Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spinach and lettuce!

Walked out to water the garden this morning and found myself surrounded by thousands of tiny sprouts! Lettuce and spinach are coming up!

One problem is the same as previous years. Surface soil dries in little or no time. That means shallow planted seeds don't germinate easily. I have been watering but obviously not enough. 

Got the well pump running yesterday and started using that to irrigate. Don't have the drip system in place for the year yet. However, I can set up sprinklers on timers, so they run several times a day until things get going. Right now, I'm letting the sprinkler run for a couple of hours, to get the soil soaked deeply and to leach off some of the surface sodium. The well water has much lower sodium levels and high nitrate levels. I believe it also has iron content but have not received the results of the water tests I sent in. (Need to write to Home Depot about that.)

I ordered a Granny Smith apple tree and a Red Crape Myrtle from Summerstone Nursery. They came today. They ship their trees in a dormant state, ready to plant. Have to get those potted tomorrow. Daughter loves Granny Smith apples. She does understand it will be several years before the tree will produce fruit. 

Bought some strawberry roots and some onion sets at Lowe's today. Great price on the onion sets, at only $2 for 80 sets!

Lots to do in the next week to get ready for spring, which is obviously coming in really soon. Hope with no more false starts. 

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