Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well, it has been cold enough at night for a while now that most of the tomato plants have gone dormant. Sucks because they were doing rather well. At least they were doing well long enough that most should have a root system developed from which they can recover. Weather isn't freezing but dropping into low 30's, so roots should still be viable.

Even if not, the seeds I planted inside are sprouting now. Should be decent sized plants by May, so anything which has completely died off can be replaced.

Makes for a decent trial. I had always read and believed tomatoes were annual and completely died off if they got too cold. It'll be valuable knowledge if they spring back after this. Save lots of work and time in future years! Lol! It is possible that plants which recover may not be as visually attractive as ones which grow without pause. Or could be another illusion brought about by advertising. Huge stands of seedlings set out each year at garden centers for the current year's planting. Wonder how many packets of tomato seeds are sold each year? How many people toss dormant plants, thinking them dead? Like I did. Bummer.

So, if I can't get enough of the solarium built this year to contain the tomato plants or if rotating crops, I won't compost the roots again. Just bag them and save them for the next spring. Along with strawberry roots.

What does suck is that they're going dormant just as the trees and grass all around them is all getting greener. Basil, onions, green beans, strawberries, spinach and garlic are all looking good. Lettuce is still tiny but growing. Flower seedlings are emerging. Leaf buds are showing on the grape vines. All of that surrounding the dormant tomatoes. Yeesh.

Need to get up off my tail, start sweeping and mopping. Daughter should be here in 45 minutes.

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