So, when I got outside yesterday to check, looked like no damage had occurred to the garden from the frost. No more frost forecast for the immediate future. Light frost expected late next week but wait and see how that prediction changes.
I need to get out and till the remaining areas before growth sets in. Also have trees I need to trim. All that is harder once things start turning green. Need to get flower seeds in the ground and some more cooler crops. Even if they don't produce, they make a good ground cover and retain moisture.
I'm seeing good results regarding weeds with the acid treatments. Only have a fraction of the weeds I once had. Still have some but much easier to manage. I noted last year that the more acidic the soil became in some areas, the less certain weeds grew there. If they started coming up, treating and making the soil more acidic beat them back. Without breaking my back! Nice!
The one I still have a raging battle with is white morning glory. I have beat it back a little but that's a tough one because it grows well in healthy soil. The better the soil conditions, the better they grow. Not much to do but pull and burn and spray with acid.
I need to get out and till the remaining areas before growth sets in. Also have trees I need to trim. All that is harder once things start turning green. Need to get flower seeds in the ground and some more cooler crops. Even if they don't produce, they make a good ground cover and retain moisture.
I'm seeing good results regarding weeds with the acid treatments. Only have a fraction of the weeds I once had. Still have some but much easier to manage. I noted last year that the more acidic the soil became in some areas, the less certain weeds grew there. If they started coming up, treating and making the soil more acidic beat them back. Without breaking my back! Nice!
The one I still have a raging battle with is white morning glory. I have beat it back a little but that's a tough one because it grows well in healthy soil. The better the soil conditions, the better they grow. Not much to do but pull and burn and spray with acid.
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