Well, the wind did some damage to the garden yesterday. Winds got as high as 63 mph in the city, 72 mph clocked in other areas outside the city and all the way to 99 mph at Sandia Peak. True sandstorm. While driving home yesterday afternoon, there were times the road wasn't even visible. But most of the garden is fine. One of the worst parts of a sandstorm is, even if you can protect the plants from the winds, it still dries them up quite a bit. Luckily, I had watered before the winds got really strong.
Now have over 80 tomato sprouts showing. Likely to have well over 100, as I double planted a number of the containers. Just hate seeing empties and they can be separated later, when they get large enough to have some strength and roots. Even the trays treated with ammonia and vinegar are sprouting now. Not yet seeing any difference in growth.
Also more strawberry sprouts coming up still.
Keeping the plants under artificial lights for a couple of days. Still rather windy and cold, down into the 30's tonight and tomorrow night. Hard to believe but there were snow flurries falling today, last day of April. Hope that means we'll have a mild summer. Had to move the dog inside and, though I had introduced the bunny to the hutch, brought her in also.
Daughter is having bad sinus allergies from all the dust being blown up. My own allergies aren't good but not as bad as hers. She doesn't complain or let it slow her down, though. She hates standing still long enough to bow her nose.
Going to get some more seeds in the ground for lettuce, cabbage and a few other cold weather crops, since it appears I may manage a second crop of them if I do. Meanwhile, I'll get more green beans and melons started inside this weekend.
Friday, April 30, 2010
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