Temperatures are starting to come down a bit, on average around 10 degrees per day. So, daughter and I went out and did our fall planting yesterday.
I removed the plastic sheeting from the rows which have been covered the longest with black plastic and tilled those rows before we planted. Hopefully most of the grass and weeds are dead now. Find out soon enough. (I did save the plastic for next year.)
We planted pumpkin (three kinds), carrots, lettuce (two kinds) and spinach (also two kinds). I also gave in and planted pole green beans by the fence, since the additional cucumbers I planted there died off. I think cucumber beetles got them.
Something I forgot was to plant dill. Have to do that today.
Tomatoes have started a nice rotation of ripening and we picked about 10 lbs a couple days ago. To that, I ordered a pressure canner finally. A decent one which is anodized and 20 quart size. It can also be used as a pressure cooker and comes with the can rack and three weights.
Getting the most cucumbers ever now. Still doesn't amount to a whole lot. Oh, well. Lots of flowers, so maybe we'll wind up with a decent crop in the long term. As of now, not enough to start pickling more than one jar at a time.
No green grapes this year, thanks to the late frost. Same with apples. Plums seem to have been carried off by birds. I mean all of them. Not even one plum pit left behind. I will have to cover the tree with netting next year.
I knew and planned for this to be mostly a sparse year for the garden. More important to get weeds and grass under control. For which it looks like I'll have to go buy even more herbicide. Last few weeks rain and weather changes have sparked an explosion of weeds. I think if I get them controlled now it will be an immense advantage next year. In this case, I will use herbicide one day and then acid the next day to desiccate any seeds.
Even if the variety of crops is low this year, it's still the best year yet for tomatoes. I am expecting several hundred lbs of tomatoes this year. I think daughter has already eaten like 3 lbs of them.
I removed the plastic sheeting from the rows which have been covered the longest with black plastic and tilled those rows before we planted. Hopefully most of the grass and weeds are dead now. Find out soon enough. (I did save the plastic for next year.)
We planted pumpkin (three kinds), carrots, lettuce (two kinds) and spinach (also two kinds). I also gave in and planted pole green beans by the fence, since the additional cucumbers I planted there died off. I think cucumber beetles got them.
Something I forgot was to plant dill. Have to do that today.
Tomatoes have started a nice rotation of ripening and we picked about 10 lbs a couple days ago. To that, I ordered a pressure canner finally. A decent one which is anodized and 20 quart size. It can also be used as a pressure cooker and comes with the can rack and three weights.
Getting the most cucumbers ever now. Still doesn't amount to a whole lot. Oh, well. Lots of flowers, so maybe we'll wind up with a decent crop in the long term. As of now, not enough to start pickling more than one jar at a time.
No green grapes this year, thanks to the late frost. Same with apples. Plums seem to have been carried off by birds. I mean all of them. Not even one plum pit left behind. I will have to cover the tree with netting next year.
I knew and planned for this to be mostly a sparse year for the garden. More important to get weeds and grass under control. For which it looks like I'll have to go buy even more herbicide. Last few weeks rain and weather changes have sparked an explosion of weeds. I think if I get them controlled now it will be an immense advantage next year. In this case, I will use herbicide one day and then acid the next day to desiccate any seeds.
Even if the variety of crops is low this year, it's still the best year yet for tomatoes. I am expecting several hundred lbs of tomatoes this year. I think daughter has already eaten like 3 lbs of them.
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