Installed the new cable for the invisible dog fence this evening. Took a bit of work to dig it in. The tiller helped a lot but the wire is so light that it required crawling on hands and knees to bury it. Left an area for hardening off plants so the dogs can't reach them. So, that solves the problem of the dogs getting in the garden, digging things up, trampling seeds out of place, moving the drip lines and crapping everywhere.
By the time I was done with that, it was getting dark. Ran to the store for a few things. Including more carrot seeds, which I kept forgetting to pick up. Got all short length carrots because the soil is still so hard (or was last year) that long carrots break off too easily. But got lots of seeds. Hope for a better carrot crop this year. Wasn't bad last year.
Getting the shopping done this evening leaves more room to get some other things done tomorrow evening. Get the carrots seeds planted, cultivate around the trees and mulch there.
The new tiller tines work great! Much less work than it has been to get the trench dug for the cable.
Tired now. Think I should sleep well tonight.
By the time I was done with that, it was getting dark. Ran to the store for a few things. Including more carrot seeds, which I kept forgetting to pick up. Got all short length carrots because the soil is still so hard (or was last year) that long carrots break off too easily. But got lots of seeds. Hope for a better carrot crop this year. Wasn't bad last year.
Getting the shopping done this evening leaves more room to get some other things done tomorrow evening. Get the carrots seeds planted, cultivate around the trees and mulch there.
The new tiller tines work great! Much less work than it has been to get the trench dug for the cable.
Tired now. Think I should sleep well tonight.
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