Monday, January 31, 2011

Till death

The weather has been much nicer than the forecast stated for today. Until now. Clouds piling up as I write.

Given the decent morning, I chose to use it wisely.

Pulled back the plastic from the largest section of the south garden. Tilled that section again, then raked the large clumps of grass out and tossed them in the compost pit. Then used the manual rotary cultivator on the whole area. Watered and covered it back up. Soil looks marvelous! Leaves almost completely broken down and grass is following nicely.

Compost pit has accelerated since weather has been warm. But I need to stop adding material to it now for it to be ready by April.

Since I was at it, went ahead and dug more rows in the south garden. At least partial rows. Dug out a total of five rows this morning. Grand total for the whole garden will be 12 rows this year. Most will be split in half, resulting in up to 20 or 21 mounds. Im sure I should be able to grow something useful out of that!

Still no work for now. Hoping the weather change has an effect on that. Current agency said all agency nurses were canceled over the weekend. No word of a shift for tonight. New agency said they should get my paperwork back today (background and drug screen), so they'll call me tomorrow.

Library is closed. Not much else to do. Think a nap is in order.

Cold front

The cold front arrived earlier than originally forecast. Actually two fronts converging. Supposed to be cold for the next few days. As low as 2 degrees Thur night.

Decided to make some vinegar for use in the garden. I have all the stuff needed to make beer, which is all that's needed for vinegar. This should be (I hope) simpler and faster than beer. Since it's not for consumption, not worrying about sterility very much but everything is clean. Just using straight sugar and fast acting baker's yeast. Added a few ounces of various kinds of vinegar, which should speed up the process. Cooler weather slows the process down but doesn't stop it. Making it in a 5 gal carboy. Not sure how fast or strong it will be but if it doesn't come out too strong I'll have plenty of it. There won't be any need for filtering, since the dead yeast at the end will be good for the garden.

Hope I start hearing things back from employers and agencies today.

If I didn't have things to keep my mind occupied I think I'd be losing my grip by now. I may write a lot but not otherwise grasping for attention from others.

Little after 10- Got up and moving a little. Turned out that while it was cloudy this morning (clear now), it wasn't cold. Never even froze last night. Maybe a warm front being pushed ahead of the cold front. Not uncommon.

Dug another row. Soil is still loose and it didn't take long. Then tested the soil pH on that row. It's neutral to weakly acidic! Yay! Only a little further to go with that. It's about 6.0 now. I'd like it around 5.5. Much better than the 7.0 or above previously. But even where it stands, things should now grow there where they wouldn't before.

Left a walkway through the center of the garden about 3 ft wide and with trenches before the rows on each side. A few feet out from the far end of the walkway I'll make one raised circular bed for flowers.

Can't fully form the north side yet. The raised beds are there with garlic and spinach growing. Once the garlic is harvested, I can take up the raised beds and form rows. That probably won't be until June or July. Do what I can between until then. Have 15 garlic growing which are visible now but a lot more planted.

No word yet on any work tonight. Hope I at least get my W2 today.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Simple Sunday

Daughter and I just did things around here today. Seems to have gotten to be a pattern but not a bad one. A day of simplicity to rest and recharge before she has a whole week at school.

She had her money and we went to Walgreen's so she could pick out a toy. Didn't take long. She picked out a little battery operated dog. Funny, she's had two of the same toy before. Same thing happens to each one. Wires come loose from the inside top. But she always loved them, though she doesn't recall having one before.

We played games, she played with friends, we read part of a book, went for a walk. Doesn't sound like much but we had a good day.

While she was playing with friends, I finished filling in the spot where the flowers will go.

Noticed the neighbors have a bunch of lawn bags in front of their yard. Think I'll check and see if it's all leaves and grass, ask if I can have them. If it's something else, noted there are hundreds of lbs of leaves in and next to the nearest viaduct. Could take the largest garbage can and fill it, packed. Of course this is all for more compost. At the current time I'm doing well but not great. Still too much clay. Another leaf pile wouldn't be harmful and would be composted by early April if I run them through the mulching mower and keep them covered with plastic. Too bad I don't have a way to heat them up to kill off the weed seeds or I could use them directly. Oh, well.

I'm just getting more determined than ever that this spring will be successful across the entire garden.

NM weather

The weather forecast shows the typical schizoid weather for NM.

Today it's supposed to be sunny and high expected into the low 60's. Very nice. Then a little cooler tomorrow.

But then things change. Forecast for Tue through Thur is for the temps to never go above freezing all three days. Then a gradual climb back up from there.

Most frustrating thing is lack of rain. It's not typically declared a drought in the winter, especially when drinking water sources exist. But there has been no measureable rain or snow in the immediate area for over two months now. Fire hazard warnings, which don't normally rise until spring, are now high.

The warm winter means this spring and summer will see an insect population through the roof. if rain doesn't pick up, likely those insects will be rather aggressive. Lack of fresh water may also mean stagnant water pools along the river, resulting in higher possibility for insect borne diseases.

Of course, water bills will skyrocket. That's after gas and electric bills have been grossly inflated. Local electric utility was trying to get a 21% increase approved. (While advertising more solar and wind generator production.)

Think even after getting main power back on, I'll keep the generator around and save up to invest in solar panels, even if one at a time. And buy a well pump by spring.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bus rides and shopping

This morning, my daughter decided to try selling lemonade out in front of the house. Made the lemonade herself and did a really good job.. Well, after being encouraged to add a bit more lemon. Only had one to start, so we walked across the street for more. She made a sign all by herself. But it only served so much purpose. She's a rather aggressive salesperson. Not happy to sit and wait for customers, she started pouring glasses and taking them to people's houses to sell them. Gave a couple away to kids who said they had no money. Sold several glasses, more than I expected for this neighborhood, even at $0.25 a glass. Then she came back and said she wanted to give me the money to help buy a new car. I thanked her but told her to keep it.

Think biggest concern for her is being able to go places and do things with me.

But we hopped the bus to go to the store today. Buses have books for kids on them, so we read several books together. She got to sit with me, of course. We ate at the in-store restaurant and walked to a nearby park after shopping. Don't think she minds the bus quite so much any more.

Think I'll try to make my next vehicle a small pickup, which will seat her up front and next to me.

She managed to get most of the neighborhood kids over here to play in the back yard this afternoon. Then we had dinner, watched Berenstain Bears and read part of a book before her mother picked her up.

Now it's me and Tobe Hooper until time for bed. A really good day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

28 hours

Got called in to work last night. Definite indication that the agency is having problems. The hospital called me directly and asked me to come in. They even paid for the taxi for me to get there.

One problem seems to be the phone setup at the agency. While there to get my check this morning, they were trying to resolve an issue of a nurse who called in sick. The agency didn't get the message for several hours. Until after the shift started. By then the hospital had listed the nurse as no call, no show.

Been getting word that the ER director who was blocking LPN's from working in ER is no longer there and the staff has been asking for me. Maybe I can start getting more work there again.

So I got enough pay to survive for a few days.

Downside to working last night was that between being up during the day, working and going to get my check, I was awake for 28+ hours. Meant to get up and get some stuff done after a short nap. Didn't happen. Woke up at sunset.

Still no W2. Hate the fact that if they screw anything up it makes it that much later before I can do the taxes.

Guess I'll harvest more marigold seeds while watching TV and get to bed early.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Have a raging headache. Just stress. Still no work tonight, which was the last chance to make a paycheck for this week. Leaving me with $21 for food, bus fare and gas for the generator until.. I don't know when.

Had to overdraw the bank to pay the water bill and pay for continued phone service. Won't be able to pay child support until next week.

Oh, well.

Flower seeds daughter and I planted this past weekend have started sprouting. So have some I planted last week. Daughter should be happy this weekend.

Since no work, started digging the expansion of the garden which I promised my daughter. Not too much of an expansion. But makes more room for flowers. So the whole area across and north of the picnic table will be flowers. Not the only ones but the most prevalent. Think we should have better luck with flowers this year.

Forgot to mention I did place the thermometer under the garden cover yesterday. While ambient temp was below 50, temp under the cover was a little over 80. Not bad when it's still freezing at night.

One good thing about planting seeds at this time of year- much easier to keep them moist. (Though as mentioned before, the soil behavior is much better, holding moisture in a form more accessible to plants.)

Got all the stuff done for the new agency today. They say background check and urine test should be back and all in order by Monday afternoon. Too bad not sooner but still hoping this expands my options. Current agency is still telling me that nobody is calling them back.

Haven't been able to focus well enough to study algebra. Need to do that.

So another night with nothing to do but TV then Valerian root, maybe melatonin and hopefully sleep.


Have a raging headache. Just stress. Still no work tonight, which was the last chance to make a paycheck for this week. Leaving me with $21 for food, bus fare and gas for the generator until.. I don't know when.

Had to overdraw the bank to pay the water bill and pay for continued phone service. Won't be able to pay child support until next week.

Oh, well.

Flower seeds daughter and I planted this past weekend have started sprouting. So have some I planted last week. Daughter should be happy this weekend.

Since no work, started digging the expansion of the garden which I promised my daughter. Not too much of an expansion. But makes more room for flowers. So the whole area across and north of the picnic table will be flowers. Not the only ones but the most prevalent. Think we should have better luck with flowers this year.

Forgot to mention I did place the thermometer under the garden cover yesterday. While ambient temp was below 50, temp under the cover was a little over 80. Not bad when it's still freezing at night.

One good thing about planting seeds at this time of year- much easier to keep them moist. (Though as mentioned before, the soil behavior is much better, holding moisture in a form more accessible to plants.)

Got all the stuff done for the new agency today. They say background check and urine test should be back and all in order by Monday afternoon. Too bad not sooner but still hoping this expands my options. Current agency is still telling me that nobody is calling them back.

Haven't been able to focus well enough to study algebra. Need to do that.

So another night with nothing to do but TV then Valerian root, maybe melatonin and hopefully sleep.

New job stuff

Have to go fill out paperwork for the new agency this morning. Get moving in a few minutes.

Went out to tear out the remaining sections of the wall out front last evening. What's left is mostly below ground level. Got all but maybe the last 4 blocks. The final few had been broken apart at some point and then repaired with cement rather than mortar. That made that section more solid than the rest. I wasn't able to chisel them apart. Instead it became a matter of breaking them apart and removing the pieces. Then it got dark outside, so I had to leave it. Nearly done and can finish the rest in under an hour, maybe half hour. But then I have to do something with all the rubble. Still keep wishing I had a sledgehammer.

Need to get moving.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Maybe I'm being overzealous. Possibly even foolish.

Went ahead and formed one new row (split in half, resulting in two smaller rows). Then planted some seeds. For now it's just potatoes, broccoli, spinach and carrots.

It's really a test. If I start seeing some success, it will be expanded.

I figure the worst that can happen is that nothing grows. If that happens, part of the garden is formed and ready for later planting. However, the Farmer's Almanac says now is a good time to plant root crops. (Though that was in the "planting by the moon" section.) The spinach already in the mounds is still alive and growing. And last year the broccoli accelerated when the temperature dropped. Worth a try. May learn something for future reference.

Going to build fewer trellises this year but make them much taller. I was surprised at how well the green beans did and would have done better if given vertical space. May not bother with bush beans this time around.

Went and filled out an application this morning for another agency. Still can't shake the negative vibe from the one I reactivated with. They've called a lot but it's just there. Best not to ignore it. Have a better vibe about this one. Getting the idea that either my current agency isn't trying or they're being ignored by the facilities. This new agency has more facilities on contract. Maybe once again my old agency is going down. Not such a surprise with the fact that they rarely get into the office on time and often leave early. Actually heard comments from one hospital that they have problems getting someone on the phone at times.

No call to work tonight. Go to the new agency and finish paperwork and pee in a bottle tomorrow.

Planting plans

Didn't quite make it through mapping the garden last night. Need to decide on the configuration before making final decisions. Besides, had not really even decided everything to grow yet.

Did that this morning. Still going to be doing companion planting, so some things will overlap space. Also had to figure out when to plant various items. Then there are the issues of shallow soil in some spots in the south garden and still keeping the south covered a while longer. Wasn't going to plant cabbage at all this year but daughter wants me to plant some. She doesn't really like cabbage but likes how it looks. So I'll plant a few heads just for her.

So, here is the order of planting as it stands.

First wave is root plants and frost tolerant. Broccoli, carrots, onions, potatoes, spinach and cabbage. Garlic and some spinach are already growing.

Second wave are cool weather and long growing items. Peas, lettuce, peppers, flowers and more carrots.

Third wave are warm weather items. By then I can pull out some of the things which won't do well in hot weather. Tomatoes (nearly the whole north garden), cucumbers, pumpkins, green beans, more carrots and more flowers.

Of course, I'll be starting whatever I can indoors before each wave of planting.

I have to figure it will be safe to remove the covers from the south garden after temps have reached over 70 degrees a few times. The temp solarium last winter showed me that temps behind the plastic would reach over 100 from sunlight, even when ambient air temp was below 50 degrees. By 70, temps below the plastic should be over 120, enough to kill of many grass and weed seeds. Even the thermometer sitting open in the sun shows a temp near 70 when it's below 40 in the shade now. Maybe I can pull the plastic back and check soil temp before deciding.

I'm already going to have to start moving some of the tomato seedlings to larger containers. Getting too large for the ones they're in. Few flower seeds planted last week are sprouting. Hoping the ones daughter and I planted this weekend start to show by this weekend, when she's here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little better

Feeling a little more optimistic than earlier. Nothing has really changed but it's my nature to not stay too down for too long. Not to say I'm euphoric or anything.

Think I'll give one agency a call back tomorrow that has called a few times now. See what they've got. Other than that, try applying for nearby employers. Even if it pays much less it would likely be more stable.

Emailed the scooter company to ask for a wiring diagram. Hope they send it. Still need a working multimeter to figure things out.

Went out and did some work outside. Nothing much but just doing so makes me feel better.

Wet down the soil where I've been doing all the digging. The behavior of the soil is much better but still not great. Then again, the reason for wetting it down is to help break down the organic matter. Without moisture everything I dug in will just mummify in place. Hasn't rained in about two months now that I recall. No moisture, no composting, no hydrogen hence no acidity. No doubt the garden will do better this year than last but it will take years before it's where I really want it. So each winter I'll do much of what I've done this winter. Gather and compost leaves, dig them into the soil and cover the garden to compost old roots and such. That has really accelerated things. Won't be necessary once the solarium is built, I guess. Wouldn't hurt anything, though.

Area back around the rabbit hutch is looking hopeful. Been raking in the rabbit pellets which aren't easily scooped up into the soil. Plus raked leaves across that area, so millions of broken leaf particles were left behind. Wet that area down occasionally. See if some flowers grow there this year.

Have about six spinach plants still surviving and now growing larger. About a dozen garlic are now showing. If the dog doesn't trample them to death, they'll be good. Couple are the elephant garlic planted around Sept or Oct.

Cut some potatoes this weekend and letting them dry for planting. Maybe map out the garden diagram tonight.

Near the breaking point

I try to see things in their best possible light most of the time. However I am now near the breaking point.

No work this week. Only one shift last week. No realistic options coming available.

No money to pay the lawyer. If the house gets foreclosed I don't have money to pay rent anywhere. No place to go. Had to stop paying on several bills, no money to pay them. Changed checking accounts to avoid them having access. Water bill is due today on final notice. Have to schedule the payment online tonight, may overdraw the bank but hope to have a shift to cover it soon. Been living with the generator for months now. Almost out of money for gas for it. Not likely to have the child support this weekend. Student loan is about to go into default. Van broken down and going to be repossessed. Bike not running and can't find the problem. No insurance or registration for it, so I'd be forced to forge it if I get it running. Dietary limits make all this even more frustrating.

Keep looking for another job but can't find one. Only calls I get are from other agencies. Maybe I can find multiple lower wage jobs right in the area or find a labor job with an electrical contractor.

Not sure what else to do.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tired of digging

I am now officially tired of digging for a few weeks. Promised my daughter I would extend the flower section on one side but I have a while to get that done. It will be done before spring, though.

Agency said the hospitals are empty. All agency nurses over the weekend were canceled. No outlook for tonight.

So I headed outside. As os now, the center of the garden is filled in and well treated with compost. At the deeper soil levels, I also used some ashes to help keep the clay loose.

Then went to work manually tilling the two last rows in the south garden plus several small sections which were not yet done. Part of this was the area I had most problems with this past summer. Turns out that just below the mounds it was completely clay. Like trying to dig through solid brick. May dig it out in the future to rectify but for now I tilled and composted the mounds. Just plant things with shallow roots there this year. I had not added leaves to much of this section earlier, so added fairly raw compost (lots) today and hoed it in. Fertilized, watered and covered it back up.

If you've never tried manual tilling, let me warn you it is very hard to do. (Remember this is coming from a guy who just dug up over 700 sq ft of yard.) I would not reccomend it unless you have very loose soil and/or a small section to do. Or have lots of time on your hands and want a real upper body workout! To get an idea, look up a picture of a manual tiller and imagine using for a large garden. It has a center spike and 4 peripheral spikes. You dig it into the soil and turn to loosen things up. Any roots will be ripped loose in the process. In hard soil, you go a few inches down and keep repeating to desired depth. For best results, overlap each successive spot tilled. After a few hundred square feet, go grab the muscle cream and some aspirin. You'll need it.

I re-measured the garden. Turns out current measurements come out to 995 sq ft. Size is a bit smaller because of picnic table placement and because I am leaving one area alone this year. Not going to dig up the spot where the new shed will eventually be. However, that size is dynamic. It does not include potting areas or any of the front yard, where I will again try the pumpkin and corn thing this year. I'll also be planting trees and flowers in the front at some point.

Borrowed jumper cables from the ex yesterday. See if I can get the motor bike running tonight. If I can, I'll get a battery for it tomorrow. Just using the car battery to jump it tonight.

Glad I'm in the Southwest

I don't mind cold weather. Lived for years in the NE and in Germany and much of that time was spent outside in the winter. Plus I still love snow.

However, I was not trying to raise a garden at that time. I also had the right clothing for the environment, which I do not have for the most part now.

So I'm gald to be in the SW right now, as I watch what the people in the N and NE states are enduring. I feel badly for them.

But I love working outside on the garden. It's one of my biggest stress relievers. When not directly working on it, thinking about it is one of my major diversions. Under my current employment and financial conditions, all I could be doing there would be shoveling snow.

Granted, the current conditions have much to do with the soil being in better condition for growing and more fertile overall. So when spring arrives, things actually grow. Thus the work I've been doing here would be less necessary, if at all.

Yet it is a point of pride. My garden this past year was not hugely successful. But it was successful enough to be out of place and gain attention and comments. Even with one side almost completely bare. It's just not the kind of garden normally seen in this area. So when you get comments from people who have lived here for decades, it means you're getting something right.

The weather here continues to frustrate me. Keep watching for the mercury to remain just a couple of degrees above freezing. Too antsy for January. Pass it off to my Celtic blood. But I won't be shoveling snow today. I will go out and finish the base soil for the garden and till out those last two rows.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting ready for spring

As of now, I have a house full of seeds potted. Not expecting them to take off as fast as last year. Not using lamps and heating pads this year. But then last year I started many things too early and they died off. Some because they got too large for the containers before it was warm enough for them outside. Some were just the wrong things to start so early. Now I'm intentionally letting things grow a bit slower and choosing seeds carefully. Started spinach and broccoli seeds tonight. Daughter and I planted flower seeds this morning. Zinnia and bluebonnets. Vegetables are cool weather crops and flowers take time to grow before they bloom. Waiting til later to plant vining, fast growing and warmer weather plants.

The manual tiller finally showed some real use today. Pulled back the plastic on much of the covered section of garden and used the manual tiller to break up the soil more deeply than it has been until now. It tore out all the dead grass and weeds. But I still left most of them in place to add more organics to the soil later. Before planting I'll use the manual rotating cultivator to break everything up well. Today, watered it down an covered it back up. Have a couple more rows to do later. Soil is looking really good with the desired effects. Garden will be ready when the time comes. Yay!

It's good when my crazy ideas work out.

Daughter and I had a good day. Playing in the yard, seesaw, tug of war with the dog, ice cream, reading books and hide and seek.

Still seeing series of identical numbers. Last 24 hours, saw them multiple times and not always on the clock, never when I could even subconsciously plan it. Always where it couldn't be missed.

Not much else going on tonight. Get to bed soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Weather pattern has gone stagnant. Temps are nice during the day, generally in the 50's. Still dropping in the 20's at night, though. Frustrating. Though I'm happy not to be going through the trials of those in the northern states.

Daughter and I had a pretty good day. Took the bus to the library. On the way back, got groceries and a couple of plastic showboxes to use for planting flowers. Got her a couple of doughnuts while there.

Played out in the yard a couple of times. On the dirt pile and the seesaw. Watched Nanny McPhee Returns. Read most of a book. Played chinese checkers. Planted a couple of flower seeds but she wanted to plant most tomorrow.

She is voicing her ideas about plans for the garden. Not unreasonable ideas. She wants lots of flowers and I'm going to try and comply with that request. Not entirely in the pattern she wants, though. More of a pattern around the periphery and maybe some in the middle. Help attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Make daughter happy and benefit the garden at the same time.

Had a decent population of the above last year. Should be able to build on that this year. Already been seeing bees on warmer days.

Hope to have more success with flowers this year (along with everything else). With the garden being more effectively conditioned and designed the chances seem good. Between lots of work and lessons learned, the odds keep leaning more in my favor. Garlic is beginning to show but went ahead and planted more today. May turn out small but should grow better than spring garlic. Good to see some already peeking through.

Took some melatonin earlier which is taking effect. Hitting the hay.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wiped out

Did enough work today to wipe myself out. So I'm tired dirty and forgot to eat until this evening.

Didn't get all that much housework done but some. Not going to get the office straight until I install more shelves and get more plastic shoeboxes to store things in. Least the floors thoughout the house are swept and mopped.

Got the rest of the unuseable wood burned. Then consolidated two piles of useable wood into one. Also burned the entire twig pile, which was quite large. But now two areas of the yard are now cleared out which really needed it.

The tomato seedlings have really shot up! Seem to have grown as much as an inch or more in one day. If they continue like that I'll be scrambling for containers long before they can be transplanted outside. But they'll be large enough to be producing tomatoes at a decent date.

Need a bath.

No housework yet

No housework yet. Getting to it.

Decided to go ahead and finish doing the digging this morning. Then next week all I have to do is fill that section in. The pile is right next to the dug out area, so I spread compost, treated and filled in the very bottom. That way dirt knocked loose and rolling down in the hole won't cause me to have to dig again.

The embers from the bonfire were still hot this morning, so I started burning again. Air is calm and it's less likely the fire dept will show up during the day. Keeping the hose nearby, surrounding area wet and shovel nearby. Once I'm done the remaining wood will be useable for one thing or another. Ashes will cool over the weekend and I can mix them with clay soil to help keep it loose.

Two problems with adding ashes to soil. One is that ash has a lot of salt. Can't do too much about that. The other is that ash is very alkaline. Means I'll have to increase the amount of vinegar I'm using to balance things out. Otherwise, it will help with the soil condition and add lots of necessary carbon to the soil. I will have to sift the ashes before use because the boards had lots of nails and staples in them. Then still only spread the ashes in the lower part of the soil for safety.

Speaking of which, it's becoming fairly rare that I run across the broken glass and debris which was everywhere when I moved in here. Bigger problem tends to be garbage which blows into the yard, mostly from the church parking lot. They never seem to clean it up, so wind carries lighter trash into my yard.

While I've been digging, there has been a pile of PVC nearby, left from the greenhouse attempt which blew apart in the heavy NM winds. Now I'm considering using some of the PVC for subterranean irrigation. This is a good time for planning it out, before forming rows. It would mix well with using the irrigation well. With the right setup, I could also deliver soluble fertilizer at root level at low concentration. Much less water loss to evaporation before the plants even have a chance to absorb any moisture.

Going to have to get back to doing something.

Slow start

Off to a slow start today.

The brandywine tomato plant is either dead or went dormant. Not sure which yet. The leaves had dried up and fell off. Main stem still seems green. Waiting to see if it starts forming new leaves. Not sure what happened to it. Maybe not enough light, maybe not warm enough or maybe the soap spray damaged it. Been this way for a few days. This morning tried watering it with a very diluted ammonia and vinegar solution. May not help but guess it can't do any harm now.

On the other hand, the grape tomato is really resilient and seems to bounce back over and over. First the whiteflies and then the soap solution each did some damage but now it has all new leaves and even one tomato. Still trying to grow taller but it's past the window and the extended tomato cage, so there's no place for it to go. Think I should do a cutting or two today. First one I took from it is still growing.

They're doing work on the gas lines in the neighborhood today. Not sure what to expect from that yet. Few months ago was told that gas and water lines would be replaced, then curbs installed. Cool. Should raise the property values. Some of the neighbors may not like it but they seem to think they're living in a Mexican border city.

The ex is enrolling daughter in a karate class tonight.she should enjoy that but think she'd like gymnastics more. But gymnastics is more expensive and fewer places. I'll be following up to be sure ethics are taught before fighting.

Need to do lots of house cleaning today. Maybe actually get the office done.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fires, fry bread, books and CD's

Came up with a recipe for some corn fry bread. Much like a large cornbread pancake. Trying it to see how it will work for sandwiches. First bite seemed to taste good and have decent texture. Have a couple of them cooling before attempting a sandwich. May try thinning it down to make wraps.

Built a big contained bonfire this afternoon to get rid of some of the wood not good for anything else. Now it's supposed to drop back down to 19 degrees here tonight, so went ahead and started a fire in the fireplace. Trying to cut down on the gas bill.

Went to the library this morning, picked up a few books, one of which is on algebra. Need to start reviewing for electrical apprentice program. Got some CD's on learning Spanish. Not all that motivated toward it but still seems like a good idea.

Played crazy neighbor again today. Went and raked up a bunch of leaves from the parking lot of the church behind the house. Got about 160 gals, packed and added them to the compost pit, added the usual mixture to accelerate it and wet it all down well. Still have at least 10 weeks until it will be used. Should be enough time to kill off most weed seeds. Especially if I spread it on the garden a couple of weeks out and keep it covered.

Started digging out the middle of the garden. This will be the biggest part but about 1/3 to 1/2 done. from the way things look, once the mounds are in place I should have decent growing soil to a depth of nearly 3 feet. Should work well for pumpkins and tomatoes or corn.

Not much else to do but hang out and watch TV and read tonight.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One more section

Not much sleep today. Figured I would really crash out since I never could take a nap yesterday. Tried but couldn't. So was up from 8 AM yesterday until about 11 AM today. Yet still had difficulty sleeping and kept waking up. Still don't feel sleepy.

No work tonight, so got out and worked for a while on another section of soil off to the side. Got that section completed.

Of course the soil as it's replaced is much looser. By just leveling the soil out, it results in much soil being left over. So a fairly large pile has remained in the center. Moved that pile over tonight as best I could. It had already gotten dark, so the effort wasn't the best. It still gets me closer to having the center ready to dig out. Going to dig out the center and leave the pile for my daughter to play over the weekend. She had even asked me to leave the pile there permanently. Can't do that but may leave much of it for a while and just use the pile to form mounds shortly before planting.

Seems the leaf pile will be just enough for this section of garden. Which means I can reserve the contents of the compost pit for the south section. Thinking I'm going to plant to north section (which I'm working on) first this year and leave the covers on the south section a bit longer to allow the heat to help compost the area more. Not sure yet. Decide once I see how well that section composts in the next few weeks.

Soil from the area I'm working on is conditioning extremely well. The dog had dug a few holes in the yard and I decided to fill those in using soil from the pile. As I did, the contrast with the surrounding soil was nothing short of amazing! The soil from the pile looks almost black next to the other soil.

Unexpected benefit is the effect of all the digging on my shoulders. Started off with some level of pain and even numbness down my arms as inflammation squeezed the nerves at the shoulders. As I've continued, numbness has diminished and pain has decreased. I've also gotten some aerobic exercise at the speed I've dug at times. In any case, my endurance is up and I'm happy about that.

Right direction or warning?

I've mentioned the phenomenon of seeing mutiple identical digits before. It still keeps happening.

I started thinking about when this latest episode started. Seems to have begun when I started thinking about bankruptcy. Then it intensified when I started looking at the electrician's apprentice program. In the past couple of days my mind has been completely made up on that point. Right after that things went crazy. In one 24 hour period on multiple clocks I saw 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55, some more than once! No planning involved, even subconscious. On several occasions it happened when I woke at night and looked at the clock. In other cases I looked up at the display on the bus. Each time the scrolling time was different next time around.

If not just coincidence, I tend to believe this to be a positive sign. The first time it came to consciousness was when the ex was pregnant with our daughter. There were many doubts and questions involved there. Yet those numbers kept cropping up. They intensified when we made the absolute decision she would be born and chose to keep her even if she had Down Syndrome or other problems. She turned out perfect.

So I guess I should view this as a really good sign.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another section done

Got another section of garden done. Took a bit more digging and then filling in. Now started on another section. Last will be the center, currently where the dirt pile resides.

Along the way today, started expanding things a bit further. Not planning on growing vegetables there but maybe flowers. The section in mention is right next to the picnic table. One reason for the expansion is that this area is the sandiest. Nothing much will grow there but if I mix that soil with the clay soil it should even both out well.

Funny, the way I've been living lately strongly reflects my late teen years. Searching for a job with few realistic prospects. No car, so I rode the bus. Sometimes I would walk, roller skate, skateboard or ride a bicycle for exercise and to save my money for cigarettes. Though I'm planning on quitting for good tomorrow. Failed a few times but have my mind set. During my teens I was single and not very motivated to date. Enjoyed girlwatching but enjoyed my freedom. I also worked in the yard a lot for exercise, something to do and attempt to keep the place somewhat presentable. Though then it wasn't gardening, it was just battling weeds. The house was run down, roof leaked and only gas heaters for warmth. Though the house was paid for by my grandmother, so no mortgage to contend with. Did not always know where my next meal would come from and honestly did not always get to eat. (Major reason I went to work in restaurants but no urge to go back there unless I own a place.) Yet I was generally happy, even if alone a lot.

Strange how things come full circle.

Monday, January 17, 2011

No work after all

Got canceled from work at the bus stop again.

So did a bit more digging. Managed to get quite a bit done today. Several sections now completed. Another section almost ready to fill back in but it got too dark.

Planted more seeds. Just a few dill and some Early Girl tomatoes. Tried them before with poor results and had given up on them. However, I've learned a few things since then and decided to give them another try. Thing I can't figure out is my bad luck with dill. It's a freaking weed, for Pete's sake!

So now just hanging out and watching TV. If weather is same tomorrow as today, think I'll try running a little. Need to get back to it.

Trend continues..mostly (amended)

The weather forecast predicts the temps to continue to warm up here. Most of the coming week, not even dropping below freezing at night. However, that's for the metro area and my house is in an area which gets a few degrees cooler. Still, growing season may not be far off.

Last night I started planting seeds which can take a while to grow. Marigolds, allysum and ornamental corn. Need to get more styro cups and some flats to plant more seeds.

Staggered planting of corn didn't work last year. When planting one species it has to be in blocks of each type. Marigolds take a while to start flowering. The allysum it seems should have been planted indoors in the fall. Hoping that planting now will bring flowers by mid-summer. Daughter picked those out.

As mentioned before, the weather will help the composting process along. Think I'll add some more cover to the sections of garden with tarps today.

Since it's MLK Day (along with any holiday here) nothing much is moving and little can be accomplished on a job hunt. Scheduled to work tonight.

I test jumped the motor scooter with the car battery this weekend. Got power. I had tested the battery some weeks ago with the multimeter which turned out to be no good. So readings were false. Scooter battery was shot. If I work tonight, will get a new one this week and try to get it running. Then have to work on the problem of insurance and registration. But it will be transportation until I get another car.

It's a few hours later. Though still a little weak from a virus, can't stand sitting around. So went out and worked on the soil. Replaced soil in the dug up sections, layered with leaves and compost and treated as usual. Broke up a large section of ground which was hard clay with grass on top. Yeah, that was easy (sic).

It's a nice day for it. Temp around 60 or so. Worked up a sweat for the first time in months. One thing's certain- I'm getting lots of exercise lately. Even better that my metabolism has stabilized and I'm not dropping weight like I was for a while. The digging shows on my arms. May be a benefit when applying for some jobs. Even if not, good to stay in shape.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Great Kid

I haven't been the greatest company lately. Between stress, the van breaking down and now illness, I've been a little introverted. (I'm quite different in person than in writing. Can be just as honest over time but typically quiet under stress.)

My daughter has always shown a strong empathic streak. Like she can sense the feelings of others even if they say nothing. And whenever I feel down it seems she tries to cheer me up. This weekend, she never went to see if one of her playmates were even home. She stayed around me, did all she could (successfully) to make me smile and laugh. Made me lemonade, played games and just showed off. Part of this may be because we haven't had lots of time together because of circumstances. Maybe she's feeling the difference. Whatever the case, it helped me a lot through the weekend.

Hoping things start looking up this week.

Temperature rising

The temperature here is already rising. Going into the 50's during the day, just below freezing in the mid to upper 20's at night. May mean an early spring but we had snow in April last year, so not holding my breath.

For now, the biggest benefit is that it's helping the compost along well. That is, across the entire garden.things had slowed down a bit at the surface levels because it was too cold for the microbes. Still the very top surfaces seem static but I see the difference when turning the piles.

One other benefit is that the office is retaining more heat, even at night. So it would be reasonable in the next few weeks to start corn plants inside for later transplant outside.
If we have a warm winter and an early spring, it will mean a harsh summer. Going to have to plan for shielding the garden as much as possible by June.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Still sick

Felt okay most of the day, aside from being easily tired. Then, got chills and probably a mild fever this evening. Think I'll take half a bottle of cold medicine and be in bed by 10 tonight.

Still, daughter and I went on the bus to the playground, ate lunch out, got some groceries and hopped the bus back home. Not a long ride but she had fun.

Came back, had ice cream, played in the yard and watched Shaun the Sheep on video.

While daughter was playing on the large pile of dirt, I started moving some of the dirt back in place. (Leaving enough for her to play on.) Layered it with leaves and compost, sprayed a strong vinegar and ammonia mixture heavily at the bottom. The mixing occurring during the transfer out and back is enough for organic material to be throughout the soil.

Was going to get the paperwork done or at least started for the bankruptcy tonight but think tomorrow may be better. Off to bed.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Somewhat productive

Woke up this morning and was surprised to see how late it was. It was already 10:30. Needless to say I got less done than I hoped for today. However, feel better than yesterday.

Went to the library, emailed some resumes out. Came home and made some necessary phone calls. Tried and failed to get the van fixed.

Mentioned requesting applications for electrician apprentice programs. There are two such programs here in town. As of today, I hadn't heard back from either one. It's funny, I had a negative feeling about one of them when just viewing their websites. Still asked for information and application. Today called both to follow up on the emails. The one I had a bad feeling about went to voice mail. No return call after leaving a message. With the other I got a man who was polite and very helpful. Had gotten no reply due to email problems. Think my decision may already be made.

Covering the garden is definitely working. Grass and leaves are composting down into dark soil. It's working better where the black plastic is placed than with the tarps. Tarps seem to be too porous and don't block enough light. Still working, just more slowly. Pulled all of it aside this evening, turned much of the top soil, treated with a strong ammonia/vinegar solution and watered heavily. Then replaced the covers.

Neighbor gave me a fridge from the apartments he works at. They discarded old ones as they remodeled. It's been outside for a few days. Couldn't get it past the van. Moved the van and brought in the fridge.

Got dishes done during commercial breaks. Have to sweep and mop in the morning.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moving forward

Worked for the last couple of nights. Off tonight. Glad of that, since I seem to have a virus.

Riding the bus has required me to spend at least 2 hours each direction for transportation. That's resulted in 17-18 hour days.

May have to get used to that for a while. Even if I get the van running (try tomorrow), it will be repossessed sometime in the future. Not sure when.

Talked to a lawyer few days back. Decided chapter 7 is the best option. Before filing, have to get a few things in order. Have to get the retaining fee to the lawyer as soon as possible. Until then, he advised changing my bank account (done) and to just stop paying on certain bills. By declaring chapter 7, my costs will drop by as much as $700 a month. Already seeing some results from that but not too much.

Started looking into apprenticeship programs for electricians. It's a 4-5 year program but since you earn while doing it, it's realistic. Requested applications from two local programs.

Talking to other nurses over the last couple of nights gave me final confirmation of just how correct my decision is. While I am preparing to declare bankruptcy, I have heard from other agency nurses telling me how they have had little income for several months, as well. Yet staff nurses tell me how the hospital has been full and they have been grossly understaffed. ER nurses tell me how unqualified, inexperienced nurses have been floated to work ER, while I'm told they only want RN's (new nurse manager decision, overridden once this week).

Even after 17 years, I still love nursing but can no longer balance barely surviving, power struggles, politics and profits being placed so severely over patient care. Time to move on.

I did not make any New Year resolutions but this year is going to be one of major change in my life.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Same old stuff

Got scheduled to work tonight. Then was canceled while waiting for the bus. Least I wasn't already on the bus. Later they called to ask me to work..15 minutes after the last bus had passed.

Have an appointment with another lawyer in the morning. Maybe better not working tonight. Like to be alert. Even if I need the money. Maybe they'll decide I'm worth keeping on the schedule, since I show up where other people don't.

Went ahead and called Wells Fargo today. They said they'll send me a copy of my payment history, as I requested in writing last month. Nothing else was resolved, of course.

If I can hold onto the house until spring, I think I can manage to get things back on track. May take multiple jobs plus selling produce but it can be done. Right now is the problem.

I really think I can make some money with the garden this year. Though it's a cold night tonight, days are getting longer again. Tomato plants I've kept inside have survived, except one which had looked weak to begin with. Not saying they're completely strong and healthy, with low temps and not enough light. But the largest is now about 8 ft tall and several have small fruit on them. Not bad for January. Have at least 24 seedlings gaining size and looking well.

I still have the intent to start growing marijuana legally for the medical marijuana program. Still haven't gotten any seeds. Guess have to buy them online.

No matter what, I have decided not only to leave nursing but to take active steps toward starting starting my own business. Been thinking of it for decades but never did it. Could never decide what I wanted to do. Now I know it doesn't matter that much. Many things I'm interested in and more I'd like to explore. It's time to do so.

Down day

Having a down day so far. It's too cold to get much done outside. Cloudy and dark. Need a multimeter to go any further with the van. Then still have to wear multiple clothing layers. No work scheduled yet for the week. Woke too early and, being New Mexico, people are just now getting into the offices with posted hours beginning at 8AM. Some of whom I left messages for as early as Friday morning, when they were apparently already gone for the weekend. Guess I'm lucky they're in the office today at all.

Think I'll go back to bed for an hour or two. See if it's any warmer when I get up.

Been checking on jobs but nothing turning up so far. Haven't had so many problems with employment since my teenage years in the late 70's to early 80's, when everyone had problems finding a job.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

More digging

When I'm really anxious, three things help me most. One is working. Nuff sed there. Another is writing. Third is working in the garden. (Studying a new subject helps sometimes but not always.)

So today did some more digging. Decided it would be best to dig the soil out and mound it, mix it with more leaves, compost, ammonia and vinegar and then spread it back out. Lets me get things distributed deeper and more evenly. Avoids missing areas. Going down that deep, I can treat heavily with ammonia below root level as I spread the soil back out. As it breaks down, it becomes a gas and rises through the soil and feeds the plants.

Daughter didn't mind. She played on the mounds of dirt and talked me into making a moat in the canals I dug. Knew she would. That's why I dug it that way.

Moved the bunny hutch this morning. Daughter was amused at how much debris was left behind. And at the dog sniffing around it.

We walked to the store, watched some videos, read some books and played on the seesaw but overall it was a slow Sunday.
With all that's been going on, I have by no means gone by the assumption that I will get out of this with the house and van. Fact is, I've been going through all the stages of grief and loss. Denial, anger, depression, acceptance and bargaining. Of course, acceptance comes last. I mention bargaining last for a reason but I'll get back to that.

I'm not completely in acceptance but nearly so. At least enough that it won't be so devastating if things go the way they seem headed.

Bargaining is typically the shortest stage for me. For one thing, it's never worked in the past. For another, while not the greatest person on earth, I've always had aspirations of good intent. As far back as when I was 3 years old, I wanted to save the world somehow. It's taken various incarnations. Just the current one has been working on methods of farming in arid environments and generating electricity more affordably. Things to help as many people as possible. So, what's to bargain with? I'm not a drunk, don't do drugs, not a liar, not a thief, not a womanizer.. What's left to bargain with? I've been a nurse for 17 years, trying to help those in need. Seems things always rise up to get in my way.

I will say that if I lose the house, some of my dreams and goals will be postponed. May be slowed on others. However, I will keep working on things. Not going to be stopped.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tire swing

Got off to a fairly slow start. Had a stomach ache which took me down a bit. Got better through the day. Think a mild case of food poisoning from some spanish rice I let sit out too long. Could be wrong. Doesn't matter now.

Finally got the tire swing hung up for my daughter today. Real reason I hadn't hung it before now was acrophobia. Got vertigo badly while hanging the original swing and this one had to go on a higher, stronger branch. Got it done and she's very happy with it. Had to add a handle to the rope for her mental comfort. Wasn't much but effective.

We also played a few games and went to the park down the block. She rode her bike and I walked the dog.

Hung a new clothesline today. With the van broken down, have to wash the clothes by hand and hang them out to dry. Not feeling sorry for myself, since some of my neighbors have to do the same thing.

Not much going on now. Watching TV. Need a bath and bed.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Nothing so far

Van still broken down. Replaced the ignition switch but it wasn't the problem. Ex is going to ask her fiancee if he has a multimeter I can borrow for a short time. Hate not having the problem figured out yet but even with the parts I've replaced which aren't the current problem, I've spent less than a shop would cost.

Had to spend most of the morning on the bus and walking to get my check. One good thing is that I'm getting lots of exercise.

Haven't been able to contact another lawyer yet. Think they may be really busy after the holidays. Left messages but not getting return calls. Keep trying.

Tried charging the battery for the motor scooter last night. Wouldn't charge. Maybe that's been one of the problems all along. Still doesn't solve the cost of innsurance and registration. But need to get it going soon. Even if I get the van going, don't care to risk being stuck with no transportation again. Too time consuming and limiting.

Haven't heard back from any of the labor or manufacturing jobs I've inquired about. So posted an ad this afternoon seeking an electrician apprentice/helper job. See if I get any responses. Can always hope.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crooked lawyer

So, haven't filed the bankruptcy yet. The lawyer I went to see was crooked. Wanted to charge over 3 times the amount quoted on the phone. Now I have to find another, more honest lawyer. Soon.

Worked last night. Had to leave home over 2 hours early to get there on the bus on time. Couldn't sleep, so I was awake for 27 hours.

They scheduled me to work tonight, so I slept as much as I could today. Then I was already on the bus and several miles from home when they called and canceled me. Even though I called to confirm the shift 30 minutes earlier.

Started looking around. Decided I'm going to start looking for a manufacturing or labor job. Maybe work my way toward being an electrician. Some of those jobs pay as well or better than many nursing jobs. Some listed as much as $23 an hour. Doesn't mean I've given up on nursing completely. I could take online classes and/or work nursing part time while doing the other job until I get my RN. Leave that decision to the future.

Would have gotten up earlier and worked on the van if I hadn't been canceled so late. As it is, got back home after dark. Now have to spend a couple of hours on the bus tomorrow to get my check. But if I leave early I can get back when it's light and somewhat warm.

Seriously considering going with a chapter 7 bankruptcy. It would mean having the van taken. But with as much work as the van needs, that may not be such a bad thing. Have to find a way to bring the mortgage current outside the bankruptcy. Not so sure on that, with the behavior of Wells Fargo. Worth a try. It would reduce how much I owe out each month considerably. Make things more manageable. Have to look deeper into my options with a lawyer.

Until then, I'm stressed.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today's the day

Today is the appointment with the lawyer. Been getting all my paperwork together for the meeting.

What a way to start the year. Going into bankruptcy, van broken down, a generator for power and no work lined up at the moment. I'm not having much fun right now.

Rough time getting any sleep last night. Trying to keep the demons at bay but the stress is still there.

Ex is going to give me a ride soon. No point in working on the van because I'd get dirty and have to stop before I was finished.

I'll have her drop me off and then take the bus back home. Just for safety, I'll pick up a bunch of bus schedules along the way. Lawyer is right by downtown. Figure there should be a place where I can get schedules downtown somewhere.

Keep wondering what lesson I should be learning from all this? All these electrical problems. With the house, the van and the cycle! Should I be taking this as a sign I should be studying to be an electrician? I definitely get the feeling I'm being led out of nursing at this point. What's my karma?

Today's the day

Today is the appointment with the lawyer. Been getting all my paperwork together for the meeting.

What a way to start the year. Going into bankruptcy, van broken down, a generator for power and no work lined up at the moment. I'm not having much fun right now.

Rough time getting any sleep last night. Trying to keep the demons at bay but the stress is still there.

Ex is going to give me a ride soon. No point in working on the van because I'd get dirty and have to stop before I was finished.

I'll have her drop me off and then take the bus back home. Just for safety, I'll pick up a bunch of bus schedules along the way. Lawyer is right by downtown. Figure there should be a place where I can get schedules downtown somewhere.

Keep wondering what lesson I should be learning from all this? All these electrical problems. With the house, the van and the cycle! Should I be taking this as a sign I should be studying to be an electrician? I definitely get the feeling I'm being led out of nursing at this point. What's my karma?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Had to dismantle part of the van. To check the ignition switch and the wiring running to it, had to remove the steering wheel. Didn't have a puller, so had to get one on the loaner tool program from Auto Zone. So walked over, borrowed it, came back and pulled the steering wheel, then walked the puller back to get the deposit. After I got back again, it became too cold and too dark to reliably identify the right wire colors. So gave up for the night.

Doubt I'll have time to get much done in the morning, unless the first thing I check into is correct. Can't miss the meeting with the lawyer.

Still no luck

Ex and daughter picked me up this morning. Got one of two paychecks (other wasn't ready). Then got a starter relay. Went and put it in the van. Still no luck.

Couldn't work on the van in the parking lot of the cancer center. For one thing, only brought limited tools with me. So had it towed home. Happily, that cost less than expected. Just got home a few minutes ago. Having a cup of coffee, then get to work on it. Hope I find the problem quickly.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Saved by the ex

Got the battery this morning. Van ran fine getting to the agency and then to work.

This afternoon, was sent home early. Went out to start the van, it turned over slightly..then all electrical activity stopped. No dome light. No door alarm. Nothing.

Someone gave me a jumpstart. Didn't work. Still nothing. Turned out the battery had a charge, any way. Figured out it's most likely the starter relay.

While all this was going on, got a call from the agency that the clinic decided they want an RN instead. I got the feeling what they want is a female. Only one male working in the entire building.

Walked to the nearest auto parts store. Quite a walk. They didn't have the part. Walked back to the van. House keys and other stuff still there. Then started looking for a bus line which would get me home.

While walking, the ex replied to a much earlier text, asking how my daughter liked the aquarium today. Subject came up about the van. She offered to give me a ride home. I said yes. She and my daughter picked me up and drove me home. No short distance. She didn't ask but I gave her some gas money. She really saved me tonight. I'm not even sure a bus was still running which would have gotten me home. Couldn't afford a taxi, since taxis cost more here than anywhere I've ever lived or even visited. I really expect a taxi would have cost as much as $70.

The ex said she would give me a ride to get my check and car parts tomorrow. Hope it causes no problems with her bf. Sure helps me. Really appreciated.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just another reason to go solar

So, the battery held a charge. Enough to start and drive to McDonald's. When my daughter and I came out, the battery was dead again.

While driving there, the voltmeter showed just under 14 volts, more than when it had been on the charger. So the alternator is working and the battery is charging but not holding a charge for long. I didn't leave anything on last night after all.

The ex came and helped me start the van, picked up daughter and took her home. She was nice about it. Maybe mostly because she saw the look on my face.

I don't have enough money for a new battery. So have to get a rebuilt one nearby tomorrow.

If I had a solar system in place, it would include multiple 12 volt batteries, likely near or fully charged. One could be borrowed from the system for a couple of days and I wouldn't have to get to the clinic late tomorrow. No such luck for now.

I was at Harbor Freight the other day and noted their 45 watt solar system is now down to $199. So solar is becoming a much more realistic option. A 45 watt system will charge at least one, possibly two batteries (batteries not included in system they sell). Maybe I can supplement grid with solar in a few months.

Dead again

Went out to start the van and the battery was dead again. Not sure if I left something on or if it's just because of the temperature. Have it charging and it is taking a charge, so it doesn't seem like the battery itself is bad. Find out in a little while. Have to do some laundry.

Temp did go below 0 degrees here last night. When I went to bed around 11 PM, the outside thermometer read 4 degrees. End forecast on the news was for -2. Still lowest I've seen in decades. But the house stayed warm enough. Bunnies were fine this morning.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

10 below

This evening, went to drive my daughter back to her mother's. Van wouldn't start. Battery was low. Cable was loose and had corrosion at the terminals. Tried charging it but it charged so slowly that eventually the ex and her bf came and picked her up. I later finally got the van started and battery charging. I'm sorry for not being able to drop my daughter off but happy to not be starting the new year with big vehicle problems. Besides, not sure how I could get to work at 7:30 in the morning on Monday if the van wouldn't start.

The weather forecast here changed today. One station is now predicting temps as low as -10 degrees F! That's the lowest actual temperature I've seen in 20 years. Sounds quite realistic, as my outdoor thermometer already reads 10 degrees. But at least I'm not living in a tent or walking guard duty this time.

Usually I don't worry much about the rabbits in cold weather. They suffer more in the heat. These rabbits even hang out outside the hutch in the coldest weather I've seen here. Their fur is thick and they've gotten quite chubby. Still, I don't like the idea of finding 3 bunnysicles in the morning. So I placed two gallon jugs of water so hot it burned my hands to carry them into the run for the hutch. Have a tarp which I had not used yet, so covered the run with it, so the rabbits should be okay.

Not much to do but go to bed.

Just being lazy

Daughter is off playing with neighbor kids. I'm not doing much of anything. Just relaxed, lazy and unproductive. Kind of a rare thing for me.

Not in much mood for housework. Soil is frozen solid, so can't get much done outside.

Have to take daughter back to the ex's later. May come back and start putting away Christmas decorations after that. Otherwise, no qualms with being lazy for once.

Happy New Year 2011!

Daughter and I are having a relaxed NY day today. Hanging out at home, nothing much going on. No complaints here.

Turns out the insect problem on the tomato plants has been "whiteflies" (or so I gather from descriptions). Nothing I had been using was working for more than one day/night. Finally read that insecticidal soap will work. Got some yesterday and it seems to be doing the trick, even destroying some of the eggs and larvae, which burrow into the plant stems. Until now, they destroyed whole branches and killed a couple of cuttings. It would really suck to see a tomato plant which is now over 7 feet tall die off from bugs.

Only problem with the insecticidal soap is the cost. Almost $5 for a 24 oz spray bottle.

Looked up how to make insecticidal soap. Turns out to be REALLY cheap to make (or adapt). It only takes some pure soap made from animal fat. Ivory soap is a good choice. (NOT Ivory liquid, which is a detergent made from chemical ingredients). Dissolve in water and make a 1% solution. Nothing else is needed.

It will apparently work on aphids and most insects. Only thing is that it only kills on contact, so you have to spray directly on the bugs. Non-toxic and can be used up to day of harvest. Just rinses off. Not a good thing to use as broadcast spray, as it kills all insects, including ladybugs and butterflies and will also kill earthworms. Spot direct treatment is better.

After learning how to make it cheaply, this is something which will be a valuable part of my insect arsenal.