Didn't quite make it through mapping the garden last night. Need to decide on the configuration before making final decisions. Besides, had not really even decided everything to grow yet.
Did that this morning. Still going to be doing companion planting, so some things will overlap space. Also had to figure out when to plant various items. Then there are the issues of shallow soil in some spots in the south garden and still keeping the south covered a while longer. Wasn't going to plant cabbage at all this year but daughter wants me to plant some. She doesn't really like cabbage but likes how it looks. So I'll plant a few heads just for her.
So, here is the order of planting as it stands.
First wave is root plants and frost tolerant. Broccoli, carrots, onions, potatoes, spinach and cabbage. Garlic and some spinach are already growing.
Second wave are cool weather and long growing items. Peas, lettuce, peppers, flowers and more carrots.
Third wave are warm weather items. By then I can pull out some of the things which won't do well in hot weather. Tomatoes (nearly the whole north garden), cucumbers, pumpkins, green beans, more carrots and more flowers.
Of course, I'll be starting whatever I can indoors before each wave of planting.
I have to figure it will be safe to remove the covers from the south garden after temps have reached over 70 degrees a few times. The temp solarium last winter showed me that temps behind the plastic would reach over 100 from sunlight, even when ambient air temp was below 50 degrees. By 70, temps below the plastic should be over 120, enough to kill of many grass and weed seeds. Even the thermometer sitting open in the sun shows a temp near 70 when it's below 40 in the shade now. Maybe I can pull the plastic back and check soil temp before deciding.
I'm already going to have to start moving some of the tomato seedlings to larger containers. Getting too large for the ones they're in. Few flower seeds planted last week are sprouting. Hoping the ones daughter and I planted this weekend start to show by this weekend, when she's here.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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