Not going to mortar these this year, so I'll have to line the inner sides with cardboard to keep the soil in. I'll fill the form holes with sandy soil and/or plant flowers and smaller plants along the outer edges. Maybe some herbs in some.
Going to use a combination of existing garden soil, compost and potting soil to fill the inside growing area of each one.
These are 6-8" high, so some I may line with plastic in the bottom and some not. See which ones grow best.
Decided that I'm going to use the raised beds down the center for tall flowers and strawberries. Think the shade from the flowers may help the strawberries along in the heat here. Search for strawberry plants
Had to move the tomato plants into the shade. For plants that supposedly love sunlight so much, they sure take a while to harden off after being started inside.
When I got home last night, the neighbor dog was in my yard. Knew he was playing with my dog. Chased him off. This morning, found that wasn't all he had been doing. He had dug up several plants in the garden. So, not only do I have to keep my dog away from digging in the garden, I have to keep the neighbor dog out of the garden, too. Have to get a slingshot and some semi-soft pellets. Won't do any good when I'm not here but maybe after a time or two of getting stung, he'll get the idea. Search for slingshot
Going to eat something and take a nap. Feel cruddy right now, between my bouncing schedule, conflicts in my life right now which I find ridiculous and the fact that they were stripping floors at work last night. Best to take a Benadryl before my nap.
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