Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm loving this weather! Warm but not hot during the day, cool but not cold at night. Decent humidity and occasional rain (though not enough most of the time).

I was afraid the tomatoes would start going dormant but that's not happening. Soil temp is still warm enough and ambient temp is still 80's during the day. Actually, they look really good! Still new flowers blooming and fruit forming. Dozens of tomatoes on the vine right now.

Green beans are looking good. Need to look more closely for mature beans. Lots of flowers!

Corn is still small. Doubting even the small, cold tolerant variety will produce before frost now.

Lettuce and carrots I planted a couple weeks ago haven't sprouted. Still hoping.

Took the next step this evening and tilled the flower bed under. It's only about 100 sq ft and took less than 20 minutes. The more practice I have with this tiller and the more it gets broken in, the easier it is to use. In the case today, the whole flower bed was covered with wood chips which I tilled into the soil.

A lot of the areas which I'm going to till either have wood chips or I'll be adding wood chips to till in. Since I'm scheduled off for the next couple of days, going to till the front yard and much of the back yard. Have a good jump which should allow materials tilled in now to compost over fall and winter with chances to cultivate several times. Should give me a chance for a nice lawn next year in addition to the garden.

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