Monday, July 8, 2013


Seeing improvement from the spray I made. Fewer squash bugs found today. May have been more effective but it rained last night. 

Made a new batch today and included a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil and small amount of natural body wash. Found one group of nymphs and sprayed them directly and watched. It worked, killing them off in under a minute. 

So, it looks like I may have found a concoction that works! Best part is that it's nearly free. Bad part is that it has to be applied virtually every day. Mostly organic sprays break down really fast. Though that does mean they will not remain toxic to beneficial insects for a long time. Since bees and such scatter while I'm applying this, not many are likely to be accidentally affected. 

Definitely more tomatoes ripening. Should have a decent number by this weekend. 

Waiting until sunset to trim back the grape vine and pull a few weeds.

Rest of the week I have reviews scheduled. I'm doubting they'll take very long, so may have time to mess around the garden but have to wait and see. 

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