Planted out cool weather crops today. Daughter was to help me but wimped out, so I did 99% of the work. That's okay, she's 7 and saw me get my hopes up last year, only to have them crash.
Dug out one more row before planting, so have a total of 12 mounds. Planted flowers in all the small mounds and some shady areas. I had also taken the propane burner to some of the still healthy weeds, especially those with flowers on them. Today, planted out spinach, broccoli, three kinds of lettuce, two kinds of potatoes, carrots and peas. Got some seeds for sugar snap peas to plant later in the week.
Not doing badly, space-wise. I still have room for 2-3 more rows and haven't even started working the older garden section yet. Not cramping things up, I don't think. Have enough room to walk down the trenches between mounds. But everything I've planted so far is mostly low or vertically growing. When I get around to corn and tomatoes, I'll have to leave more space between each mound.
Had to thin down or dispose of some plants started inside tonight. Just started way too soon. Some of the melon vines are still going, so I'm going to set them outside tomorrow and see how they do. I know the pumpkin plants do okay with cooler weather but frost will do them in instantly. Maybe some other melons are the same way. I started some new seeds but with a slightly more experienced eye to growth patterns. Mostly planted flowers tonight. Going to wait at least 2-3 more weeks before starting more warm weather seeds.
For now, I have the work ahead of building some much larger trellises than I've had up to now. I'm thinking I can make use of the PVC for those and tomato cages. Can just drill holes and run twine or cage wire between them.
My daughter was excited when I showed her that her pecan is growing! It'll be really cool if it continues growing and matures into a full tree.
Gotta get to bed. Have a backache.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
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