Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've had the soaker hoses directly on top of the mounds to keep the soil damp while the seeds take. Now I'm seeing clearly the heavy salt content of the soil here which I've read about repeatedly.  Of course, it doesn't really look like salt so much as rust.

The advice I've read from UNM was to water in the trenches and allow the wicking effect to draw moisture into the mounds. Since doing the watering from the top, I imagine I should now continue doing so until the ground gets worked again. Watering from the bottom at this point would draw the salts right across the established roots. That's okay, I wasn't seeing the effect they mentioned so much, any way. Maybe that works well for soil with more organic material from being worked previously. 

I'm rather thinking of removing as much of the salts as I can as they become accumulated at the bottom of the mounds. Just scrape the surface salt off. Not sure what to do with it then..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting in order

Since moving in here last year, I have had things stored in Sterilite boxes stacked up here and there. No place to really get them organized, just stack them up elsewhere. With the shelves up in the shed, I can get the house organized now in time for Easter. Going to work on that tomorrow. Need to clean house and yard, too before Sunday. Going to have the egg hunt here and want it to look nice. I want it to look nice any way but that gives me an extra push to get it done faster. 

Got some things for Easter today. Dye, basket, candy, stuff to make cookies with. Still need to get my daughter an Easter dress. Also need eggs but hoping they'll be on special this week. 

Been gradually increasing the dog's time outside over weeks, when it wasn't too cold. Weather is nice enough that she made the transition to being an outdoor dog last night. Seems to be liking it. She's more energetic and playful.

Started moving the chicks outside this afternoon. They seem to like it, as well. Put them in the hutch. If the get too hot, they can go from the open run to the enclosed hutch. Whole thing is protected on all sides since I got the top on yesterday. Started mixing bread and other bird food in with their chick starter feed and they're taking to that well. Just have to watch them and make sure they digest it properly. I'm still bringing them inside at night because they're not completely feathered out yet.

May be jumping the gun but replanted three kinds of peas and celery yesterday, more Romaine and broccoli today. Need to get more spinach seeds, I think. I'd much rather be thinning out than waiting for something to grow which never does.

If the weather warms up only a little bit more, it will be an awesome spring and growing season! If that happens and remains that way for a while, both warm and cool season crops will thrive at the same time! However, there is a light frost forecast for this Fri night. I may try planting out some warmer weather crops next week, after that frost.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

End of freezing weather?

The forecast for the coming week reaches high 60's to low 70's nearly every day. Can it be the end of freezing weather, or is that too much to hope for?

Last year, the local farmer's markets opened in May. This year they've posted their opening dates in mid-June. So the weather is definitely affecting everyone. 

Since it's still cool most nights but warm during the day, decided to try something out. Going to take out some clear (translucent) Sterilite boxes and start seeds in those. Since I have them on hand, there's no cost involved. Some other advantages are: 1) They're portable. If it gets below freezing, I can bring them inside. 2) They have lids. This helps retain moisture and I can put the lids in place at night or even cooler days. 3) Since I can place them outside, no need to harden off plants started in them. They'll just go from Sterilite to in the ground. 4) No weed problems and easier to control bugs until plants are established and go into the garden. 5) No need for artificial lighting or heat. 6) No need to build a greenhouse. 

By the UNM planting calendar, only 2-3 more weeks until many warm weather plants can be planted out. I don't know about getting things in the ground but it's a good time to get more things started inside for a better chance at some more successful crops. Want to get a few more things started soon. A few pumpkin plants started a few weeks back are looking good. Couple of green bean plants are surviving, though I'm not sure they'll last much longer indoors. Had to move them up to larger containers once already. I've started hardening off the plants again, which had a false start a couple weeks ago, before we got a bunch of cold and snow. 

The apple trees are still going. Up to 19 of them now. Daughter's pecan tree has about 8 full-size leaves on it and is taking to hardening off well. We transplanted it into a larger container on Friday.

Two things it seems I'll have plenty of from the garden this year is onions and garlic. Those are doing exceptionally well. Some peas and carrots are showing up. Lettuce is still growing (so it appears), even if not exactly where I wanted it.

I have a lot of things planned for tomorrow. Took a melatonin to get to sleep early and starting to feel it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What a day

I'll start with the negative of the day. It becomes lessened when the positive follows.

Neighbor kids came over and played with my daughter most of the day. However, they brought their mean little dog over. Not known to me, they took the dog in the house and let it run loose while the kids were all playing in my daughter's room. To make a long story short, the dog killed the bunny. 

This occurred while I was outside, nearly finished with the rabbit hutch. I went ahead and finished it. Better to have it complete before getting another rabbit or two. I do still need to put a roof in place but want to put hinges on the top. It's high enough to keep rabbits in but need the roof for protection from predators. It's strong and will hold up to anything short of human. Has chicken wire across the bottom to keep rabbits from digging out and predators from digging in. That wire comes up and overlaps the lower half of the side wire. There's enough space for at least 3-4 rabbits, with a decent sized run. 

Erected some of the shelves in the shed. I now have 8 shelves in three sections with space at the bottom of each section. So, 11 spaces for storage so far, each 2'x4'. Have enough equipment left for 6 more shelves in two more sections. Still need to get things organized, though. 

Back up to 17 tomato plants, up from the 10 or 11 I was down to. Planted seeds for Brandywine and Rutgers tonight. I've read good things about each but never tried either, to my knowledge. Also planted just four Roma seeds. They're supposed to be good paste/sauce tomatoes but kind of bland for anything else, to me.

Daughter and the two neighbor girls had me spray paint pink streaks in their hair today. It's washable and I had pre-approval from the mother. They loved it, like a carnival to them.

Daughter later got a bath. She was tired from playing all day. We read a couple of Dr Seuss books and she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I can't think of  better end to any day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Full moon

So, it's a full moon or close enough to it for things and people to be off kilter. I noted many years ago that strange behavior actually starts about three days before the full moon and starts declining by the second night of the full moon. 

Got up this morning, it was bright, sunny and getting warm. Seemed like a great day to get things done outside. Had to go get my paycheck and run some errands. While driving back home, a sandstorm blew in with enough force to be affecting cars. (As if New Mexico drivers aren't bad enough on their own!) Got home and watched as the wind snapped the 1x2's holding the plastic sheeting on the raised bed. Guess if I build something like that, it has to be 4x4's or stronger. I had thought this was small enough to have little wind resistance, so didn't have to be that strong. Obviously, quite wrong. 

 Wind was too strong and too cold to work on the hutch and coop with any enjoyment.

Add the fact that the dog hasn't gotten used to her doghouse yet. Not sure she will, either. If she goes inside, she may miss something. So, she stays so close under my feet while I'm working outside that I trip over her if I step 6" to one side. It's not much fun to be losing your balance with high speed cutting tools in your hand.

Weather is supposed to be slightly better tomorrow, though there's a slight chance of snow and winds up to 25 mph. Whatever. Still going to work on some things that need to be done. I'd like to get those shelves up in the shed. Once those are up, I'll probably build a work table in there to have a work space out of the weather and away from the dog, for safety.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More lessons learned

Some folks would call my day today mundane. Not so mundane for me, since I haven't been raising chicks and rabbits for long yet. 

Got three more chicks today. One male white, two female reds. All from the same brood as the ones I had, or at least very close. Never knew baby chickens would sing. Though I had some agricultural exposure through my life, all the chicks and chickens I've ever been around have peeped, squawked  and just in general been noisy in a rather unpleasant way. I've been nicely surprised by the gentle cheeping and, today, even singing I've heard from these chicks. One thing is that they only do this when they're warm and well fed. Maybe another thing is the breed? Not sure. I've also learned that they will fall asleep in only a couple of minutes of you hold them and cover them up with the other hand or your shirt. They're really cute, just getting feathers on their wings and some have tried flying, though without much success.

Up to six used pallets now. Got some more from Harbor Freight and from a nearby store which tosses old pallets out in back. Got an email from someone replying to a CL post of mine, saying they sell nearly new used pallets for $0.75 each. If they're nearby, that would be cool. Though it lacks the adventure of seeing what else I find along the way.

Found some old store display racks, metal ones with hooks. Be good for hanging tools and such on. That and more plastic trays. Seem to be from produce deliveries. Good for plants or for organizing storage.

Another lesson learned- You can stucco just about anything! I finished the main exterior of the doghouse this evening and I'm thinking I'll stucco it. Then it dawned on me that you can stucco wood, brick, cement.. It can be used for houses, fences, doghouses and more. I'm also thinking of maybe doing the same with the coop and hutch. I think stucco must have been the predecessor to Bondo! The advantage for the doghouse, chicken coop and rabbit hutch are the same as for a house. Adds strength, makes it more water resistant and insulates. In this case, it would also tie together the appearance of the structures to the appearance of the house, itself while making them all look better than they will otherwise. Not very expensive, with a few dollars worth of felt roofing material, some chicken wire for lath and probably less than $10 of stucco for each. Be good practice so my first attempt at doing stucco work won't be on the house.

Gave the dog a bath. She was filthy. Got the dishes and some laundry done, badly needed. House has been a mess for a few days. Always gets that way when my schedule gets thrown around too much. Now I need to get to bed soon, so I can get some things done before the ex drops daughter off in the afternoon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More freaky weather

After work, had some errands to run this morning. Did those, got home. Few minutes later, looked out the window, saw a couple of small snow flurries. Looked again a few minutes after that, it was snowing lightly. Looked a few minutes after that and there were large flakes, could barely see the produce store across the street. 

Got some sleep. Woke up at 4 PM. Looked outside. Nice, pretty, sunny and near 70 degrees F. 

In spite of all this, the garden keeps going. Lots of tiny new sprouts coming up, so nearly every mound has things just beginning to grow now. 

I still have lots of construction projects to work on around here. Haven't been able to complete any of them yet. Between work and weather, just not possible. May be a possibility tomorrow or Friday. Unlikely I'll get more work this week beyond tonight and the forecast is for decent weather for a few days. Been waiting for the peas to reach a level where they actually need a trellis to build one. Hasn't been an issue just yet. Next few days may change that, so I best get the supplies together. Haven't quite decided what I'll make them from, whether PVC or wood. Got lots of jute twine and going to make a trip to Dollar Tree for more. 

For now, have to get ready for work.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Displaced seeds

Have more sprouts coming up. Only a few more this morning but noticed an increasing number as the day has progressed. Lots of sprouts at or near the bottom of the mounds. I don't think many are weeds, as they look similar to sprouts at the top of adjacent mounds and run off in a trail. Displaced by wind and dog. Have to wait and see how they survive and how well they transfer back uphill when they're large enough. 

Didn't get all that much done today. Stayed up later than intended last night. Drank four beers and watched a cheesy but good horror movie. 

Got the roof and front wall on the doghouse. Put the carpet in the "room" for the dog to sleep on. She seems to like it so far. Been laying around on the base already. Structurally, just need to install three external walls. Can install insulation and internal walls later. It kinda looks like a depression era shanty. 

Can't get anything more done today. Have to work tonight and don't want to be tired, dirty and sweaty.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One wooden pallet and Shiner Black

Went across the street and found one wooden pallet behind the shopping center. Actually, a partial pallet but that's fine. It's not staying in current configuration when I get done with it. In the same lot, found some carpet I can use for the doghouse. The doghouse may be kinda ugly but should be comfortable for the dog when done. 

Same trip, got the first six pack I've bought since about January. Still had two of those left.Finished them and may have 2-3 of the new pack before bed.

Got canceled from work tonight but still had to drop off my daughter with the ex. Just works out best that way. She wanted to stay with me and I felt the same. Missed her before I even walked out the door.

My daughter tries to emulate me in many ways. Says she wants to be a chef like me. (I'm certified from my years in restaurants.) How many 7 year old kids love garlic? She was cutting up garlic today because she loves the smell. Helped me cook dinner one night and actually listened to me as I told her what to do. She also wanted to do some building projects, so had me buy her some wood and nails for her own use. Tried cutting the wood today but it was too hard, so she marked it for me to cut with the circular saw. Then she showed me how she wanted each piece nailed together, which I did. It wound up being a wooden dog, quite well conceived and executed.  She did the design and the decoration, while I did the cutting and nailing.

Seems we have that in common. We may not be exciting to the outside world but we enjoy our time together, never knowing what the other will come up with next!

I do reflect on my life at times. Many times, I have made decisions based on finance, rather than preference. If finances had permitted, would I have bought a less rural house? If not for financial stresses, would I be working on this garden so much? I know I would not be searching back lots for used wooden pallets. Yet am I happy? Yes, overall I am! I do wish I had a more stable income. Yet when I'm called off, in contrast to the financial stress, I have an excitement about what the next day can bring, what I can accomplish.

For many years, I've searched for things which occupy my mind and time. Different languages, photography, cooking, mechanics, physics, economics, politics, medicine to name a short list. Now I find myself happier than I've been in many years with a rather rural lifestyle, recycling, scavenging. Who would think finding a wooden pallet would be such a positive thing?

Or maybe I should stop drinking this beer. LOL!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cool find

Snowed here this morning. Have to give things a few days more. If not seeing much beginning to grow, may have to replant some seeds. Assumption being that too much damage has been done by rain, snow, wind, temperature and the dog. Not at the point where soil nutrients would make much difference, as seeds will start in completely sterile soil. 

Been looking out for wood pallets but haven't seen any in plain view or any advertised within decent driving distance. So, I started a new practice today of cruising around back of large stores and shopping centers nearby, seeing if any pallets were being obviously discarded. I did see some but it wasn't obvious they were being discarded, so I left them alone. I'm fine with salvaging and scavenging but not stealing. Though I found no pallets, I did make some good finds. One plastic 5 gal bucket, dirty but intact. Several soda racks, good for plant racks. 

However, the most amazing find was a set of commercial shelves being discarded, complete. They're in excellent condition, about 8 ft high, 2 ft deep and each shelf section is about 4 ft wide. Total of 14 shelf sections, with heavy particle board shelves. New, just the wood was worth over $100. I've seen used shelving like this for sale for over $300. New, it would be more like $500-$600. For residential use, these shelves will last a lifetime. At first, I thought they were too large and was only going to take the wood sections. Then reconsidered and loaded the whole thing. Got home and checked. They fit the shed height perfectly! So, even after the new shed is built, they will transfer well. 

Many thanks to the people who gave them away!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

More missing the obvious

Got the doghouse started today but not completed. Construction can be a slow thing when you aren't very experienced and you're using mostly reclaimed lumber, removing old nails and screws. Have to finish it tomorrow.

Going to work on the rabbit hutch and chicken coop this weekend, as well. Chicken coop is the one which can be put off longest, since we'll be starting with chicks that are too young to keep outside very much just yet.

Was debating the design of all the above. For both the rabbit and chicken enclosures, I want to make them somewhat mobile, so they can be used as chicken and bunny tractors. Had to figure out how to keep the rabbits from digging out of the enclosure, though. Decided to place chicken wire on the bottom of the enclosure as well as the sides. Probably make the top a wooden roof for shade, since rabbits hate heat.

Been missing an obvious solution to a problem. Soil in the garden started drying up rapidly since I took the plastic off. Too dry for seeds to start, for the most part. But I had the soaker hose laid down in the trenches between mounds. Figured capillary action would carry moisture into the mounds. Besides, that way one hose watered two mounds at once. Didn't work. Got a couple more soaker hoses, laid them on top of the mounds instead of the bottom. Seems to be working but that was just done today. Have to hold off on reporting results.

Have a few sprouts showing which are definitely not weeds. Hopefully more will be popping up soon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sprouts and chicken wire

The weather has warmed up to about 70 during the day now and around 40 at night. (For a few days. Then supposed to drop to freezing again this weekend, of course.) Checked under the plastic sheeting and found I have sprouts coming up here and there! Not sure yet if they're weeds or what but pulled the plastic off the whole garden. It's done the job of warming the soil to a deep level. Besides, if the ambient temp is 70, it's hotter under the plastic and could kill off the seeds. See what happens in a few days.

Got a manual cultivator, one with the freewheeling blades. Since the north garden section is somewhat sandy and was worked last year, the manual cultivator should do the job of loosening, aerating and mixing in compost when it's ready. No need for deep tilling there. 

The compost pit has gotten hot. Not warm but hot! Larger particles are breaking down rapidly and color has darkened considerably. I'm guessing it should be ready for use in 2-3 weeks, perfect timing to get ready for warmer planting. 

Finally got a roll of chicken wire this morning. Spent more than I meant to but got a 4'x50' roll. Should suffice for me for a few years, I think. Price was actually good, since it came out to about $.60 a linear foot. 

Just going to hang out, watch TV and plant some seeds tonight. Get to work on the animal structures tomorrow. Guess I should put plans on paper tonight, so I'm not flying completely blind.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Work vs real life

Been doing battle between work and life. Can't consider my work real life, with the way things get played. 

Had to take my daughter to work with me a couple nights ago. She slept in the nurse manager's office, on a fold-out bed. She thought it was fun. Happy for that. 

Last night, got placed on call. Then they called me in.. at 1:36 AM. That's insane. Tonight, I'm scheduled to work. Haven't been called off.. yet. 

Happy I've at least made enough money to buy groceries, gas, chicken wire and pay some bills. 

Still haven't gotten the doghouse, coop or hutch built. Been lacking sleep as it is. Got the bunny on Sunday and it's currently staying in a large Sterilite box, properly equipped, with a screen on top. Very cute, white with a smoky patch on the nose and tail. Daughter loves it. Not sure if it's a boy or girl. Haven't checked yet. Do that before getting another bunny.

Weather has sucked. Gets warm enough for seedlings to just begin to sprout, then it snows and/or freezes just enough to kill off anything that has sprouted. Still keeping the plastic sheeting over the whole garden for now. Hoping that helps and doesn't retain so much heat that it kills off the seeds.

Okay, have to get ready for work.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daughter doing better

Ex dropped daughter off after doctor's appointment. She's doing much better. They started her on asthma preventive medications earlier this week, with an inhaler and nebulizer for acute problems. As of this time, no breathing problems, aside from some sinus allergies. They put her on preventive medication for that, too. 

Think I mentioned I'm planning on building a doghouse. Wasn't able to get it done this week but washed the dog and make sure daughter washes her hands and face frequently, especially after contact with the dog. 

Aside from that, signed up for allergen alerts and keeping notes on possible triggers. If it's seasonal allergens, I've narrowed it down to coyote brush, juniper, elm and ragweed.

Didn't get to sleep early last night as planned. Just couldn't go to sleep and didn't want to drug myself there, so I was still awake at 2 AM or later. Still woke up with enough time to clean house well before she came over this afternoon. Shampooed her carpet and the one in the office, the only carpets in the house. Cleaned out the fireplace. Though I haven't built a fire there in weeks and the flue was closed, there were still ashes in the grate. No longer.

If it turns out that dogs really are the biggest problem (which I suspect), it makes a decision for us all. She loves animals dearly and always has. Likes animals more than people. We've pictured her growing up to be a veterinarian and a very good one. However, if she's so allergic to dogs that too much exposure sends her into asthma attacks, it seems unlikely she will be able to go that direction unless she outgrows the allergy. That isn't yet determined, though.

We went and saw the bunnies today. Didn't get one yet because she kept changing her mind as to which one she wanted until they all got spooked from too much interaction and started hiding out where they couldn't be reached. The owner is going to catch the chosen one in the morning and bring it over tomorrow. He did give me a few boxes of bunny compost. Quite a bit of it. So, yes. He gave me sh*t and I asked for it! Daughter laughed at me piling boxes of rabbit poop in the van. She has a good sense of humor and even laughed at the odor, noting that the van smelled bad all the way home.

I decided to get the chicks next weekend instead of this one. Better to find out if she has any reaction to one animal before introducing another. Besides, I still need to build a coop.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Plastic garden

I covered the rest of the garden with plastic sheeting this afternoon. Just using plastic salvaged from the greenhouse which blew down. Also covered an area where my daughter and I spread flower seeds last weekend. Think it should help retain moisture until things sprout. 

Watered a large part of the lawn with gray water at dusk, hoping it helps maintain moisture long enough to help grass seed take.

Not much else to write about. Getting to bed early.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Got to work last night, after all. First placed on call, then called in. Tonight, got canceled. Few minutes later, was asked to work ER instead of ICU, 7P-7A. Few minutes after that, was asked to work ER 11P-7A. Sure. 

Have an appointment for an interview at a methadone clinic in the morning. Go see how it pays and if it would be something I'd be interested in. Not far off from the house. May work out. Be more stable than what I'm doing now.

Snowed fairly heavily last night and this morning but was melted off before noon. I was a bit worried about the raised bed with the spinach, garlic and lettuce. I had left the cover off to let the plants get more sun. Just checked them and they're doing fine. 

Got a slight surprise when I looked at the apple plantings. I've been leaving them outside. Checked a little while ago and found that 3-4 are now sprouting through the soil. I'm excited! 

By the way, my daughter's pecan tree is now about 8" tall and looking very healthy. Been hardening it off with other plants. Going to baby this one. Let it get fairly large before planting it in the soil and just transfer to increasingly larger pots until then. Have to pick a good special spot for it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ever underemployed

Got canceled again tonight. I'm so tired of this here. Just the constant changing of my schedule is enough to tear me down. Putting out resumes again. Maybe this time something suitable will come along.

Though I harvested some Roma tomato seeds, I bought some seeds for different varieties today. Brandywine and Rutgers. See which kinds grow best along with which ones I like most. 

Been raining, snowing and very, very windy at different times last night and today. Supposed to do the same tonight and at least part of tomorrow. Not sure if this weather will kill the garden or make it grow like crazy. Guess I'll find out soon. 

Was happy to see the plastic sheeting I laid down yesterday didn't blow away in the wind last night. I had anchored it in the trenches between rows. Seems that was a good choice. 

Think I'll take some Valerian and watch TV. Get to bed early, go look at the salvage yard nearby tomorrow for possible supplies for the doghouse and chicken coop.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trap crops

So, after reading more on the early trap crops, decided it's not so much an idea for me. It's a good idea for those who are surrounded by other people who farm or garden. My neighbors raise animals, not crops. I would attract all the squash and cucumber bugs for miles. They'd tell their friends, set up little bug road signs, do a special report on Bug TV..

Besides, the growing season is nearly here in NM, so anything planted now would become main crop. However, a trap crop may not be a bad idea. Maybe use fly paper at various strategic points. I don't want to catch butterflies and bees in it. Chicks are also good for controlling bugs, so I can let them run loose around the garden. Once I get some chicks, of course. No rush, since nothing is growing outside just yet. Combine that with planting marigolds and garlic, I think I may be heading in the right direction to control bugs with no chemicals. When it gets a few degrees warmer, I'll buy some ladybugs, as well. Still too cold for them at night for now. Need to call the local garden center and put my name on the waiting list. (Last growing season, they didn't have them in until around October.)

I need to get started building the doghouse, chicken coop and maybe rabbit hutch but not too energetic today. Eyes watering, nose congested, moody. Blah! Doc says daughter has a cold and I think I may be coming down with it, too. Ex had pharyngitis for nearly two weeks, I'm wondering if it was the same thing. Or maybe I need to get up and move around. Don't guess it would hurt, eh?

Monday, March 8, 2010


Looks like the universe is helping me along. After daughter and I planted/spread various things this weekend (like millions of flower seeds), it rained last night and this morning. Rains here are normally wash-out floods more often than anything very gentle but this time the rains were occasional, gentle showers. One shower had the chance to soak in before the next came along. Hope that trend continues a few more times. If it does, we should have an early and very green spring!

Saw signs of green in the lawn this afternoon. Looks like the new grass seed is beginning to take. Very cool, because it's supposed to be drought, traffic and shade tolerant. It also raises my hopes to see things sprouting in the garden soon. I keep watching the mounds with hope. I know it's been too cool so far, especially since I just got the mulch spread on Fri. (That's probably why the grass is showing and other things aren't. Thatch acting as mulch.) Maybe soon.

I'm probably a bad gardener but I'm quite alright with overplanting to get things started. But it's gonna kill me to thin plants out, once they start. 

I made teh mistake of leaving the dog off leash in the house on Fri night. Came home and found the dog had knocked over the Sterilite with the tomato plants, and chewed up some of the cups, eaten some of the potting soil. Now I'm down to 10 or 11 tomato plants from 30 I had growing. I had started some of those in January, so I lost about two months on those plants. I'll have to start some more seeds now to have a tomato crop the extent I'm hoping for this year.

Mother Earth News is trying to get people to try a method for controlling squash bugs. Involves planting trap crops early (like now) and placing boards around them. The bugs like to hang out on the bottom of the boards, so you turn the boards over and crush the bugs once a day or so. They also mention a trap crop of cucumbers planted early, with tubs of soapy water around them. Have to paint the bottoms yellow, as the bugs are attracted to the color yellow. Think I'll try both methods, as squash bugs and cucumber beetles are apparently big problems in this area. Maybe combination of those methods, along with planting lots of garlic and marigolds will control the bugs enough to need no chemicals this year.

Had a neighbor offer me some rabbit compost. Never thought of that but makes sense! Rabbits would likely make some manure very good for the garden! He also offered my daughter a bunny. Going to take him up on both offers. So, have to build a doghouse and a rabbit hutch really soon. Thinking of a chicken coop, as well.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sacrificial beans

Only awake for a few more minutes, making sure daughter is breathing well before going to bed. 

Daughter and I planted more garlic today, along with red cabbage, celery and a whole box of shade-tolerant flower seeds in places around the yard. Then we took a walk this afternoon and spread another box of mixed seeds along the aqueduct near the house as we walked. 

I got 1 lb of pinto beans today and planted them (actually just spread and raked in) around the north garden. I don't like pinto beans, except for refried beans. Don't care of these grow a single bean at all. Point of this is the roots, stems and leaves. Mostly roots, since they help fixate Nitrogen in the soil. Once the plants start growing, I can just turn them under and gain the benefit of the plants on the soil. 

Finally got the mulch on Fri before work, spread it over the planted garden rows Sat morning.  Only about 1 1/2" on each row right now. I'll get and apply more as finances permit. Right now, I'm just applying mulch to mounds which are already planted. Should help the soil condition over time and help retain moisture and some warmth now.

Cool thing about all we planted is that it rained well tonight. Supposed to rain more tonight and tomorrow but of course can never be sure of that here. Hoping for it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Trying something

Trying something. Placed a sheet of translucent plastic over one row, weighed down with bricks. The weather is mild but the air here dries the soil in no time. Maybe the plastic will help retain moisture and maintain temperature at night. If it doesn't blow away, that is. If it works for this row, I'll move it successively to other rows until they sprout. 

Temps have increased to upper 60's during the day but still in the 30's at night. However, if it keeps up, we should have an early spring. Hope that doesn't mean a scorching summer. I'm enjoying it for now. 

Continuing to harden off the tomatoes and peppers. 

Not feeling all that energetic today. Schedule has been around the clock and back again this week, worse than usual. Toss in a sinus infection and I'm not feeling like running a marathon. But have things to do, so best get to them.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

South done

Yesterday, shoulder felt better when I got out of bed (the second time). Hurt more sitting still, so gave a shot at getting some things done. Moved the old water heater from the back yard to the front for garbage pickup sometime. It's a big water heater, 70 gal capacity. Shoulder held up okay.

So, tried digging another row. Had to take it kind of slow but got it done, so that was row #4. I was scheduled to work last night but got canceled at 4:30, so I dug the last two rows on the southern side of the garden. Last row dug is slightly smaller than the rest and I didn't section it off like the others. Figure it can make a good weed and water barrier. May only plant flowers there. But that completes the formation of the southern side of the garden. It's not all planted yet but I did plant sugar peas, onions and garlic yesterday. 

Stripped the rest of the paint from the windows in the office. Still need to take some steel wool or scrubber pads to them and clean them really well.

Got the rest of the leaves off the roof. Bagged and set aside.

So, over the next few weeks I need to work on the northern side of the garden. The soil is a little hard but workable, so a manual cultivator will do the job. Current compost will probably be usable in 3-4 weeks, so I'll just work that in and dig rows at that time.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm just writing for something to do until some medication kicks in and some other wears off. Back and shoulder weren't hurting too badly.. until I went to lay down and try to sleep. Then it started hurting a lot. To add to it, my restless leg syndrome started kicking up and I felt like my legs were dancing me out of the bed. Got up, took some OTC medication for the legs and some Ibuprofen. Then made the mistake of rubbing some muscle cream on my back and shoulder. Most was okay but I rubbed it up to the neck and it nearly blistered my neck. A baking soda paste is cooling it down now, since that neutralizes the acid in the muscle cream. May still have the chance for some decent sleep.

I did decide to plant onions, which I was not going to do. Onions aren't very expensive and didn't want to use up garden space for them. Then learned about companion planting and found they help repel some pests. So, got some onion sets today. Only $2 for 80 bulbs at Lowe's. Figure if only 1/4 grow, they've paid for themselves and may help control bugs without chemicals, too. Going to plant some spring garlic, as well. Think I have to keep both away from the peas but they're supposed to help lettuce along rather well. 

Tried to get some mulch today but they were re-setting that section and had the whole area closed off. Have to get to it another time.

Things are calming down. Maybe I can get to sleep now.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Apple seeds!

I had been meaning to get around to planting the seeds which I've had wintering in the fridge. Since my back still hurts too much to do anything too strenuous, decided that was a good thing to do today.

Grabbed the bags from the fridge, didn't look at them. Got other supplies together. First I planted the Globe grape seeds. Then I picked up one of the bags of apple seeds and got a shock. They were germinating while they had been in the fridge! Each sprout is about 1/2" long and look healthy. Planted all of them in small styrofoam cups. So, I have several dozen tiny apple tree sprouts growing!

Looks like the whole tree idea may work out, after all! For now, it's a small start, about 2-3 dozen (didn't count) sprouts but it can definitely grow from there. 

Now, if I could just find some oranges with seeds.