Sunday, June 30, 2013


Little restless tonight. Figured I'd write a little more.

Last year, sunflowers pretty much all came in at once. Not entirely sure why but they're coming in more gradually this year. No complaints. Some are dying off while others have yet to bloom. That means a more constant display. I can start cutting and harvesting some and still have hundreds left. In some cases, it's probably a good idea or they'll displace other things next year. 

I've planted lots of flower seed mixtures each year. Figure it's best because if one species doesn't grow, another one may. Hence I wound up with Cosmos. They have proven to be quite a showy display. Now, going to have to thin them out. They're growing thickly in one spot and shading tomato plants a lot. Up to now, I've kept them to attract pollinators with great success. I don't want to completely remove them but allow for more sunlight and space. They're growing quite thick in some places. Especially around tomatoes. Can't even access tomato plants in some spots because of them.

Cucumber vines are finally getting ready to climb. Happy about that! It was beginning to seem like they never would!

Okay, getting tired. Get some sleep.

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