Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Burst pipe

So, once the pipes started thawing one sprang a leak. Luckily, it was the pipe leading to the outside faucet. Total cost to replace (with a shorter pipe) was under $3 and didn't require digging or taking a lot of pipes apart, just a couple.

Also found the sewage line qas clogged again. I don't have a pipe snake, so tried using the water hose. Didn't work. Had some fencing wire in the shed. Tried that and it worked.

Took another major step toward being the crazy neighbor. While considering digging up the garden, figured out the old fashioned way would be best. The trick was keeping things low and short enough to avoid the fire department being called. Raked, watered the area surrounding the garden. Grabbed the gas can and scattered gas over about 600 sq ft. Then lit it up. Just as the neighbors pulled into their yard. Lol! Quite a sight with all 600 sq ft lighting up at once at sunset! The fire only lasted 3-5 minutes before I put the rest out. Should be easier to dig the rest up now.

Other than that, picked up some books on building solar and wind generators and repairing electric motors from the library. Do some needed studying.

Made an attempt at gluten free brownies. They're still cooling but seem okay so far. Hope they remain so!

Burst pipe

So, once the pipes started thawing one sprang a leak. Luckily, it was the pipe leading to the outside faucet. Total cost to replace (with a shorter pipe) was under $3 and didn't require digging or taking a lot of pipes apart, just a couple.

Also found the sewage line qas clogged again. I don't have a pipe snake, so tried using the water hose. Didn't work. Had some fencing wire in the shed. Tried that and it worked.

Took another major step toward being the crazy neighbor. While considering digging up the garden, figured out the old fashioned way would be best. The trick was keeping things low and short enough to avoid the fire department being called. Raked, watered the area surrounding the garden. Grabbed the gas can and scattered gas over about 600 sq ft. Then lit it up. Just as the neighbors pulled into their yard. Lol! Quite a sight with all 600 sq ft lighting up at once at sunset! The fire only lasted 3-5 minutes before I put the rest out. Should be easier to dig the rest up now.

Other than that, picked up some books on building solar and wind generators and repairing electric motors from the library. Do some needed studying.

Made an attempt at gluten free brownies. They're still cooling but seem okay so far. Hope they remain so!

Frozen pipes again

Woke this morning to find the pipes frozen again. Left a faucet dripping a little last night but obviously not enough. Temp went down to 6F last night here. High today is only in upper 30's to low 40's, so I hope it gets warm enough to thaw the pipes. Local weather says temp is still 30 but the sun is out, so I'm hoping. I have a pencil torch which may help but not sure and don't want to damage pipes.

Least I had enough water drawn in jugs to make coffee. It was meant for plants but they don't need it for now.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Video diary

Since my daughter was a baby or maybe even before she was born I have had an idea. The idea of making a video diary. Or, more precisely, video letters to her. Of course, since I've always been present, it hasn't been a pressing idea. And for one reason or another it just hasn't been done.

Decided it is time to begin this project. Was going to begin tonight but the camera batteries were dead. Supposed to be quick charging. However it took them so long to charge that it's now after midnight and they just finished. I'll get started on it tomorrow. Better light, any way.

If anything should ever happen to me, I'd like her to have a record to turn back to and always remember how much I loved her.

The Crazy Neighbor

I have no doubt I have now (if not before) earned the label of "the crazy neighbor".

Right now I have clothes in the qash at the laundromat. But once I threw the clothes in the wash, I went back home and got out the rake. Notn raking the yard, exactly. I did rake the front yard. Plus the space in front of the next door neighbor's yard. Then raked the leaves into the walkway between my house and the block wall and closed the gate to keep the pile inside.

I also saw there was a tremendous pile of leaves gathered at the gate of the church parking lot behind my house. So I opened up the back gate and raked the entire pile into my yard.

It's not so crazy. The whole mass will be composted over the winter. But most of my neighbors know nothing of composting, so I just look crazy. Much like the piles of pallets in my yard make me appear. Each thing has a purpose but you have to know me to understand the purpose.

One beer

Only managed one beer last night. Then got hungry, ate dinner and then didn't feel like drinking any more.

I actually intend to start drinking more frequently. Not a lot, mind you but 1-2 drinks here and there. It seems to relieve some anxiety for a day or two afterward. Drinking at that level has been proven beneficial.

Decided to do away with one of the tomato plants in the front room. While it's tall, this one has always looked sickly. Doesn't appear to have tolerance to much of anything. Going to move the Brandywine in the front room.

Also going to start tomato seeds for next spring. Took so long for the ones this year to mature I think it's my best move. By spring they should be nearly ready to produce. Worth a try.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two days no web

Haven't had internet for two days until a little while ago. Then woke up this morning and pipes were frozen, so had no water for a few hours until they thawed out.

My daughter has had a scratchy throat, mild laryngitis since yesterday morning. Happily, no respiratory problems. We still had a good weekend. The ex has been giving me a hard time and doesn|t want my daughter to sleep over here because I'm using gas space heaters and a generator. Of course, this is all a financial issue. So, she drops my daughter off each weekend morning and I have to drive her back in the evening. Pain in the a**. But the positive part is that my daughter had been spending more time with her friend over here than with me. This arrangement apparently made her miss me, so now she's spending more time with me and seems more attached than ever. If there is some goal present of trying to drive a wedge between us it's working in reverse. She says that's not true but it sure has that appearance.

This weekend we set up and decorated the Christmas tree, made cookies together and set up a scene on a table with my little collection (growing) of ceramic houses with fake snow. I need to get more human and animal figures and some little fake trees and such. Going to add some battery operated LED lights. Next weekend we'll make our annual cookie ornaments. Meant to do that this weekend but somehow it didn't work out.

Got some homemade Gluten free beer which has been sitting for nearly two years. Decided to drink it tonight. First one is good and more mellow than before. Really high alcohol content! Good flavor, though. If it were to spoil, it would turn to vinegar and I could tell without taking a sip.

This morning, I tied up branches of the two tomato plants in the front room. They were going kinda wild. Turns out one of them has now grown taller than I am. The other is about my height. Had to spray them because there were eggs all over the leaves. Happened in the past week. Either aphid or fly eggs. I think fly eggs. Lots of them. Yuck.

Since my ex was pregnant with my daughter, we have seen series of identical digits, like 1111. They pop up unexpectedly in odd places. Like the fact that I have looked at the clock numerous times this week to see 11:11 or 2:22, each multiple times. I'm not strongly superstitious but this has happened a lot and never before daughter was conceived. From what I've read it's supposed to be good. Sign you're going the right direction in life. Hope so.

Not going to stay up too late. May go rent a movie. Have to get my check and do laundry in the morning.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Return to me

Since a couple of months ago and removing gluten from my diet entirely I have been on a slow return to myself.

It developed over time and I didn't understand it. I had lost much of my motivation, my humor and my optimism. Key parts of who I am. I'm not always cheerful but I typically have a positive outlook. I'm a fighter for good and have been my whole life. While that was still there, I wasn't quite feeling it.

Loss of energy and motivation took a toll. I had days when the house and yard were a mess, yet I sat without the energy to do any of it. When I did, there was little satisfaction and I got worn out easily. Looking at thinga which needed to be done did not get me excited but filled me with dread.

I haven't completely recovered but improving. Takes time for the body to regain balance. One difference was tonight. Looking out at the empty garden made me excited again. Months from spring yet the garden appears like a blank canvas to me, ready for the next work to be painted on it.

I have regained a sense of humor which was nearly gone. I've found myself laughing and smiling, which felt foreign for some time.

Gluten intolerance has been directly linked to a number of emotional and psychiatric disorders. If you suspect possible gluten intolerance in yourself, do not ignore it. It can steal your life and your health in many ways.

Tree is up

Got the toy my daughter wanted. Then came home and got a bit of sleep. Woke up this afternoon, worked in the yard for a while because it's a mess.

Took apart the sun shelters because I'm going to get more serious about the solarium. Even if I have to buy one bag of cement and one board at a time. If necessary, I'll reconstruct the sun shelters but with new designs. For now I just want the yard to look better.

Keeping the ice chests outside is still working well. Tonight, I set out several ziplock bags of water to form ice blocks for extra cooling.

Put the tree together tonight and put the LED lights on. Daughter and I will decorate this weekend. The LED's are really bright and very pretty. I do wish they had white cords, since the tree is white. Oh, well.

In the next week, going to dig the garden out, mound the soil and cover it. Bit of work but a good way to compost grass and weed seeds, cutting down on their growth come springtime.

Going to do away with the raised beds. Another "failed" experiment. Really, just leaned it's not necessary. Finding ways to retain moisture and humidity are more important. Working on it.

Killing a couple of hours

Just killing a couple of hours until a certain store opens. For the first time in my life I recall, going shopping the day after TG. For one item only.

Daughter asked for one thing she wants for Christmas. It's something I doubt she'll play with very much but since it's the only thing she's mentioned.. Now it's on sale for 1/4 regular price for one day. Hardly worth that price but still..

Worked in ER tonight. It was slow. Patient count dropped and they sent me home early. Maybe I still can take a short nap and be up on time to not miss that item.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, happy and safe TG!

Mine is done, having celebrated with my daughter yesterday. Was scheduled to work last night but got canceled at the last minute. Kept my daughter here a little later. She gets sad when she has to go. So do I. It really sucks not having her here all the time. But maybe we enjoy each other's company more because it's not constant.

Managed to keep everything completely gluten free. For me, at least. I did make some regular chocolate chip cookies for daughter and others. (Had to keep avoiding the urge to lick my fingers after placing each batch on the pans!)

Made the onions for green bean casserole with milk and egg dip, then floured with corn flour, gluten free flour, arrow root and spices. Came out great! Couldn't tell they were gluten free at all! Little tip- don't shop for corn flour. Look for dry corn masa mix. Exact same thing, half the price or less.

Dressing was pure white cornbread. A little loose but good. Just made it very moist. Next time I'll use some gum of some type (guar, xanthan or cellulose) i did use some egg for cohesion but best to not do that again for me. Reaction to eggs also has gotten more pronounced. Blah!

During the day, I had dry ice to keep leftovers cool. Then put it all outside last night. It all froze. In ice chests now. In plastic containers, of course. Supposed to freeze every night this week. New thought is to place ziplock bags of water outside at night. Good for keeping things which can't be frozen. I find $2 a bag for frozen water to be ridiculous. Besides, the ziplock bags would be reuseable.

Now I still have some leftover dishes and pots and pans to wash. Yech! Then going to try making my own gluten free cookies.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cooking craze

Just about to get to bed. Did a lot of cooking tonight. Made slightly more than 80 tamales, gluten free fried onions, cornbread, chocolate chip cookies and six jars of pickles.

Just added more water to the tamale steamer and waiting for it to come to a boil. Then turn the heat off and let the remaining tamales finish cooking by residual heat.

Time for bed!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

More than planned

So, spent a bit more than I had planned on for TG. That's okay. Who doesn't? Besides, much of what I got will keep. Even the perishable stuff should keep with current weather, using the ice chest I have plus a cheap one bought today. I also got some dry ice to enhance that.

I got lots of dry goods, including corn husks and a different brand of corn masa mix. Several boxes of corn flakes. Dry milk. Lots of canned goods.

I also got a full size turkey. If it doesn't keep it seems like a waste but it was a choice between waste of food and waste of money. Chose to waste food. Too much risk of gluten in small processed turkey rolls. Besides, price difference was about $1 but 11-12 lbs of food. Long as it stays good, I get multiple meals from one $5 turkey. And I love TG leftovers!

Going to do TG tomorrow with my daughter. Tonight, going to do lots of cooking.


Kind of restless. Slept longer than intended today.

Last year, the weather changed early and drastically here. This year it is changing later and more gradually.

Last winter I also had so many drafts in my house I couldn't isolate them well. I weatherstripped the windows and tried to seal some other drafts but even finding them was a challenge. Now I'm finding and sealing them off. One major step was a few days ago. After finding some trouble spots, I got a couple of cans of Dow Great Stuff. This stuff is named right! I cleared and cleaned the planned areas to seal and set to work. It only took a few minutes and one can to seal drafts in several walls and below the back door. This stuff expanded to fill some huge spaces. Once cured, it becomes windproof and water proof. It's awesome! Can also be sanded and painted.

I also hung a tarp as a curtain between the living and dining rooms. This slows the migration of heated air through the house.

Had a wind storm yesterday and experienced no major drafts. Temp dropping to 20's this week and not nearly as cold as last year.

Really happy to be getting things more secure.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hidden gluten

The more I remove gluten from my diet, the more violently I react to even small amounts hidden where it's not expected.

A few days ago, I found out my seasoned salt had wheat flour in it. Gave it to the ex. This morning I bought chorizo for breakfast. This evening, I started having severe intestinal cramps. Pulled the package out of the trash. Soy flour, which causes cross sensitivity.

Only benefit is that such reactions speed up digestion, so it doesn't last long.

Tonight, got supplies to amke tamales for TG. Not only do I avoid risk of gluten but I get a better product for a lower price. I also enjoy making them. Not many white boys make tamales, so that's what I refer to them as- my "white boy tamales". They take a lot of time and work but for the price of buying about 2 dozen made tamales, I can make 10-12 dozen. Have two huge pork roasts on the stove right now.

Happily, got to work last night. If I got no work before Wed night this week, I would only have about $100 to make it to next Mon or later. While the phone would be shut off this weekend if I didn't pay $25. That's now paid. Plus I had not shopped for TG yet. Now I can.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

No more garden this year

It's a really windy day but I got outside to do some work. Had some carrots and few other things which had survived bravely til this point. But had a couple of light frosts and hard freeze coming this week. Besides, whole thing was looking trashy.

Dug up rest of the carrots, which were all small. Onions weren't formed so planed a couple inside, see how they do. Btw, I am using existing light for the indoor plants. Took down all the trellises to save the netting. Most of the posts broke. Maybe I'll try painting them before setting next year. I'm still glad the netting held up.

Finally washed the Halloween stuff off the front window yesterday and painted a Christmas tree in it's place. Daughter was helping until her friend came along. Oh well.

Cooked the pumpkins which were big and ripe enough last night. Then made my first gluten free pumpkin pie. Used crushed corn flakes, couple tablespoons of rice flour, arrow root, sugar and melted butter. Then just pressed it in place like a graham cracker crust. Cooked as normal and let it cool overnight. Tried it this morning. It came out great for a first try! Think less rice flour next time.

For green bean casserole, have to make my own onions. Going to try corn flour and potato flakes mixed with vegetable oil and bake. If that doesn't work, back to corn flakes instead of flour. Of course, stuffing will be pure cornbread stuffing. Just a little because kiddo doesn't like stuffing.

Still have things to do today and work tonight.. I hope.

Friday, November 19, 2010


With the way I'm living right now, it may not be preferable but it's not bad. Just takes more planning. Truth is that it's just kind of the way many or most lived in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Though I do have a generator, TV, dorm fridge and CFC lights.

Now I went and bought some LED christmas lights, which pull much less power than even mini bulbs. If you were to use 1200 of them, they would still pull less than a single 100 watt bulb! Also got a couple of battery powered LED decorations for my daughter.

Since weather is getting colder, I place an ice chest outside with perishable food in it at night, bring it in in the morning.

The other day I was checking CL and someone was giving away large old windows. I went and got them. Turned out he gave me 16 glass panes, 8 largest of which were 3x5 ft. Two cracked on the way home but still the pieces are large enough to just cut to smaller window sizes, maybe even decorative. Good start for solarium! I have some cement posts set to begin building columns. Need more concrete and mortar mix.

Got a used gas space heater for $65. Puts out 35k btu and keeps several rooms warm. Actually better than the furnace did. Can't use fireplace when daughter's around because of her asthma. I have a CO detector right by the heater which has not gone off once in the 3 weeks I've had the heater. Tested it a few times and it works fine.

Most of the garden is done for the year. Wound up with 14 pumpkins of various sizes and types. Largest was about 40 lbs. Going to try two crops next year, one early and one traditional. Planted garlic a few days ago and some spinach is still growing.

Dug up and brought in tomato plants before the weather cooled too much. Now have tomato and pepper plants growing inside. A few are still growing tomatoes. Not a lot but not bad for November. I'll try to keep the good ones going and just move them out in the spring. I also planted some peas inside. Never got a crop outside. See how it goes. Never hurts to try.

Been working a lot last couple of weeks. Now I badly need to clean house.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Long Time

Been quite a while since I last posted. That time has been quite eventful.

First off, I'm currently without main power in the house and have been for months. Service entry panel (meter box) burned out and the wiring had no ground at all. Electricity was turned off because it's a fire hazard. I replaced the panel, along with the breaker panel. But ordinances require an electrical contractor to inspect, which I haven't had money for. So, I've been using a small generator and power inverrter. Not much but it works. Working on ways to go solar and wind sooner than anticipated and just stay off the grid.

Knew the time would come. Had to go completely gluten free. As a result, lost 20 lbs in under a month. Some people think that's great but I didn't need to lose weight. Finding more foods I can eat now but most gluten free foods suck. Too many makers think gluten free means no fat. What damn part of "absorption disorder" do they not understand? As a result, all the products are dry and gritty. No focus on quality. Some better options are coming along, slowly. Some Walmarts now have entire gluten free sections with decent products at much better prices than the specialty markets. Does being gluten intolerant mean automatically rich? I Didn't receive my share of that bargain.

Writing on a new cell phone. Old one gave out. But gotta go finish laundry.