Saturday, January 19, 2013

Container shortage

Got lots of seeds started inside now. Biggest problem now is a shortage of containers to start more with. Have at least 90 purple broccoli seeds and 60 tomato seeds, plus peppers. I was happy to find there were many more pepper seeds in the packs than described!

Temps are coming up. Got out today and planted spinach. No exact count but guessing I planted around 500 seeds. Going to plant carrots tomorrow. Don't have as many carrot seeds as I thought left from last year. May go ahead an plant lettuce. If it's too cold, they just won't germinate until it is warm enough. 

Really, really happy to say the soil is the best it has been for planting any year so far. Even with tilling, this is the first year I have not wound up with sore fingers when planting. To be sure, I have a lot of dense clay areas left but it is breaking down and becoming looser. The most active part of the garden has soil that is quite dark and healthy. When tilling, I get a fraction of the dust I once got, no matter how dry the soil is. You can smell the difference and know much of it is healthy soil. 

I am digging out all the remaining plants which I hoped would go dormant and come back this year. Potting them, so I can till and treat those areas with acid. The immediate surrounding areas had lots of grass and weeds. Those are tomatoes and strawberries. 

I'm still trying some less conventional produce. Giant varieties of some things, different colors of others. Some of these have a high failure rate, historically. However, many have a better than average nutritional value and can call for a higher asking price. Even more so if grown with no pesticides. So I am hoping to make some money from the garden this year.

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