I rather spaced a problem from previous years. Several of the tomato vines I planted out have died and others have been growing agonizingly slowly. Then I thought about the white fly problem in past years.
Made up a solution yesterday. Insecticidal soap, nicotine and garlic. Soaked the ingredients, strained them through a disposable paint filter into one of the garden sprayers and sprayed the vines. By this evening, I was seeing a positive difference. I sprayed again this evening. Added more soap but thinned the nicotine.
Used the same solution on pumpkin plants which are already growing. I've seen one adult squash bug which is now dead. This evening, sprayed a patch on one leaf of baby squash bugs. I'll check that plant again in the morning to be sure I got them all. It would be awesome if I can deter them now, while they are small and susceptible to organic poisons and I only have 4 pumpkins plants growing so far. I planted more which are starting to sprout but not yet large enough to get the attention of the squash bugs.
Made up a solution yesterday. Insecticidal soap, nicotine and garlic. Soaked the ingredients, strained them through a disposable paint filter into one of the garden sprayers and sprayed the vines. By this evening, I was seeing a positive difference. I sprayed again this evening. Added more soap but thinned the nicotine.
Used the same solution on pumpkin plants which are already growing. I've seen one adult squash bug which is now dead. This evening, sprayed a patch on one leaf of baby squash bugs. I'll check that plant again in the morning to be sure I got them all. It would be awesome if I can deter them now, while they are small and susceptible to organic poisons and I only have 4 pumpkins plants growing so far. I planted more which are starting to sprout but not yet large enough to get the attention of the squash bugs.
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