Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lonely evening

There are days I get lonely. It's rare. Even more rare it lasts more than a few minutes. Even more rare I admit it to myself. Though if it happens, it happens most often in Autumn.

Combine that with fighting off some infection and a bad day for work and it becomes the perfect storm for me.

Seemed like almost nobody I talked to today had a clear thought in their head.

When I do get lonely, I don't get lonely for just someone. I get lonely for someone I can trust. Which means someone not intensely dependent. Honest. That will not make me pay a really high price for having moments of weakness. 

Guess what? I don't like being strong all the time. It gets old. Not interested in someone to take care of me. Just someone I don't always have to take care of. 

Any way, it will pass. Going to have a couple of beers and get some sleep.

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