Friday, March 26, 2010

Full moon

So, it's a full moon or close enough to it for things and people to be off kilter. I noted many years ago that strange behavior actually starts about three days before the full moon and starts declining by the second night of the full moon. 

Got up this morning, it was bright, sunny and getting warm. Seemed like a great day to get things done outside. Had to go get my paycheck and run some errands. While driving back home, a sandstorm blew in with enough force to be affecting cars. (As if New Mexico drivers aren't bad enough on their own!) Got home and watched as the wind snapped the 1x2's holding the plastic sheeting on the raised bed. Guess if I build something like that, it has to be 4x4's or stronger. I had thought this was small enough to have little wind resistance, so didn't have to be that strong. Obviously, quite wrong. 

 Wind was too strong and too cold to work on the hutch and coop with any enjoyment.

Add the fact that the dog hasn't gotten used to her doghouse yet. Not sure she will, either. If she goes inside, she may miss something. So, she stays so close under my feet while I'm working outside that I trip over her if I step 6" to one side. It's not much fun to be losing your balance with high speed cutting tools in your hand.

Weather is supposed to be slightly better tomorrow, though there's a slight chance of snow and winds up to 25 mph. Whatever. Still going to work on some things that need to be done. I'd like to get those shelves up in the shed. Once those are up, I'll probably build a work table in there to have a work space out of the weather and away from the dog, for safety.

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