Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two days no web

Haven't had internet for two days until a little while ago. Then woke up this morning and pipes were frozen, so had no water for a few hours until they thawed out.

My daughter has had a scratchy throat, mild laryngitis since yesterday morning. Happily, no respiratory problems. We still had a good weekend. The ex has been giving me a hard time and doesn|t want my daughter to sleep over here because I'm using gas space heaters and a generator. Of course, this is all a financial issue. So, she drops my daughter off each weekend morning and I have to drive her back in the evening. Pain in the a**. But the positive part is that my daughter had been spending more time with her friend over here than with me. This arrangement apparently made her miss me, so now she's spending more time with me and seems more attached than ever. If there is some goal present of trying to drive a wedge between us it's working in reverse. She says that's not true but it sure has that appearance.

This weekend we set up and decorated the Christmas tree, made cookies together and set up a scene on a table with my little collection (growing) of ceramic houses with fake snow. I need to get more human and animal figures and some little fake trees and such. Going to add some battery operated LED lights. Next weekend we'll make our annual cookie ornaments. Meant to do that this weekend but somehow it didn't work out.

Got some homemade Gluten free beer which has been sitting for nearly two years. Decided to drink it tonight. First one is good and more mellow than before. Really high alcohol content! Good flavor, though. If it were to spoil, it would turn to vinegar and I could tell without taking a sip.

This morning, I tied up branches of the two tomato plants in the front room. They were going kinda wild. Turns out one of them has now grown taller than I am. The other is about my height. Had to spray them because there were eggs all over the leaves. Happened in the past week. Either aphid or fly eggs. I think fly eggs. Lots of them. Yuck.

Since my ex was pregnant with my daughter, we have seen series of identical digits, like 1111. They pop up unexpectedly in odd places. Like the fact that I have looked at the clock numerous times this week to see 11:11 or 2:22, each multiple times. I'm not strongly superstitious but this has happened a lot and never before daughter was conceived. From what I've read it's supposed to be good. Sign you're going the right direction in life. Hope so.

Not going to stay up too late. May go rent a movie. Have to get my check and do laundry in the morning.

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