Friday, May 20, 2011


I really believe rain or well water must be better for growing than municipal treated water. The chlorine is intended to kill bacteria. Which it likely does in the soil. But that means good bacteria as well as harmful ones.

Reason I say this right now is that I note that the little rain we had seems to have had a fairly dramatic effect on the garden. Though I do admit I supplemented with watering. Of course, maybe it's the weather. Been cloudy most of the day yesterday and part of the day today.

No matter for now. I'll find out if the water makes a difference in a few more days. For now, suffice it to say things are looking pretty good. And hopefully the weather has allowed the soil to remain damp long enough for more seeds to germinate. Know it's been cool enough for more lettuce to start. If it just gets started, it will grow.

Going to have to raise more of the trellises higher. Some of the bean vines are getting too tall, peeking over the top of the lower netting like Kilroy.

I was going to clean house more tonight but think I'll do it in the morning. Too tired tonight. Getting to bed shortly.

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