whole solarium idea seems like it will take much longer than I had believed or hoped. Finances suck. Water heater broke and I can't afford a new one until after taxes. Behind on several bills. Started getting down and thinking how foolish the whole idea is.

Then reconsidered. This is a dream, a goal of mine. Dreams and goals are things I really need, always have, always will.

So, it will take a while. Still lots of work which needs to be done which does not entail money. For the parts which do require money, if I have to buy one bag of cement or two cinder blocks at a time, I'll do it that way. Who says I can't build the whole thing one column at a time? I've seen buildings in Europe which took hundreds of years to build. 

For now, that wooden fence needs to come down. When I moved in, I thought things were not growing there because of the soil. Now I know it's because no direct sunlight ever reaches that area because of the fence and the shed. (Wish I could move the shed, too.) 

No matter what, the important thing to me is keeping my own hopes and dreams alive. Sometimes, dreams are built one cheap block at a time over many years. Can't afford to forget that.

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