The well pump locked up this evening. Not sure what the problem is. It was working earlier in the day and I heard it pressurize once this evening. Then I tried to run the house and nothing happened. Made sure power is getting as far as the pump cord. Have to check it out further over the weekend. If I can't fix it, it may have to wait two weeks.
Any way, got the main south garden cross tilled and finished up one edge I had not yet completed.
Before tilling, I sprayed a strong acid solution over the entire area. I'll do that one more time before plowing.
Have to say the soil looks much better when moist than ever before. The cultivated soil is nearly completely black when moist. Texture isn't as loose as I would like it to be. Still very sticky, which indicates high clay content remains. Going to add more gypsum and see if it helps.
So, next week I can get the rows formed. Hope it doesn't take too long if I use the plow attachment.
Found the receipt for the well pump. Instead of fixing it, going to exchange it. I had forgotten I got this pump last year and bought the two year replacement plan. Even if I could get it running, best to just go ahead and exchange it. Pumps have a limited lifespan. The newer, the better.
Any way, got the main south garden cross tilled and finished up one edge I had not yet completed.
Before tilling, I sprayed a strong acid solution over the entire area. I'll do that one more time before plowing.
Have to say the soil looks much better when moist than ever before. The cultivated soil is nearly completely black when moist. Texture isn't as loose as I would like it to be. Still very sticky, which indicates high clay content remains. Going to add more gypsum and see if it helps.
So, next week I can get the rows formed. Hope it doesn't take too long if I use the plow attachment.
Found the receipt for the well pump. Instead of fixing it, going to exchange it. I had forgotten I got this pump last year and bought the two year replacement plan. Even if I could get it running, best to just go ahead and exchange it. Pumps have a limited lifespan. The newer, the better.
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