Took apart the connections to the well pump. PVC isn't all that reliable for the purpose. I am at the point where it will cost me only a few dollars to convert the entire system to galvanized steel. Long as the home improvement place has the right parts for it. Otherwise, I just need to clean the pipes that have been sitting for a while. The foot valve is good. Couple of minor issues. One is keeping the heavier pipes suspended. That was a problem previously. The other is that I will have to use a tap and die to install the fertilizer injection system. I'll deal with that part later.
Okay, started this earlier today. Picked up the parts to convert to all galvanized on the way home from dropping daughter off. Cost a little more than I had hoped but galvanized is not cheap. However, it will last for many years. PVC has to be repaired at least once a year, usually twice or more. Puts the pump at risk of running dry. Then I'd have to replace the pump.
Got two more bags of gypsum and a new garden sprayer. I think that should be enough for those supplies for the rest of the year.
Honestly, there are times I think I would feel somewhat guilty about how much I spend on the garden. However, in the long run it saves some money on groceries. More than that, it keeps me occupied so I don't spend more money on other diversions. It gives me a feeling of security. Once the garden is growing each year, I know I'll have some food always present. I have an alternative water source via the well. I still have the generator as backup power. Can call it a survivalist outlook but considering the things I've gone through since coming to NM, I just call it common sense.
Okay, started this earlier today. Picked up the parts to convert to all galvanized on the way home from dropping daughter off. Cost a little more than I had hoped but galvanized is not cheap. However, it will last for many years. PVC has to be repaired at least once a year, usually twice or more. Puts the pump at risk of running dry. Then I'd have to replace the pump.
Got two more bags of gypsum and a new garden sprayer. I think that should be enough for those supplies for the rest of the year.
Honestly, there are times I think I would feel somewhat guilty about how much I spend on the garden. However, in the long run it saves some money on groceries. More than that, it keeps me occupied so I don't spend more money on other diversions. It gives me a feeling of security. Once the garden is growing each year, I know I'll have some food always present. I have an alternative water source via the well. I still have the generator as backup power. Can call it a survivalist outlook but considering the things I've gone through since coming to NM, I just call it common sense.
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