Monday, April 11, 2011


So, looks like the garden survived the night last night.

Still battling with the acidity issue. Tested the soil this evening when I got home and found it's still somewhat alkaline. Not as bad as before but too much so for very effective growth.

Good side is that the vinegar continues to get slowly stronger. So, used a few cups of vinegar mixed with the solution from the other day, put it in the hose sprayer and watered heavily. The original solution did some good, so I'm hoping the modified mixture does more good.

Soon as I can afford it, I want to get some seeds for ornamental corn and giant pumpkins. Daughter wants the ornamental corn when holidays come around. For me, after growing a 40 pound pumpkin last year, I'd like to try growing a couple of larger pumpkins. Funny, advice on growing giants advise using as much as 2500 sq ft for one plant! Um, no. I'll just see how big the largest one I can grow is.

Supposed to finally get my fingerprints done tomorrow. It took going all the way to the colonel to get it done. Ridiculous.

The other day, sent a scathing email to the new agency. I also wound up hanging up on one of the office people when they had lied to me once again. Today, got a call from the COO. Of course, he offered no apology but tried to exert his authority. I played along. I'm professional and will honor my contract. That is, as long as they do.

However, partway through this contract, I am going to talk to my first agency and see if it would be able to renew the contract through them. Of course, assuming they offer such.

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