Sunday, July 7, 2013

First ripe tomato 2013

Picked our first ripe tomato of the year today. Finally! Others look like they're starting to ripen, so should have a good cycle going soon. We had it for dinner and it was really good! I love indeterminate tomatoes! These are growing to a great size. 

 Finally have Zinnias growing for the first time. Been trying since I moved in here and they've never bloomed until now. Not a lot of blooms so far but better than none. Few more than pictured below.

Pulled down the transient green bean vines today. They were becoming a problem for other plants and providing cover for squash bugs in one case. Still have lots of bush green beans coming up and several pole vines climbing. 

Stopped by the growers market this morning. Things were looking rather sparse. That was solid confirmation that I'm not the only one suffering the late crop issue. The market rep present said it's a statewide problem. Some growers have it worse than myself, just now getting their first tomato flowers. I have lots of fruit, just not yet ripe. Should be picking our first pie pumpkins shortly. Green beans are picking up speed. Couple of watermelon forming. No cucumbers yet. Grr.

The spray had less effect because it actually rained on and off all night last night. Not complaining about the rain. However, I am adding tomato leaves and cigarette butts to the mixture. Letting it steep overnight and apply again tomorrow. The current mixture has been fairly effective, just not enough. Then again, the only good squash bug is a dead squash bug!

Otherwise, things are perking up! Lots of assorted crops gaining size and should be producing soon. 

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