Since extending the solarium across most of the west side of the house, started taking some temp readings. These readings were taken at my head height, about 5'7" above ground.
The first day it was up, the max temp was 78 degrees, while ambient temp was 48. The second day, max temp was 89 degrees, while the ambient temp was again 48. The thermometer I am using records the lowest and highest temps in any 24 hour period. The lowest temp reached was 22 degrees.
So, my next step is going to be to place several containers of potting soil out in the solarium and check the temperature of the soil for a few consecutive days. If the soil can maintain a temperature above 50, I can start some seeds. If not, I'll start them inside and move them out later.
I think the successive increasing temps is because the gains are cumulative. While ambient air temp may get cold, the walls of the house retain heat better day after day with no convection to rob them of heat.
It may be a good idea to add some thermal mass to the solarium, such as some cinder blocks to use as plant racks. However, just some buckets of water or compost may do the trick. I'll try each and see what the results are.
The first day it was up, the max temp was 78 degrees, while ambient temp was 48. The second day, max temp was 89 degrees, while the ambient temp was again 48. The thermometer I am using records the lowest and highest temps in any 24 hour period. The lowest temp reached was 22 degrees.
So, my next step is going to be to place several containers of potting soil out in the solarium and check the temperature of the soil for a few consecutive days. If the soil can maintain a temperature above 50, I can start some seeds. If not, I'll start them inside and move them out later.
I think the successive increasing temps is because the gains are cumulative. While ambient air temp may get cold, the walls of the house retain heat better day after day with no convection to rob them of heat.
It may be a good idea to add some thermal mass to the solarium, such as some cinder blocks to use as plant racks. However, just some buckets of water or compost may do the trick. I'll try each and see what the results are.
Hey there! I can see the fact that you deeply understand what you are speaking about. Do you have a special education that is linked with the subject of this blog entry? Can't wait to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteOnly by my own independent study. Done tons of reading about solar design to try and design the permanent solarium properly.