Well, the temperature is way too cold to be starting any seeds in the solarium at this point. So, I'm starting seeds inside for now. Of course, that means smaller scale for the moment.
However, I am ramping up for the growing season this year. Going to try and make a profit from the garden this year. That means expanding the garden, narrowing the number of crops and growing crops which offer a decent income.
I ordered beefsteak tomato seeds. 600 of them. Of course, not expecting all of them to germinate, survive and produce. I have learned enough to expect as many as 400 of them to reach that point, though. If too many, can always sell the plants, also.
Also ordered Ghost Pepper seeds, 10 red and 10 yellow. Scorpion Pepper seeds, 10 of them. Scorpion Peppers have actually displaced Ghost Peppers as the hottest peppers on earth but Ghost Peppers are better known at this point. I'm also going to grow jalapenos and Tabasco peppers, mostly for my own sauces. I'll harvest seeds from all the peppers to expand their numbers over time.
However, I am ramping up for the growing season this year. Going to try and make a profit from the garden this year. That means expanding the garden, narrowing the number of crops and growing crops which offer a decent income.
I ordered beefsteak tomato seeds. 600 of them. Of course, not expecting all of them to germinate, survive and produce. I have learned enough to expect as many as 400 of them to reach that point, though. If too many, can always sell the plants, also.
Also ordered Ghost Pepper seeds, 10 red and 10 yellow. Scorpion Pepper seeds, 10 of them. Scorpion Peppers have actually displaced Ghost Peppers as the hottest peppers on earth but Ghost Peppers are better known at this point. I'm also going to grow jalapenos and Tabasco peppers, mostly for my own sauces. I'll harvest seeds from all the peppers to expand their numbers over time.
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