Tilled the second half of the main garden today. That is, tilled some deeper and extended the garden a few feet further west.
Treated heavily with sulfuric acid. Spot treated some weeds which had popped up in different spots, especially the weed flowers.
I had spread iron sulfate a few days ago.
Set up the sprinkler hooked to the well pump. Ran the sprinkler for several hours to completely soak that area. Plan on doing that a few times before plowing and planting. Plus at least one more acid application and maybe a strong ammonia treatment, as well.
I think the combination of all the above should really get the garden going for the year. Can plant out that section with some crops in the next week or so.
Some other random tasks today involved cleaning up the back yard somewhat. Mostly dog messes of various types. Though I have a lot more to clean up involving debris which has blown into the yard from the church parking lot. Still happening, even with a more solid gate in place.
Still have a lot to do but should have it done soon.
Treated heavily with sulfuric acid. Spot treated some weeds which had popped up in different spots, especially the weed flowers.
I had spread iron sulfate a few days ago.
Set up the sprinkler hooked to the well pump. Ran the sprinkler for several hours to completely soak that area. Plan on doing that a few times before plowing and planting. Plus at least one more acid application and maybe a strong ammonia treatment, as well.
I think the combination of all the above should really get the garden going for the year. Can plant out that section with some crops in the next week or so.
Some other random tasks today involved cleaning up the back yard somewhat. Mostly dog messes of various types. Though I have a lot more to clean up involving debris which has blown into the yard from the church parking lot. Still happening, even with a more solid gate in place.
Still have a lot to do but should have it done soon.
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