Monday, May 30, 2011

Nutrients and growth

I don't recall if it posted but I wrote the other day that my daughter chose to stop taking karate. She wants to take art classes instead. Still, I'm going to teach her how to defend herself. I prefer it this way. It's in my realm to teach her self defense but art is outside my realm.

Besides, I will teach her what is behind karate. The philosophy and history. Honor, respect and understanding. Things which take years. Coupled with teaching about her family background, I hope it gives her greater motivation toward learning.

Yesterday, as we walked to the park, I explained the fact that Samurai warriors and Buddhist monks studied not just fighting but art, literature, music, history, diplomacy and agriculture. She found that conversation very interesting. Even if I make a little of this stuff up, I feel no guilt. It's much like many heroic stories in history. Giving her emotional role models who combine positive examples is most important.

I treated the garden with a homemade fertilizer and insecticidal mixture tonight. Daughter helped me cut, chop and scatter some onion tops this afternoon. Some onion tops had grown over 3 ft tall. I soaked a lot of the onion tops in water to make a spray. The spray also included nicotine from soaked cigarette butts, glycerin soap, ammonia and vinegar. Seemed to be effective. Most evenings I see a small cloud of whiteflies over the garden. Today there were only a couple visible. I went further and sprayed the area where the ticks were found and most of the area near the house. Then sprayed the tree trunk and walls of the house. Made a separate spray of just soap and sprayed the dog. It worked. Later on, I could see the ticks just falling off. And non-toxic! Whoo-hoo! Not to mention inexpensive! Now, if it helps the garden grow better, it's all good! Hope so. Made a whole gallon of concentrate for use in the hose sprayer.

Transplanted or deepened soil level in the remaining six container tomatoes today. Another one I made an upside down container for. Have to wait a few days before hanging it, until the roots spread out a bit. Then I can plant one on top like the first one. Hmm. Bet I could sell those!

Gonna suck to get up early tomorrow. Been getting up around 9 every morning for the last 4 days.

I wrote two TV stations about the fact that there was no bus service in the city today. Coupled with large sections of the city having no bus service on Sundays, it causes a distinct problem for a lot of people. However, from what I've seen, neither station bothered to mention it. One company owns two stations. I'm guessing their silence on the subject has to do with politics and advertising dollars.

Time for bed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Winding down

Though I love my daughter completely, I still need some time to myself at the end of the day to wind down.

I have gotten in the habit of turning off the generator, only light beyond the cell phone being a small flashlight turned toward the ceiling. Soft indirect light and my own thoughts.

I am beginning to get back to meditation. Slowly. Have to be careful. When I was younger I was known to enter a meditative state and remain there for days, responding to nothing outside myself. While I find that unlikely now, can't take a chance. Best if I set an alarm.

It is a problem for me that I think too much. Part of me finds that absurd while another part knows the necessity of giving my mind and emotions a rest. No great urge to accomplish this chemically. Though that release of control is an attractive idea at times. But it's too risky and carries too many physical consequences, even if the chemicals are legal ones.

I was thinking back over how I handled the garden last year and time frames. This year I've been fertilizing but avoiding any heavy use of Nitrogen. Looks like I'll have to drop that idea for now. Going to fertilize with diluted ammonia with vinegar tomorrow. Had good results with it last year. Problem this year is getting things to a size where they will eventually be able to produce. Once that happens, can back off to a lighter N mixture. Maybe one treatment is all I need. Can do a partial treatment and compare results. I have enough rows this year of duplicate crops to make it a valid test. Last year wasn't the case.

Back to bed.

Heebee jeebees

My skin is crawling. It's a funny thing about me. I can face a gun, a knife, several pairs of fists and many other dangers with barely a flinch. But certain insects and infectious reservoirs give me severe creeps.

The dog has had ticks nonstop for months. I treat them, they're gone for a few days and back again. Haven't known just where in the yard to spray. To treat the whole yard would be really expensive and could kill off butterflies, hummingbirds and even birds. Guess I could try insecticidal soap but somehow doubt it would work on them.

Today, I watered an area I don't commonly water. A few minutes later, my daughter started spotting one tick after another in a seemingly endless chain. Apparently they were running away from the water! She was in her swim suit, barefoot and I was standing in shorts and short sleeves. Guess I know where to spray now! However, at the moment the slightest breeze across my skin has me itching and nervous. Have to check daughter over later. Can't spray until she is gone due to her asthma and then best to wait until it's not so windy.

It's been a hot day but windy, so it didn't feel so hot. We took a walk down to the playground, played for a while. Walked back and got an Icee on the way. Had carried some chips and Koolaid with us. When we got home, I set up her small pool and she played in it for hours.

We had picked peas this morning. Had those, the potatoes from the garden and a salad for lunch with leftover bbq from last night. But the slow rate of the garden leaves me with no illusions. If we depended on the garden for survival, we'd be dead.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Little better

I started using the sprinkler in the north garden night before last. It's already haing a positive effect. Corn is sprouting which was not before. And a decent amount, too. That would be the small, early season crop. I also recently planted a larger, late season crop.

The effect of the high clay content is odd when you encounter it. I would water the garden manually on that side before this. Water one area, move to another area while that soaked in, then water the first part again and so on. The soil would look damp, even saturated. Yet if I dug down an inch or so, the soil was completely dry. The moisture was locked in the top 1" or less of soil. Maybe I was still watering too heavily and too quickly, resulting in runoff. Didn't seem that way but the soil was damp again below about 4". (The 1" to 4" layer is the most common root zone for younger plants, once they take root.) Which is why things would start to grow and then die off.

I spread more mulch in the trenches between rows yesterday. Mulching on top seemed to actually sap moisture from the plants, though maybe that's because the mulch was too green. I may let it compost in the trenches and then try placing it back on the top in a few weeks. Though I've also planted pumpkins, lettuce and mini pumpkins (gourds) in that area. Hoping if they start growing, they will form a living mulch. As it is, the side mulch helps slow down moisture loss from the lower soil. So far I'm not seeing much weed control from the mulch. So when I pull weeds I get a handful of mulch with the weeds.

I spread mulch across the bare soil beyond the garden yesterday. If it does help deter weeds, that area needs the most control. In any case, that soil needs the most amending. Figure as the mulch breaks down it should work into the soil. If I ever get a tiller it can just be worked in right where it lays. Just for continuity, I spread mulch over the walking areas around and through the garden, also. Should look good once it settles. For now it looks a little wild, like a forest floor. I do know if I spray the mulch with vinegar it will hold the acidity better and realease it gradually, which will help control weeds better.

Need to stop writing and get some things done here.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Finally back on

Like many others, been having problems logging on to Blogger for a few days. Even at the library today, entry got erased several times and never posted.

Got some things done today. Not as much as I wanted but can get more done in the morning, before daughter gets here.

She should be happy. Pool nearest the house opens tomorrow. Maybe we can go swimming and to the library.

Still problems with the soil in the north garden. Too much clay, locks moisture at the surface and evaporates quickly. Had to go to using the sprinkler and hypersaturating the soil. It's making a difference. Know once things really start growing, it should improve. I spread a couple of buckets of compost over that side today.

While planting in tomatoes, found I have a lot more earthworms than I had believed in the south garden. Figured it wouldn't hurt, so I started moving some a few at a time to the north garden. Maybe they'll take residence there and help condition the soil. Take a while, I know. Took two years to have a decent population in the south garden and even there it's not even.

Tried raising the height of the trellises this morning but ran out of netting after the first one. Rest will have to wait.

Lots of things getting to be a decent size now. Zinnia are over 3 ft tall. No flowers yet but soon. Some pea vines over 3 ft and growing daily. Lettuce heads getting pretty big, though a lot fewer than last year.

Heat already killed off the potato plants and lots of spinach bolted.

Hope this posts. Shower and bed time.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Knee better

My knee felt better today than it has in six weeks or so. Any coincidence that it's the day after I gave in to my Irish side and had a few shots of bourbon last night? Still hurts with an ache but not the sharp pain I've been having.

Came home and found the dog had tried digging under the hutch again. She has also dug in the garden. Added to tearing different things up and crapping where I've tried getting her to stop, became just a bit too much. She's now on a tie-out line. Can't reach the garden, far from the rabbits but food, water and the place she should be going quite convenient.

Good news- I get both Friday and Monday off with pay. Bad news- ex wants to drop daughter off late Saturday. Means we won't get to the aquarium without an expensive cab ride. She can stay with me at least part of Monday but there's no bus service in the whole city on Monday. And no bus service on this side of town on Sunday. Ex wanted to take daughter to a movie. Think I'll see if we can trade days with daughter.

Made it through to payday, tomorrow morning. Finally! Yeesh. Slim margin. Can take the water pump with me tomorrow or Thur and swap it for a different model. Looks like I really need to or the north garden just isn't going to grow. Everything starts growing, the dies off. Checked today and the soil was dry down to 4" or more. Barely moist past that point. Have to come up with a rotation schedule for watering different areas. Hope I don't have to replant the north garden but wouldn't surprise me. Lots of things have started there and then died off or at least suffered quite severely.

The big tomato plant took another hit. Winds caused the main stem to work down the stake. Main stem broke and everything above died. It's already forming new leaves below the break, so it will probably grow new stems again but going to take a long while before it grows any tomatoes. Bummer.

Started pulling seed pods from onion plants today. Number were developed and one had even split. Lots more still forming.

Going to get to bed early tonight. Maybe that helps my knee, too.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Sucks but I feel really down. Maybe getting sick? Not sure. I do have lots of reasons to feel down. Afraid. Lonely. Apprehensive. Unsure. Maybe it's allergies. Maybe I need to drink more. Maybe I need knee surgery. Maybe I should give up coffee. (OMG!!!!) maybe I should drink more alcohol. Maybe I should give up on this house and garden. Maybe I should give up on everything. Maybe I should give up on me. Why not? Everyone else always has, no matter how hard I kept trying.

Maybe the reason I've had sleeping for the last two nights is some illness coming on. I always get moody when getting sick. Add to it that today was a rather rotten day. Guess I'll test the theory and load up on various medications and vitamins tomorrow.

One reason it sucks to feel down so much is that the garden is really starting to look good. Least, for this area and this time of year. Of course, I'm not sure it will ever look quite as good as I hope for but it's getting there.

I've made the absolute decision to seek out a different job. This one just isn't for me. The views held are too limited, while mine is more holistic. The teamwork I hoped for was only in my imagination. There's no organization. Little respect based on anything but rank. And it would limit my time with my daughter during the summer too much. One of the reasons I took the position (and I stated such) was to learn. I have learned nothing. It's difficult for me to be at a new job and not learn anything new. Not my nature. But it has happened here. It's not organized at all and they do not want it to be. The people there feel more specialized and territorial if they keep their own little world as little as possible. Not my world or nursing view. Not even my military view, personally. Simply put, I don't fit.

Story of my life. Guess I'll keep searching.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Planting out

While daughter was playing with her friend, I got some stuff done around here.

It had clouded up and looked like it would rain (but didn't), so I started planting out tomato plants. They've reached a good size for planting out, getting too large for their containers. Some are already staked and I just moved the stakes with them. I still have some in containers and will move them to larger containers. Some will go into hanging and upside down planters.

Daughter and I went for a walk this morning and picked cherries. She wanted to pick cherries to sell to help me buy a new car. Guess she's tired of the bus. I feel badly for not having a car right now but it's financially an advantage. Saving the cost of gas and insurance, aside from the cost of the vehicle itself. Be much more practical after the ex's SUV is paid off. Any way, daughter couldn't sell the cherries, so she ate many and gave the rest away. Such a good kid!

The dog has been trying to dig under the rabbit hutch and get at the baby bunnies. I tried the nice way but I found she's been at it again. So I took her out next to the hutch a little while ago, pointed at the rabbits and swatted her nose several times. I haven't been able to completely stop her from digging in the garden. For that, I need to get some cayenne powder. As for the bunnies, if I see more signs of digging, she gets put on a tie-out line. For the most part, the bunnies are safe because the bottom of the run has chicken wire in place. Still, I don't want to find an injured or dead baby bunny. For all I know, there were more of them a few days ago. The dog has plenty of food, so that's not the problem. It's all behavioral. Have to check one more time before bed.

The ex surprised me with a book by Mark Twain she found at a thrift shop. Said it was only about $1 but still quite a surprise.

Time to get to bed.

Fortune cookie

When my daughter and I went to eat yesterday, as we left the restaurant, the waitress ran after us, yelling to stop us. Because we forgot our fortune cookies! Can honestly say that's never happened before. Mine said "You will be successful and live surrounded by luxury." (Note it does not say the luxury would be mine. Lol!) But my daughter's said "Your current plants will be successful." Not plan but plants. How odd is that?

I let her pick out one thing she wanted to plant yesterday. She chose Calla Lily. These grow from rhisomes rather than seeds, so should keep growing year after year. I planted them this morning. Hope we see flowers from them this year.

Daughter is at the neighbor boy's bd party. I'll go get her in a while but let her play and have fun for a bit first.

She got a yellow stripe in karate class. An addition to her white belt. Then she told her mother she would rather take art classes. That's okay, I can teach her how to fight and will do so. I much prefer she know how to defend herself but hope she never has to. And I can teach her things she will never learn in a standard karate class. What I cannot teach her about is art.

Baby bunnies!!

Went out to feed the rabbits this morning. Next to the food and water, I found we had three little baby bunnies! They're quite small but opening their eyes and able to get around on their own a bit. Of course, my daughter has been fawning over them.

Daughter and I went to a movie today. She wants to go to the butterfly exhibit next weekend, along with the aquarium. We went to see "Hop". She enjoyed it. I thought it sucked.

In contrast to the rest of this week, can't get to sleep tonight. Until a little while ago, it was mostly because of the party with a DJ around the corner. Of course, the later it got, the louder it got and several drunks got hold of the microphone. Seems to be a tradition here. Few minutes after 12, several cop cars showed up at high speed. But that was after the music had stopped. Since then, I think it's knee pain. Took some ketoprofen a few minutes back, waiting for it to work. Think it's time to ditch the knee support. Any external pressure seems to make it worse. May be the support is causing too much pressure and friction. Without it, knee feels weak. But weak is better than pain.

Back to bed. Daughter will wake me early.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I really believe rain or well water must be better for growing than municipal treated water. The chlorine is intended to kill bacteria. Which it likely does in the soil. But that means good bacteria as well as harmful ones.

Reason I say this right now is that I note that the little rain we had seems to have had a fairly dramatic effect on the garden. Though I do admit I supplemented with watering. Of course, maybe it's the weather. Been cloudy most of the day yesterday and part of the day today.

No matter for now. I'll find out if the water makes a difference in a few more days. For now, suffice it to say things are looking pretty good. And hopefully the weather has allowed the soil to remain damp long enough for more seeds to germinate. Know it's been cool enough for more lettuce to start. If it just gets started, it will grow.

Going to have to raise more of the trellises higher. Some of the bean vines are getting too tall, peeking over the top of the lower netting like Kilroy.

I was going to clean house more tonight but think I'll do it in the morning. Too tired tonight. Getting to bed shortly.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tired but productive

Not sure why but I've felt tired today. Maybe the weather. Maybe avoiding walking to some degree.

Still, talked myself into getting things done. Dishes, laundry and going to clean more in a bit. Just taking a break.

Since cucumbers and melons along the fence haven't grown from the first planting, I replanted. Learned to keep left knee straight and kneel on the right. Also scattered more marigold seeds in that area. Have some growing (no flowers yet) but I'd like a whole row of them. Attractive, good for the garden, good for the bunnies. It is possible things started to grow there below the mulch. Then cold weather came and wiped them all out.

I scattered my remaining lettuce seeds over the north side of the garden. Maybe if that starts growing, it will act as a living mulch for other small plants. In any case, if it grows it will help condition the soil.

Went ahead and direct planted onion seeds over most of the south garden. Not supposed to companion plant onions with beans or peas but I've had onions growing on one row, which now has the largest pea vines. Maybe just let them grow to set size and then transplant them after I harvest the first crop between tomatoes. From all I can tell, the first crop is producing some really large onions. Least the tops are big. Too bad I'm not a great fan of green onions (chives). If the seeds start growing by the time these are ready to harvest, I can sell some of these. I love onions but 100 onions are a bit much for me.

Okay, break's over.


We had some rain last night and this morning! Not a whole lot but enough to dampen the topsoil. Maybe bring down the fire danger a little.

Temp has cooled down again for a few days. Not cold enough to do damage to warm weather crops but cool enough for more lettuce to germinate. Lettuce rows are beginning to look decent. Spinach isn't quite as finicky and lots of spinach is growing now. (Okay, lots by the standard of what I've had before. Not lots by many standards.)

I'm letting the bolting spinach keep growing so I can save the seeds. Because of the temperature fluctuations, some of the onions are seeding now. Do the same with them. While it was easy to find red onion sets, I found it hard to find red onion seeds this year.

Since it's cloudy today, I went ahead and planted out the melon seedlings. I never labeled them, so should have an interesting mixture of melons growing all over the place.

Looks like much of the soil in the north garden is still resistant to moisture. Too much clay. Moisture has a hard time reaching below the first inch or so. Maybe I need to plant more there this year with shallow roots. May not even get a corn crop unless I get the pump going and do occasional flood irrigation there.

Was going to go exchange the pump today but decided to wait until next paycheck. Then see if I can trade up to a slightly more expensive, self-priming model. And let my knee rest today.

See a couple of the new strawberry plants are greening up!

The hanging tomato is still surviving. Not growing wildy but growing. I planted another tomato plant on the top of the same planter. Need to stake that one. Be cool if both produce. Going to make more hanging planters, since I now have an excess of tomato plants. (I did last year, too but that didn't last.)

Rest of today, I think I'll just alternate reading and housework.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sick day tomorrow

Decided I'm going to take a sick day tomorrow and let my knee recover a bit. Going to wrap it up with heat wraps all night tonight, all day tomorrow and tomorrow night. This is the first time in years I've had sick time, since I've been doing per diem work for so long. But I'd probably be taking tomorrow off even without sick time. If I have to, I'll make it up at the end of the contract. Tomorrow is a training day, so there are no patients in the clinic all day. May get some things done but going to convalesce most of the time.

Things still looking better..slowly. The melon seedlings have reached a good size for planting out and they've been in a lot of sunlight, so I should be able to put them in the ground next few days. (If my knee allows it.)

Potted tomato plants are looking really good. Move them further into the sun tomorrow. Should be able to set them in the ground in another week.

One of the "tomato trees" is forming small leaves now. The other seems to be dead but it did have roots formed, so not tossing it yet. Not sure about the strawberries yet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mistaken identity

Looks like I was wrong. I don't have as many green beans as I thought. A lot, possibly all of the vines I thought were green beans turned out to be peas! I know some green beans are growing because I did plant some beans where I didn't plant any peas.

The pump doesn't work. Shortened the hose..a lot. Tried taking the check valve back off. Nothing. Not producing any pressure at all. Have to take it back. Nothing to do right now but what I've been doing.

Thanks to the schizo weather, things are still growing amazingly slowly. Just beginning to speed up a bit now. Again. Hopefully more going on below the surface than above. Maybe if roots are expanding, once more happens above ground, it will seem sudden.

Re-injured my knee this morning. It was nearly well but I ran from one bus to catch another. It was too much strain too soon. Back of my knee has been in pain all day. Wearing the knee support again. At least this time it's only one ligament instead of two. This is taking longer to heal than any injury I've ever had except my back. Which took 2 1/2 years to heal.

I have to admit I sometimes get confused about just what the role is of the clinic I'm working at. They handle OB, PAP, birth control and dysplasia patients but no STD, fertility, breast biopsies or even UTI's. It's really fragmented in my view. In short, I'm kind of not getting it! My only choice is to do what I'm worst at and just memorize. Can't think about it because it won't make any sense to my mind. Not sure what will happen from here. Only 5 1/2 weeks left to the contract.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dumb mistakes

Pump still isn't pumping. Went and got a check valve today but it didn't do the trick. Then I found out I made several really dumb mistakes.

For one, I had the intake hose and output hose reversed.

Second, i have the intake hose too long. This pump only has a suction height of ten feet. May be slightly more with the narrower hose I'm using than the 1" it's rated for but still it's too long. Have to do something about it tomorrow. Tired and it's dark.

Good day at work. The other NP returned who has been gone for some time. Things ran pretty smoothly. Of course, I'm learning the job better over time.

Not much else to write about.

Back on the edge

Looks like I'm back closer to the financial edge than I'd like to be. Not as close as previously. But of the money I have, I promised my daughter we'd go see the butterfly exhibit this weekend at the botanical garden. It opens this weekend. Also need to get that foot valve. Least I have lots of rice and potatoes, plus the lettuce and some green beans which can be picked this week. Enough stuff to supplement. Bus pass is paid for. Water and gas are assured. Now enough to date that I'm not too worried about foreclosure. Made two payments on the ex's car last month and avoided repossession. It's a long way up from the bottom.

One reason I need the foot valve is for cooling. Water from the well is very cool and if I water in the evening, it helps cool the air entering the house. Good since weather is getting hotter and it takes a while for the house to cool down at night. For now, I'm not having to sleep in the daytime. See if I can capitalize on the pump somehow for that purpose.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

One muddy kid!

My daughter spent quite some time today playing with her friend from across the street. They always have fun together. Today, they were playing with the water hose in the back yard. Daughter got muddier and dirtier than she has ever been. I took a picture but she didn't like that very much. Got rather upset.

While playing with the hose, she sprayed a hole in a bare area of dirt and uncovered another section of black poly pipe. I wound up digging most of it out of the ground. By now, I'm not sure how many seemingly random lengths of this pipe I've dug up. Still need to dig out the rest of this one. Don't want to eventually be tilling and run into some of it. Better to get rid of it while this space is still mostly bare. Besides, maybe digging it up will loosen the soil so grass grows better there.

I don't have the money for it right now (though it's only $20) but Harbor Freight has something I want. (surprise, eh?) It's a solar powered fountain pump. No battery, so it only runs during the daytime. It has good reviews and apparently it's not weak, has a good rise to it. Wouldn't be too much good at the moment, with no pond to use it in. It has been in my plans since moving in, though. Figure maybe I can eventually try coupling the pump with a solar powered floodlight, see if that emits enough light to power it at night.

Got the connections for the pump put together. Have it set up so it will take only a minute to disconnect and bring it inside. With the well being in front of the house, I don't care to leave the pump unsecured. This is until I install some kind of base to keep it safe. Any way, the pump runs but even with priming, wouldn't pump. Need a foot valve. No way around it. Can probably get one tomorrow, long as I get out of work on time. There's a well supply place two blocks from my house..but they're only open 8-5, M-F. Because that's the only time anyone could need well parts or service, right? That's New Mexico.

Going to get to bed early. Mondays are long.

Weather changes

Having big changes from the weather changing so drastically so quickly. Temperature has jumped straight to near 90 some days now. Many established plants which were doing well are suffering a bit, while other things are beginning to sprout. A couple of pumpkins which I thought dead are forming new leaves. Other plants have browning edges on the leaves, like they're burned.

I was wandering around, wondering if I had done something terribly wrong. Too much fertilizer? Then I looked around and saw that it's a problem all around. Grass which was green is brown. Trees are shedding some leaves, even though they're green.

Basically, it seems like a widespread case of sunscald. Just like trying to harden plants off too quickly. Some plants will die off. Others will shed burned foliage and grow new. Some others may seem weak for a while and then recover.

Though I am happy I planted out a bit early. Some people I've talked with have just begun planting. They won't have the frustration I've had but I do have green beans which can be picked today. Had a salad from the garden this week. Daughter says the lettuce is the best she's ever eaten. I agree.

Couple the changes with how dry it is and problems are no surprise. NM is now in the midst of the worst drought in 100 years or more. (Meaning the water bills will be going up, on top of gas, power and food soon to follow.) If water bills increase too much, I may get a storage tank and do refresher reading on water treatment.

After the gas outage this winter, I plan on learning how to make methane. At least have the knowledge to go completely off the grid. Electric, water, gas and as much food as possible.

The plants I moved out to harden off are all doing really well. Had to stake some of the tomatoes yesterday. Melon seedlings are growing well. In all cases, have to plant out or transplant to larger containers soon.

Daughter and I went swimming yesterday. She surprised the heck out of me! She's made moves toward the diving board before but wouldn't even go up to it without me going with her. Yesterday, she said she was going to try it and walked over without me. I was expecting her to reach the end of the board and turn back. She got to the end of the board, looked a little nervous but then pinched her nose and jumped! Of course, I was not far off and watching for her to surface. She did and swam over to the side of the pool. High fives, hugs and praise later, she climbed the ladder and went to jump again. Did it a total of five times yesterday. For 8 years old, a great job!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Chills, cramping and a running pump

Yesterday morning, I woke up and my left tricep was in pain. That was where I got the varicella vaccine. The entire muscle was inflamed and hot to touch. Stayed that way all day. Got out of bed, let the dog outside and went back to get dressed. Then I was hit with a very instant, violent arctic chill. Had to cover back up with the comforter. Never had a chill come on so suddenly in my life! Took some Tylenol and went to work but felt like crap all day. I think it was a delayed reaction to the egg in the vaccine. Happy to say I'm much better today.

It wasn't easy but got the fittings for the pump yesterday. Went to Samon's plumbing and electrical. Won't go back there. I think the name Samon's is a cryptogram for "same old New Mexico shit". Bad service, not well organized, overpriced and not even a public restroom.

Got the pump wired and tested last night. Used a heavy cord from an old carpet cleaner. It works now!
Still have to get the hoses and such connected but that won't take long.

Ex has some kind of training Sat morning, so she's going to drop daughter off at my house tonight. Haven't had much chance to clean but more disorganized than dirty. Still be happy to have some more time with her.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More and more

More and more coming up. Looks like it was a good idea to move the mulch away. Whole rows of corn forming already. More carrots coming up. Plants that looked ill are looking healthier.

The one place this doesn't hold true is the flower bed. Though I admit that I planted a large variety of seeds in massive quantities. While lots are now growing, it's only a fraction of what was planted there.

Things are looking much greener, as well. Looking better and better.

More outside tomato plants showing signs of life again. Now counting ten plants outside. However, temps are still dropping into the 40's at night, so I held off on moving the indoor plants out for another day or two.

Had to move the generator this evening. With spring, the wind direction has changed and exhaust was blowing into the house. Not a bad move. It's quieter where it is now. It's closer to the neighbor's yard, so I stacked a bunch of cinder blocks on the side nearest their house to deflect the noise. Still hoping I can start getting equipment to go solar this month. Then noise and exhaust won't be an issue.

It was a good day at work. I'm getting a pattern down and we seem to be making a good team. In time, I tthink we'll find an effective pattern where it will become reflex.

Didn't have time after work to get the fittings I need for the pump and don't have the needed parts here. Have to get them tomorrow or Fri.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Home late

Just got home a little after 7:30 on the last bus in this part of town.

Went to get my varicella vaccine this afternoon. Since the Walgreen's I had to go to is in the area, I went to Harbor Freight and got the well pump. It's not a full size well pump but will pump 600 gals/hr. I also got a sledge hammer. Both of which I've needed for some time now.

I still need to get some fittings for the pump. Going to look around here and see if I have anything on hand which will do the job.

Had a salad from the garden for dinner. At least part of it was.

Spent all morning in class at work, then half the afternoon taking a medication test. Got 100 first and only try. Better than I expected but it did seem too easy. That always makes me nervous.

Melons I planted inside have sprouted. Need to move them out tomorrow and harden them off. Guess I'll move them and the tomatoes all at once.

Think the varicella is making me sleepy. Odd reaction but I should sleep well tonight.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Another sandstorm

Another windy day. Not quite as bad as some previous sandstorms but winds up to 40-some mph. Garden survived quite well. Can't say the same for my sinuses.

The plants I ordered arrived. They were dormant but each a good size. Went ahead and planted them. Strawberries outside and tomatoes inside. Wait and see what happens now.

Most of the strawberries I planted before seem to have died off but a couple are growing again.

Still seems like 30 is some kind of magic number for me. With the new tomato plants, that brings me to 26 plants inside and about 4 which are recovering outside now. Though there is still the big one, forming new leaves. Need to start hardening off the ones inside.

Today was a much better day at work. I still think it's asking for trouble to have as many as four charts on one patient. I'm better getting the hang of juggling them but it's still too much information spread across too many places.

Got some good news. I was afraid the water could be turned off before I paid the bill. But crossed my fingers because I didn't have the money for what I figured the bill would be. Didn't open the bill..until tonight. That was when I found out I had overpaid the bill last time, so I actually owe nothing! Fact is, I still have a $3 credit. That was a big relief!

My knee is almost completely well. Can stretch my leg out to normal extension when walking. Not so great at squatting but keep doing light squats to help stretch things out. This weekend, it didn't hurt much at all, just felt tight, like it was still wrapped when it wasn't.

I got the back yard straightened out a bit yesterday. Moved the pallets back to a stack near the gate. Raked up all the seed pods from the chinese elms, along with the detritus from the dog chewing on stuff.

Getting to bed before 10 tonight. Read for a while and get to sleep.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mulch away

Happy to say that green beans have started growing already.

As of this week, it doesn't look like I'll have to buy lettuce for a while. Black seeded simpson is growing well. Never got a single head of it last year but planted it too late. Tried it this evening and it's really good. Tender with a sweet flavor. Some romaine is coming up, as well. So is iceberg but not holding out much hope for it with the temp jumping so high so fast.

It seems more and more definite that the mulch is doing damage to some of the plants. Not all but some. Many of the plants most surrounded by mulch sprout, begin to grow but then start looking lysed, like the nutrients or moisture are being bled out of them. Areas where I have thinned or removed mulch have stronger growth. So this afternoon I removed most of the mulch, raking it off to the sides. Maybe it was just too green and needs to compost more. Even where it is, it will help retain moisture and deter some weeds.

Planted more carrots and cucmbers. Figure it's difficult to overplant carrots and can thin cucumbers if necessary. Planted more pumpkins because many got frostbite and died off this week. They're supposed to make a good natural mulch (which isn't toxic).

Aside from the flowers, I've given up on the front yard until I get a pump for the well. Get that this week. Too expensive and too much work to water the whole yard front and back every day. Once I get the pump I can try a number of things which require more water. Just wouldn't make sense to try growing and wind up with such an excessive water bill that it defeats the purpose.

It will still be a gradual expansion. The pump alone won't be all I need. More water hoses. Different fittings and faucet splitter. Get those over time. I do still have that black piping which seems mostly patent, so can use that for some extensions. It may be all I need. Not sure yet.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

All in one week

Like I wrote yesterday, things are looking up in the garden.

Still, a lot of damage in one week. Cold damage, heat damage, bugs and what may be fertilizer burn on random leaves. Not sure on that last one. Could just be leaves showing varying degrees of frost damage.

After the cold the other night, things have heated up. Nearly 90 degrees today. So the potatoes look like they're suffering.

Later, I know the pumpkin plants will grow in the heat but wilt alarmingly. They often look on the verge of dying, then perk up at sunset. Still hoping the corn will pick up soon, give some pumpkins shade.

I don't get what I'm doing wrong with broccoli or if none will ever grow here successfully. Too cold and it dies. Too hot and it doesn't flower. And it's an aphid magnet. Already getting too hot for it to flower now. Some small ones look like they've been trampled.

I do fertilize but not to an extreme. So maybe part of the problem is that I am trying to keep things at a level which will not do lasting damage to the environment. This can come at a cost of slower growing plants which could be more prone to natural damage. Not sure. Haven't been at this long enough. One thing I do know is that I live too close to a river and only a few yards above an aquifer to conscientously dump huge amounts of chemicals in the yard for the sake of one good season. Especially when the weather isn't cooperating, any way. It will get there.

Daughter and I went to the library, the dollar store and out to eat. Lots of time on the bus but we had fun. Now she's playing with a friend across the street. I need to get gas for the generator and we're going to make flowers for her mother. Painted green bamboo sticks with wire stabilized ribbon and maybe streamer paper. She already made a card at school. Plus we'll cut some real roses from the front yard.

Gonna get to the gas station.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Nightly update

Main reason I wrote earlier was just because i finished the book I was carrying. First and then second buses were late, causing me to miss the third by a few minutes and had to wait for another one for about 40 minutes.

Looks like that last frost finally killed most of the tomato plants. Only three are showing outward signs of life now. Not going to pull the other ones up. Maybe they'll still recover. If not, the count of plants inside is 25 and they're getting to be a good size. Still be a couple months before they produce, though.

First flowers have bloomed in the new flower bed! They're tiny pink and yellow flowers. But I note that dozens more small plants are now sprouting. Maybe this flower bed will wind up looking something the way it was planned! Yay!

Now still hoping the other two flower beds start growing. Makes sense if they bloom later, as they're both in partial shade.

Happily, a couple dozen more lettuce sprouts are visible.

I went ahead and added height to a couple of the trellises because the green bans are nearly at the top of the lower section. Lots of little white flowers and I'm guessing I should be able to pick the first green beans in about two weeks.

Looking more optimistic!


I have to say the clinic where I am working is rather disorganized. And with very good reason. The way things are set up, depending on the diagnosis of the patient, that one patient can have up to four charts (which I am aware of). Now, that is counting a central computerized chart. Then, on the computer, it can take as many as four computer programs to handle charting, labs, orders, scheduling, profiles (military medical limitations) and with information scattered in various files in different places.

I find it rather amazing the place functions at all.

I was told when I started that if I saw how something could be done more efficiently, to speak up about it. I think next week I'll put that to the test. I'm sure I can come up with methods to streamline all of this, condense it and make it easier to handle. Dependent, of course, on how much resistance I encounter.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Deep roots

So far, the things doing best are those items with deep, well established roots. Trees. The grape vine isn't doing badly at all.

Still, more rebounding happening. The large tomato plant is forming new leaves.

More lettuce and spinach growing while existing ones bush out more. Now comes the problem. Temps are now climbing into the 80's. So, more of the spinach is bolting. Older plants which have survived for months but still, may not be a good sign. Afraid more lettuce may not germinate.

Turns out most of the cucumbers survived, after all. Least, I think it's cucumbers. I co-planted with peas and peas aren't coming up anywhere else. So, I think it's a valid assumption.

Potatoes are picking back up. Guess they tolerate cold better than heat. Too bad the corn isn't growing fast enough to give them more shade. Probably have tiny taters again this year.

There is one good thing. In late afternoon, with the trees getting large and bushy on the west, the temperature in the back yard is much cooler than the sunnier areas. By 6 PM, the shadows now climb most of the way up the back wall of the house.

Too bad it wouldn't work to dig the whole back yard down by a few ft and let the water seep up from below. But too much rock and too much risk to contaminate the aquifer by doing so.

Much less expensive and easier will just be getting a pump. There's one on sale at Harbor Freight which I think I'll buy. Has good reviews and pumps up to 650 gals an hour. About $40. Probably won't last for many years but will pay for itself in no time.

It talks

Creepo finally spoke to me this week. Couple days ago, he walked up to me and started asking where I work and what I do. By this time, I've become too wary to give any more than terse, generalized answers. Along the way, he also gave implicit knowledge that he had watched what direction I walk after arriving at work. He never introduced himself or asked for my name. I kept the conversation short, saved by the bus and sat far away from him. No further conversation since then and he seems to have backed off a bit, gradually.

Still, I am carrying my pocket knife with me. Just for mental comfort. Doubt it will be needed but better safe than sorry.

Warmer this morning, above 40. Least I don't need long johns any more. Still wearing long sleeves and a jacket and hat.

Knee is nearly well but still have to wear the knee support to reduce spasms. Common for injured ligaments to spasm a lot when almost healed. Not painful but irritating and can make my knee feel really weak at random moments.

Bus is here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Good news. Only took until today for the garden to recover from the cold spell. Well, except for the tomatoes.

More things are already coming up here and there. Looks like corn is sprouting. I haven't had the bravery to check the cucumber plants. But I did plant more seeds not long ago, so hoping they come up. If the current ones died off, I still have a couple of packets of seeds I bought when they were cheap. Still have lots of corn, also. Once things grow, I'll harvest seed for next year. Now I know that cucmber seeds have to be fermented like tomato seeds.

The "climbing strawberries" and "tomato trees" I ordered have been shipped, so hoping they arrive soon. Of course, also hoping they have some kind of value. Of course, I'll write about them either way. Of course, I was hoping they would be here today but they weren't.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Damage done

Seems like there was probably frost last night. Some plants which were not covered seem to have died off. They look frostbitten.

Worst part is that every single tomato plant outside has either gone dormant again or simply died off. That includes the big vine. Should have brought that one inside.

Aside from tomatoes, everything which was covered is okay. Amazingly, most of the green bean plants seem to be okay. In fact, most still have flowers and some are getting tall enough that I'll have to extend the trellis higher this week.

Some spinach plants are coming up in unexpected places. That's because of the dog running over the tops of the mounds right after earlier plantings. Oh, well. Long as it's growing!

At the very least, I'll have green beans, lettuce, spinach, carrots, onions, garlic, pumpkins (optimistic) and some potatoes. Not so sure about the rest but keep trying.

No frost last night

I'm sure that many farmers in the north central and northwest would gladly change places with my concerns right now.

I feel really badly for them and all they're going through. However, their plight makes it even more important for my own garden to have some success this year. With their land being flooded and no knowing if they will be able to produce crops at all, we can be certain that grocery prices will skyrocket soon. Those prices will remain high for quite some time. Look at a current weather map and you see nothing but snow, ice, flooding and drought all the way across the country. Almost like we're heading into another Dust Bowl.

According to the weather report, there was no frost in my area last night. There was no frost obviously visible this morning. However, the thermometer outside indicated the temp was in the 20's when I went to catch the bus. So I am happy I covered things up.

Forecast says it should be warmer from here on. But it said that before. We actually did have an early spring..followed by late winter fronts multiple times. Many wild things just won't grow this year and many crops will be late, if they grow at all. So I'm far from alone in my struggles. Doesn't make me feel better.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Freeze alert (amended)

Well, we had frost here last night, after all. Spotty frost. Only damaged a few things.

However, there's a freeze warning on for tonight. Of course, I didn't see that until I had planted out the giant pumpkin sprouts. Not too much difference. They had rooted all the way to the bottoms of their containers and roots were wrapping around each other. If they freeze, I'll just have to get more seeds and replant in a few weeks.

It'll still upset me most if the tomatoes and green beans freeze. Of course, won't be happy about anything else but those will distress me more than anything at this point.

Not too much to do now. See what happens and check things out tomorrow evening.

After writing the above, I realized I did have something I could do. All those plastic buckets would serve well to help insulate plants for a mild frost. It's supposed to be warm tomorrow. So, between the buckets I've stockpiled and the mail containers that "J" gave me the bunny compost in last year, I had enough to cover a number of plants. None of the green beans, since they're climbing the trellises. I did cover most of the tomatoes, though a couple were too tall. Covered many of the pumpkin plants. And I cannot disappoint my daughter, so no small number are covering flower plants. With 31 plastic containers covering the garden, it looks like a plastic bucket garden. But if it works, that's quite alright!

Oh, forgot to mention. The Nurse Practitioner who is my boss wasn't there today. Some kind of training or meeting. But I did finally get the computer access I need to do my job. Not much use for it today. I got paid for making two phone calls and otherwise sitting on my ass all day, doing nothing. Unless I was in orientation, I cannot think of a single day before this in over 16 years of nursing when I got paid to do so little. She's supposed to be gone tomorrow, also.

That's okay. I can use the time to finish getting signed off on the rest of my in-processing paperwork. Would have done that today but my knee was in sharp pain. Not such a bad thing. In this case, it's a sign my knee is almost well. Besides, the novelty was worth something in itself.

Just above freezing

When I went to catch the bus this morning, checked the weather for the temp. It was 34 degrees. Seems I just barely missed a freeze last night. Chances are good some light frost occurred in small spots, so some smaller plants may suffer damage.

Sucks. Beginning of May and still getting this cold. So much for the long growing seasons of the south. If all goes well from now until fall, I'll have five good months of growing.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wind and cold

Not a highly exciting weekend but not a bad one by any means. Main issue is that it's been cold and windy all day today. Rained a small amount this afternoon but not enough to count for much.

Yesterday, daughter and I went to a movie. Yogi Bear. Not the best movie I've seen but she liked it. Brought a book along and did a lot of reading on the bus.

Today we didn't do a whole lot. Played around here. Watched videos, read, went for a short walk. She seemed to have fun.

The giant pumpkin seeds the ex gave me sprouted yesterday. By this evening, they had drown 2-3 inches taller. Going to have to transplant them out tomorrow. Would have done it this evening but temp is supposed to drop even further tonight. But can't wait long at this growth rate!

Even with the schizo weather the garden is looking more like a garden every day now. More tiny lettuce sprouts coming up. Some flower plants are getting quite large. Zinnia, I think. Lots of smaller ones. No flowers yet.

There is something which has caught my attention. The pattern of the trees around the back yard shortens the direct sun to most of the garden once they leaf out. This means the soil warms later than normal for the season. It's a good thing for later in the summer because it means the garden won't get overheated too much. Should help with moisture retention a bit. May even help keep some crops growing longer. Maybe. Much is because the trees to the west keep getting taller and thicker. Ones on my property and the adjoining property, the dance studio. Late in the day, it will shield the house from late day sun in the hottest days of summer. Guess those trees have a reprieve of a few more years. Until I get some fruit trees growing to a decent size or get the solarium completely built.

In the front yard, the rose bush is looking much better. Trimmed off a bunch of dead or injured branches, brown and yellow leaves and old dead roses. Have at least a dozen roses budding and blooming now. And the little red and pink flowers are budding as well.

So, things are looking up. Hope they stay that way!