Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vampire diaries

Not much else on TV for the next hour, so I'm watching the Vampire Diaries. It's okay. Along the lines of the Twilight series, rather pubescent. Someday someone will figure out that teenage girls rule the entire US economy.

I planted some of the white onion seeds. Amazing how many onion seeds are in one package!

Not feeling all that energetic. Between allergies and a few miles walking today, kind of achy. Feel like a wimp. Used to hike all day and my legs and feet never got tired. Too many years being limited by other people and my life situation taking a toll.

On the other hand, when I went to the clinic today, I had to see the doctor for the order to get the blood test. He was amazed when he kept asking questions if I have health complaints or wanted additional tests. I said no. We talked about gluten intolerance and, for once, I ran into a doctor who knew something about it. Any way, when they took my vital signs, they were BP 124/82, Pulse 72 and Respirations 18. Not bad for a 49 year old (in under a month) with allergies, smoker since I was 11 years old and just power walked 2 miles to get there!

Tried out the water pump. Didn't work. Connectors for the 1/2" pipe wouldn't fit inside the 1" pipe. Yeesh. Feel like I'm cursed where this pump is concerned. I'll see about getting a backcheck valve and redesign the pump. If I find a valve the right size I can still use the same pipes. If not, I can use the old black poly tubing.

At the very least tonight, I need to go through the pile of paperwork on the table tonight. Quite a mess.

Going to see if I can pick up a partial shift in the ER tomorrow night. If it's open, I could work something like 6 or 7 until 1 AM and it wouldn't interfere with time with my daughter. Give the agency a call in the morning.

Jumping through hoops

Been jumping through hoops all day to get things done to start the contract tomorrow morning.

Thought everything was in order, when they told me the Air Force requires me to have a Varicella (chicken pox) titer! This test shows whether you have immune antibodies to that infection. I have been in the Army, been a nurse for over 16 years, worked with AIDS patients, infectious disease, neurosurgery, ICU and ER. I have been exposed to chicken pox, herpes (no smartass jokes) and shingles. Because I had chicken pox as a child, I have never been required to have a titer or immunization for this. In the end, the agency paid for it. After I told them I didn't care if they lost the contract because I could not afford the test. Besides, for what? To go nearly a month with no pay? They set an appintment and I went to a clinic a couple miles away for the test. Had to walk there and back. Least I got some exercise.

That was after going to the library to copy, print and fax the rest of the immunization records. Picked up a couple of books for the bus rides.

Glad it wasn't raining. Been nice. Temp is about 75 right now.

Saw more green this morning. Looked closely and saw the corn is starting to sprout. Yay! Was beginning to worry about that corn.

Pulled out the onions which have been growing inside. Turned out they're no more than sets because of crowding. Going to plant them out this evening. Want to use the potting soil to start the onion seeds for more sets. The ones from inside have been growing for a long time and been subjected to a lot of cold. They may flower and seed. That's okay, I'll save the seeds. Seems planting them may help deter insects from the corn and broccoli.

Saw my first hummingbird of the season today. Wasn't expecting them for a while because nothing is flowering yet. Guess I got the nectar with good timing. Mix it up tonight and set out the feeders. Be cool if daughter and I see some in the yard this weekend.

Went ahead and extended the pump I built. Long as I was walking that way, stopped at the hardware store to get a couple more connectors. They're really cheap.
Put it together and waiting for it to dry before testing it.

Because I'm orienting, I don't have to be at work until 8 in the morning. Means I don't have to wake up as early as I will be waking up for the next few months. Glad to ease into it a little bit slower. All in all, both happy and anxious about this.

Gotta go get some gas for the generator.

Here's hoping

I'm hoping to see some accelerated growth over the next few days. Temps have been dropping into upper 30's to low 40's at night. Forecast now calls for several warm days and fairly warm nights with temps remaining in mid-40's and even above 50.

Smaller plants are continuing to do well and some of the green beans may be able to start climbing in a couple of weeks. I see more strawberry plants peeking through the mulch but then they kind of remain in stasis. That's okay, they're probably developing new roots. No doubt of a good onion and garlic harvest.

Most of the tomato plants look really weak or dead. Won't pull them up until I'm sure they won't recover from it. If replanting is necessary, I now have over 20 sprouts started in the office.

Spinach I planted is starting to sprout, also. Be cool if I could get it growing and sell some of it. Saw baby spinach in the store at $3 for 5 oz!

I'm not the only one suffering a setback from the temps rising and then dropping. Peach farmers were on the news and said their trees lost all the buds they had formed. So they may have little or no peach harvest this year. Least my situation isn't quite that dire. Feel bad for them, as it's their living.

Have to get to the library in a couple of hours. Send the rest of the immunization records. Then I still need to find out the exact address of the clinic I'll be working at. Know the general location but not exact building. The bus will get me there with a fairly narrow window. Going to be back to getting up before 5 AM again. Not too bad. Even riding the bus, I'll be back home with lots of sunshine left. Enough time to water, weed and relax. Have to keep the battery charged up so I won't have to use the generator in the morning. Battery will power everything the generator does for several hours or just lights for several mornings. I may be able to get up to 8 hours of lights before recharging, maybe more. Have to test the capacity sometime soon.

The ex may not be fond of it but I'm going to go forward with the solar thing within the next month or two. With the capacity I've seen from one standard battery, I figure one solar panel and two deep discharge batteries will power the things I've been using. With no exhaust. I can keep the generator as backup. Though I need to get the lawyer paid soon. May see if any partial shifts are available in ER on Fri nights.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Funny looking spinach

I was looking more closely at some new spinach which sprouted a few days ago. Looked kind of funny. Scalloped edges on the leaves and a rather circular pattern. Didn't think too much of it because I planted several varieties. But after looking more closely today, I realized why this spinach looks different. Because it's potatoes! Lol! Glad to see they're finally sprouting.

Finally picked up some onion seeds to grow sets for late summer planting and have onions for winter. Got red and white onion seeds. Haven't seen the red seeds where I've been shopping and it's a real hassle getting to a garden center.

I still want to get some giant pumpkin seeds soon.

Went and got the urine drug screen done. That was how the shopping got done. Made a detour on the way home.

Now I need to hunt for some immunization records which I apparently didn't include this morning with everything else I faxed. If I can't find them, not sure what to do.

Guess I should start looking, eh?

Now I see

Now I see why this clinic has had people agree to the contract but then not show up in the end. I almost turned it down this morning.

Called and got everything arranged. They emailed some forms to me, so I headed to the library to complete the forms and fax them from there. Got to the library a few minutes before opening. Then I recalled I had not asked about the pay schedule, so I called back to ask. That's when things got hairy.

Seems this agency only pays bimonthly. On the 10th and the 25th(?!). Which means my first check would not be until 4/25. Nearly a month with no pay?! I'm sure this is why nobody has taken the contract. I told them I would not be able to do it. Got a lot of jabber but ultimately told them that I was speaking in practical terms and need money to live on. The schedule removes almost all possibility of working per diem shifts to bridge the gap. Pointed this out as well.

In the end, I wound up getting a sign on bonus. Not a lot but I can live on it combined with some slack from this Friday's check. Still hoping to get a shift tonight or mid-shift tomorrow. I would not have been offered the bonus but I am the last chance for the agency. If I do not take this contract, they lose the contract entirely.

What kills me is that this is a known problem for them. Why not just fix the problem? Risk losing contracts and suffer professional black eyes rather than change their pay schedule? Crazy!

Oh well. Supposed to get the bonus early next week.

Going to be a rough few weeks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On the down side

I was on the bus to work when they called and canceled me. Not going to miss that for a while. Hopped off and was able to catch the bus coming back home a few minutes later.

Taking this contract does come with a down side. It means I have to go through the whole period of work and then waiting for my first check. Not sure of the pay schedule yet but no question this can result in a rough week or two. After that, things will pick up. Just have to be able to hang on until then. If I'm not going to start the contract until next week, hope I can get shifts for the next two nights. Get it all figured out in the morning. Can call this agency as early as 6 or 7 AM here because they're in Florida.

Right now, I'm a bit happy my house is older and needs work, in a neighborhood with low property values and several empty or abandoned houses nearby. I'm sure if I lived somewhere else, the bank would have foreclosed already, even though I am only about a month behind on the mortgage. I keep trying to bring it current but once it seems I'm going to be there, something else gets in the way.

Maybe this is the tipping point. With this contract, it's most likely I can bring the mortgage current in under one month and keep it there. Can pay off the ex's car in a few weeks and get the retaining fee to the lawyer. Then get him paid off within a few weeks.

This contract should end sometime in late June or early July. My daughter will then be on school break. I don't want to spend all summer working while she's on summer vacation. That would sentence her to child care programs all summer. If they offer me a second contract, need to factor something in for that. Talk to the ex and figure something out. Then again, it's counting eggs not hatched. Wait til the bridge is in view. Just don't want a repeat of last year, where I worked most of the summer while she was off school. This year would be worse for her because the ex wasn't working last year and is this year.

I really need to get some decent transportation and a few extra dollars a week. I need a social life. This blogging is okay but it does get old.

I got it!!!

Just got off the phone. I got the contract for the military clinic! Mon through Fri, 7 to 4, all major holidays off, paid vacation and sick time, insurance and a living wage!

To make things even better, my boss will be a female nurse practitioner Major from Houston! How great is that?!!


Oh, well!

Walked a couple miles and back for the parts needed to complete the well pump. Took the dog with me. She seems happier but still sitting and staring at me.

Got back, put the pump together. Dropped it in the well up to the T fitting which will keep it from being lost into the aquifer. Inserted the inner pipe. All fit perfectly. Tried pumping.. Nothing happened. Hmm. Pulled the whole thing back out. Bottom was completely dry. ?!

Looked down into the well. Water level has dropped by several feet. Not sure why but guessing I checked the water level before the aqueducts were running. Not long ago, they opened the gates and let all the aqueducts start flowing. I didn't know that would affect the underground water level. All depends on where water enters the aquifer. May not affect actual aquifer level but it does affect pressure.

Level may come back up with upstream spring thaw and rains. Can't count on it, though. Level could drop, too. No measurable rainfall in over 150 days.

So at this point I have to either redesign the pump or buy a pump. Can still use the external piping for an internal coarse filter in the well casing, if nothing else. Not much good to extend the current design beyond a certain depth. Becomes too inefficient and work intensive.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Partial pump

Didn't get any work tonight after all.

So I started working on the manual well pump. The foam thong seal didn't work. It is a good idea but I guess my skill at handling it isn't so good. Some kind of heated blade or press cutter would have done much better than the scissors and pocket knife I tried using.

Went back to the old standby. Used duct tape for a seal. It works. At least for now. Not so sure after it gets wet. Wrapped around some 1/2" PVC, about 10 ft long.

Drilled a bunch of holes at one end of some 1" PVC. Didn't have a piece long enough for the job but I have several shorter pieces, so next step is to get some connectors and PVC cement.

May see what I can do about a check valve but that's not completely necessary at this depth. If the price is reasonable I may consider changing the design to pump on the upstroke and downstroke. I doubt they have well caps but I can look.

Got the flower bed finished. Filled it the rest of the way with soil. Planted an assortment of seeds and tossed in some parsley seeds for contrast. Mulched lightly because some of the seeds may need light.

Not much else to do. Still hoping for good news about the contract tomorrow.

Not original

Okay, I finally found some plans for manual well pumps. In this case, the plans were found on Youtube. (Tried watching some videos and was delighted to find it could be done! I actually thought I could not watch videos on this phone because of format.)

One problem in my thoughts was what to use for a piston seal. Leather is common. Then I saw a video with a wonderful idea- cut up a pair of foam type thong shoes! Awesome idea! I also doubted using PVC because I wasn't sure it would be strong enough. Then I saw several videos of pumps made from PVC.

I also saw listings for videos of windmill driven pumps. Not a new idea by any means but something to consider for the future. That would work a bit better with a rotary type pump. I've considered trying an old water pump from a car or truck but right now even that costs more than I want to spend. Maybe later.

Biggest challenge at the moment will be well head design. Have to construct something to keep the pump from dropping into the well. I'll figure it out.

The dog is still moping around like she feels sorry for herself. Hell, I pet her nearly every time I pass her. Warm weather and I still let her sleep in the house. Tried playing fetch with her several times in the last week. After a couple of minutes she drops the rope and walks up to me or acts like she wants me to pick up the rope and bring it to her. Sometimes she walks up for me to pet her while I'm watching TV or reading. I pet her and she just stands there..and stands there..and stands there until I shoo her outside. (Door is often open, so she's not waiting to be let out.) Now she went and urinated and crapped on the living room floor last night. Like I said, it's warm weather. She sleeps outside from now on unless it gets cold.

Didn't get the flower bed finished yet. I spread more mulch, mostly in the trenches. Been seeing signs of some weeds. Besides, I want to eliminate the rest of the mulch pile now. Nearly gone.

Now dozens of flower seedlings visible in the main flower bed. Much better than the last two years.

Scheduled to work tonight. Have to get back to the pump and flower bed tomorrow.

Here we go again

So the weather forecast has dropped any predictions of frost or near frost again. Lowest temp on the 15 day forecast is 37 F.

Doesn't look like a protracted trial of the iron sulfate will be necessary. The front yard already shows signs of green which were definitely not there before treatment yesterday. So using crushed dietary iron supplement tabs from the dollar store will work as a soil amendment. And only costs less than $0.50 per treatment for the entire front and back yard, instead of $8 or more. I do note that anything already growing which has been treated with any form of iron has turned a darker shade of green in the last few days. So, no complaints about the Ironite. I still needed a garden sprayer and haven't found one at any discount stores. And I wouldn't have read the label and gotten inspiration for the dietary supplement pills if I had not done that.

I keep getting sulphur and phosphorous mixed up. Using Epsom Salt does help the garden because it is Magnesium Sulfate. The garden does need Mag and SO4 but I still haven't found a good source for Phos.

I'm understanding the need for walls and fences here more than I did. New Mexicans are highly invasive people as individuals and as a culture. Now that the front wall is down and the street paved, I have watched as several people have driven their vehicles right onto the edge of my front lawn. This is a fairly wide street and this is not necessary. Pavement is wide enough for two cars to pass each other and there is room to park cars on each side of the road without touching the pavement. Yet these people will build and keep their own walls to keep each other from doing the same thing. How special. Better to build walls and fences than a culture of mutual respect. I want to plant trees and bushes out there at some point. Can't do it if they'll be run over. Guess I'll have to dig the trench from the fence back out. Fill it with broken cinder block and maybe add short pieces of rebar later. That would be dull enough to walk on, low enough to step over but sharp enough to puncture tires. Teach these jokers some manners.

Called the agency. They say I should hear back today. Resume was submitted Fri and mine was the only one they submitted. How cool is that?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

More darkness wanted

I now have 8 solar garden lights in the back yard and plan on getting more over time. Atmosphere I want to achieve is darkness at night except for those lights within the perimeter of my yard. Relaxing, contrasting between the lights, darkness and surrounded by the garden and picnic table.

Big problem with achieving that atmosphere now is that there are conflicting light sources.

One is minor and may not be too bad. Copper colored lights in the parking lot of the church. But they're focused away from my yard and only cause minimal reflective light. I'm planning on doing something to block view through the gate, which will block most of the light once done.

The more invasive light source is a large halogen light on the property of the dance studio. It's right by the fence and effectively lights up my whole yard. The light comes through my back windows. First few months I was here much of the light was blocked by bamboo. Then I took the bamboo down. (No, not sorry I did that.) So I need to come up with some kind of decorative way to obstruct the light coming from there. Thinking of making some kind of fiberglass sculpture for the purpose. Won't be for a while. Has to be strong enough to stand up to the wind and curved to block the most light. Existing trees help a little but not much.

May sound like nothing much but the current lighting is not relaxing at all. Ever sit under a halogen light? Rather harsh and doesn't mix well with a garden at all. I also tend to wonder if it interferes with plant growth. Plants need cycles of light and darkness to grow best. This light disrupts that cycle.

I put together the circular flower bed at the far end of the garden today. Just black plastic edging with wooden stakes. Filled it with potting soil left from previous plantings but need more. Soil under it is all clay. May be able to use some soil from the back corner and mix in mulch to keep it loose. Finish it tomorrow.

The ex and her bf are thinking of planting grass in their back yard. Ex said bf may rent a tiller for the project. I told her how much that costs and proposed going in with me on buying a Mantis. Gave her the DVD, told her if they wanted to pay me the same as renting a tiller for two days that I could get a Mantis and they could use it anytime they want in the future. May not be something they use much but their place is rented, so if they decide to move anytime later they'd probably want to use it again. Hell, if they paid me that much I would do the tilling for them!

Think I'll get to bed after the news. Call the agency about the contract at the AF base tomorrow.

Next experiment

Couldn't take a nap after all. Wasn't sleepy.

Went out and started cleaning up the yard. Not much in the front necessary but lots of trash in the back yard. Half a garbage can of trash, almost every bit blown into the yard from the church parking lot.

On to the next experiment. More iron. This time in a different form. My experience last year said Ironite works really well. However, the price is ridiculous for a common element so easily found. If you look at the spray bottle, you find it contains only 1% iron. Then it seems that the form of iron contained in it is not even the most effective and available form. One expert horticulturalist says it doesn't work at all. At least not in comparison to other forms. Then it must deplete quickly because it can be reapplied every few weeks. Yet iron helps soil retain some acidity and helps plants absorb other minerals. Just like in the human body, it acts as an enzyme which helps basic functions of life and energy. Very important in photosynthesis as an element of chorophyll. That's why it helps plants become greener.

I researched but information was conflicting. So I tried crushing four iron sulfate (vitamin tablets) and dissolving them in water. Let it sit for a couple of hours. Then used the hose mounted sprayer to apply it to the front yard. The front yard didn't get any iron the other day because the applicator ran empty too quickly. Back yard has been turning green while the front has remained brown. I have watered the front. Not as much as the back but not so little it should be completely brown still. Give it a few days and then report back on results.

If this works, the difference will be considerable. The bottle of Ironite cost about $8 for one application which did not cover the whole yard. The iron applied today came from Dollar Tree, so cost $1 for 30 tabs. I figure around 10 tabs would treat the entire front and back yards. So it would be $1 for three applications as opposed to $24 if using Ironite or a similar brand. Though I did leave the price of the pill crusher out of the equation because I've had that for several years. I think it's worth a try.

Won't work

The siphon idea won't work from what I can tell. Elevation of the hose has to be too high. May try again and coil the output side, adding length to that side but want to do it small scale first. If I can find some more small tubing I'll do it today. Have lots of black tubing but prefer clear for the test for better visualization.

Ex picked daughter up a little while ago. She leaves and so does much of my energy for a short time. But I wasn't all that energetic to start with this morning. Neither was she. She slept until 9. I got up at 8:30. Maybe allergies with all of us. She sounded scratchy. Dog has mucous drainage from her eyes. I have nasal congestion and just general fatigue.

Still, have no work scheduled for tonight as yet. So there are things I'd like to do around here.

Rechecked the garden. Looks like at least 14 tomato plants survived the weather this week and did not go dormant, after all. Few others are questionable.

Lots more green beans and lettuce coming up. Happy about those because once they get a good footing they mature quickly.

Lots of other things sprouting but I do have the same problem as last year. Know some things are weeds but can't tell which yet.

Lots of flower seedlings beginning to show. For the first time, I feel confident we'll have lots of flowers. Should make daughter really happy. She loves flowers and even talked her mother into buying a box of hummingbird flower mix ($1) to bring over here. Wants to spread them on one of our walks but we didn't go for a walk this weekend. Probably next weekend.

For now, think I'll take a short nap and finish this Grisham novel. Then I'll be ready to work if called, get some stuff done if not.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pumpless pump progress

Still trying to work out a method of using the irrigation well with no electrically powered pump. May have hit on it but had to do a small scale test before even considering it on a full scale. The small scale model worked, so now it's time to try out larger scale.

The idea is nothing elaborate. It's just a siphon system. Siphoning is typically done with the supply placed higher than the receiving container. However, this can be substituted by elevating the siphon hose in an arc. So, i'm going to try this using a hose with a shutoff at the end. Keep the valve open while submerging the hose into the well. Close the valve once convinced the water level is high enough in the hose itself. Raise the hose and elevate it and then open the valve again.

I know the idea will work. Only question is how high I may have to elevate the hose. If the actual water level was 25 ft down, I wouldn't be considering this. Since actual water level in the well is only 7 ft down, it may be reasonable. This will not supply water at any pressure if I can make it work but it will work for slow drip irrigation. To put it fully in place will require investing in several more garden hoses but that money would be saved off the first water bill or two. For other people, it would be possible to use such a system to fill a reservoir with a low turnover of the water level.

Daughter and I went to the indoor pool today. Had fun. This pool was actually nicer than the indoor pool we once went to on the NE side. Water was warmer, pool better maintained.

She's been hyper all day long. Ex said she woke up that way and it just continued until a short while ago.

Write more tomorrow. Getting to bed.


Well, it has been cold enough at night for a while now that most of the tomato plants have gone dormant. Sucks because they were doing rather well. At least they were doing well long enough that most should have a root system developed from which they can recover. Weather isn't freezing but dropping into low 30's, so roots should still be viable.

Even if not, the seeds I planted inside are sprouting now. Should be decent sized plants by May, so anything which has completely died off can be replaced.

Makes for a decent trial. I had always read and believed tomatoes were annual and completely died off if they got too cold. It'll be valuable knowledge if they spring back after this. Save lots of work and time in future years! Lol! It is possible that plants which recover may not be as visually attractive as ones which grow without pause. Or could be another illusion brought about by advertising. Huge stands of seedlings set out each year at garden centers for the current year's planting. Wonder how many packets of tomato seeds are sold each year? How many people toss dormant plants, thinking them dead? Like I did. Bummer.

So, if I can't get enough of the solarium built this year to contain the tomato plants or if rotating crops, I won't compost the roots again. Just bag them and save them for the next spring. Along with strawberry roots.

What does suck is that they're going dormant just as the trees and grass all around them is all getting greener. Basil, onions, green beans, strawberries, spinach and garlic are all looking good. Lettuce is still tiny but growing. Flower seedlings are emerging. Leaf buds are showing on the grape vines. All of that surrounding the dormant tomatoes. Yeesh.

Need to get up off my tail, start sweeping and mopping. Daughter should be here in 45 minutes.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Some housework

I had set the alarm for this afternoon but slept through it. Got up about an hour later than I meant to. That's okay, obviously I needed the sleep. Still didn't get enough because I'm still really tired. Go to bed early tonight.

Still got a little housework done. Had a huge pile of dishes, now done. Did a load of laundry and even hung them out. Usually let them drain overnight and hang them out in the morning. Cooked dinner, watered and fertilized the garden and yard.

Still have a lot of cleaning to do. The floors are filthy but don't feel like doing much more tonight. Get it done in the morning.

Won $4 on the lottery. Went ahead and added $1 to it and bought 5 more chances. Why not? Jackpot is up to over $300 million. Worth a try. I'm not a big gambler but that would be nice to win.

Had a rough case at work last night. A 9 month old girl with a swollen face. Turned out she had a depressed skull fracture. Highly suspect for abuse. Police all over. Eventually the baby was taken away from the family and transported to another hospital. None of the family was allowed to be in contact with the child or to ride in the ambulance with her. Things like that take a lot out of you. It's actually good that I was busy with other patients and had little chance to focus too much on it at the time.

Green beans!

In spite of frost, temps below 35 and winds which have blown various things to pieces across the city, some of the tomato plants have hung on. Maybe I'll have some tomatoes in spring, after all.

This morning, I noted some green bean plants peeking through the mulch. Yay! Looking forward to that crop! Still not seeing any pea plants but hope they will follow on the heels of the green beans.

Bought a sprayer of Ironite yesterday and applied it this morning. Says it treats 5000 sq ft. My a**! Iron helped the garden a lot last year, so it's a good investment to apply once or twice a season but at the price the value drops sharply beyond that. One of the biggest reasons I got it was for the sprayer. However, this sprayer does not go far. So sometime this summer I'll probably get another sprayer. Blah. See if I can find a used one cheap. Price of the sprayers is horrendous.

Managed to get three shifts in this week. Now hoping to get a couple shifts early next week. Still, means a decent check next Fri and fairly successful transition to weekly pay. Now waiting to hear back from the new agency. Sucks but sometimes agency hopping does pay off.

Did ER last night and it was a good night. Really happy about that after my last ER shift. Actually, Wed night was good on med/surg. All depends on who's in charge. But I'm still wiped out. Take a nap, get up and clean house later.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New job?

Talked this morning with the agency which is trying to fill a position for a contract at the AF base. had spoken with them before but the pay was too low to accept the position. They called me back couple of days ago and wanted to talk about an increase. This morning, they asked how much I wanted. I told them and they said yes! Plus I get health insurance, paid holidays and sick days. Job is Mon through Fri, 7 AM to 4 PM, so 40 hours or more per week. They're submitting my resume to them this morning and I may have an answer by tomorrow.

Not much sleep happening today. Worked last night and scheduled again tonight. Makes for a full paycheck next Fri. But had to go shopping this morning. So just got home a short while ago. Least I have rabbit food and a new garden sprayer. Now I need some sleep.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Frost covers

Wind is much calmer today. I could not have put up cold covers for the last few days by myself because the wind would have first ripped the plastic right from my hands and then likely blown down anything I put up.

Still, I put up some covers a little while ago. Not glamorous and not completely stable but should work for light frost. I just draped and fixed some translucent plastic sheeting over the supports and anchored them at the bottom with lanscape staples. It should unless the wind starts gusting over 50 mph again. In that case, only a permanent structure would help. The winds here are known to blow roofs off of buildings.

Long as they hold, they should also help retain moisture. May help the direct seeded peppers start growing.

Went ahead and replaced the plastic sheeting over the area by the fence and over the main flower bed. See if it helps speed things up in those spots and protect whatever is already there survive. Possible frost again tonight.

Surprisingly, the strawberry plants have no visible damage. Good sign.

Basil is growing. That was fast! Kind of migrated downhil from where I planted it. I'll wait a while and transplant it back uphill.

No sign of peas yet. Those and broccoli are frustrating, since they do best in cool weather. By late April or early May the temp will shoot up beyond where they produce anything. Can try broccoli under the trees with the spinach. If I don't get a decent crop just have to give up on them until the solarium is built. Not great crops for this environment.

Also since wind calmed down, I took a spray bottle of weed killer out and attacked the weeds coming up. Had some small ones toward the back of the yard and dandelions in the front. I'm guessing some of the vinegar has worn off at the surface. The ones which don't like acidity only have shallow roots and remain small and weak looking. Some areas in the yard which haven't been worked yet can be treated again heavily. Not much grows there yet but the weeds.

No word of any work yet tonight. Grr.


So, temp dropped to around 30 last night. Light frost. Most of the tomato plants took some damage. Guess I won't really know how much for a while. Think the mulch did some good because the smallest plants seem to have fared much better than the tall ones. Though that hopefully means the roots and lower portions of the taller ones are undamaged and will recover. Take some time but they should be okay.

If not, I have more seeds planted both inside and outside. Proper growing season for tomatoes doesn't actually start until May here. By then the seedlings should be well developed. Just a bummer to have them doing well and then suffer such a setback.

Just seems to be one of those weeks where not much is going as planned.

Called the agency back this morning about the contract. Today the recruiter is out of the office for a conference. Left a voicemail, maybe he'll check it.

No work on Mon or Tue. Way I split availability I may get work the rest of the week but won't get paid for it until next Fri. I get paid this Fri but only for one shift. Have to pay the child support and the rest has to last until my next shift.. Or next Fri.

Least I have the cell phone paid ahead.

Wound up getting back out of bed. Couldn't sleep. Both fatigue and sleeplessness caused by minor transient health issue. Watched STNG and went back to bed. Read for a while. Maybe I can get some work tonight and take a nap this afternoon.

Have some weeds coming up in the yard. Obviously these thrive on the same conditions as grass. I'll use some weed killer on them. It was too windy last couple of days. They're right next to the tomato section and I didn't want overspray.

Started lots more spinach and pumpkin seeds inside yesterday. Spinach can be attractive, so going to try planting some under the trees. See if it lasts longer that way. If not, it will flower and blend in with the other flowers there.

Need to make some phone calls and clean house.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Texas Red

No work tonight. So decided some Texas Red chili sounded good for dinner. Hard to find chili here and even harder to find good chili. Anywhere else in the world, if you ask for a bowl of chili, a chili burger, chili dog or chili cheese fries and you get chili con carne. Not here. Here you get green or red peppers. Sometimes with pork cooked in it, sometimes not. But you will not get what the rest of the planet calls chili. So my only choice is canned chili (which most often has wheat flour) or make my own. Mine is better, any way.

Legs feel better since using the lotion and Benadryl mix this morning. No more itching.

Temp is supposed to get really cool tonight. Frost is possible. Was going to cover the tomato plants with plastic but the wind is still too strong. Just have to cross my fingers. They already look weak and assaulted by the winds and now going to take one more beating by the cold. I refreshed and added more mulch around the bases. Since they're perrenial by nature, they could recover even if the tops freeze, long as the roots don't.

Went ahead and planted out the lettuce seedlings and mulched them. Didn't need to plant many, if any at all. Noted a number of seedlings coming up from the direct planted seeds. Did the same thing last year. Maybe I'll learn someday. Don't want to be overrun with lettuce but I can harvest completely over time.

Got a call back from the agency for a contract at the base. Seems they're increasing the pay offered. Going to call tomorrow and see what kind of deal can be done. If it's a decent living wage I'll take it. Find out tomorrow!

Think I'm going to punch small holes in an old garden hose to convert it to a drip hose. Drip irrigation worked really well last year. Problem was the drip hoses, which mostly deteriorated by the end of the season. Maybe this will last longer and be more reliable. Worth a try.

Moved the large tomato plant from the living room to the office. In the living room, it's had light from only one east facing window. In the office it will have light from two windows, south and west facing. Like to see if it produces more fruit this way. It took the small moving dolly to get it moved. Managed to get it done and not break any branches. But since I pruned it last week the growth accelerated and it's nearly the same size now as before pruning. (Now if the ones outside would just start growing like that..) Still be best to harvest the current crop of tomatoes on it, then trim it further back. Once fully tracing the longest vine, figured if fully extended it would be 12-14 ft long.

Think I'll get to bed. Usually stay up and watch STNG but going to skip it tonight. (Oh, yeah. I'm amending this post and it's now around 10 PM.)

First aid advice

Went out to survey the damage from yesterday's winds. Not too bad. Tomatoes have some dead leaves but look like they'll recover.

I'm still having a problem with really itchy skin on my legs. Common problem for me in the winter but generally gone by now. Dry skin is definitely a part of it and I've blamed it for years on long underwear or sweats, each of which dries your skin out worse. But now I'm wondering and trying something else. I just crushed some Benadryl caps and mixed it with some lotion. See if there's an allergic aspect going on here. In childhood, my skin was so sensitive and allergies so bad I would get a rash from most detergents.

In any case, this is some advice I give people for their first aid kits. Keep Benadryl in the first aid kit. I don't care if you don't take it. I don't care if you don't have allergies. You never know when you or someone else may have an allergic reaction to something. Get the powder-filled capsules from a dollar store. These can be broken open. If someone has a severe allergic reaction and a closing airway, it can be mixed with a few drops of water and placed under the tongue. It absorbs quickly there. In a case like that, use 2 or 3 caps. For insect bites, poison ivy, poison oak or unknown skin reactions, it can be mixed with any lotion and applied. One cap for one application or 4-6 caps for a whole container of lotion. Unless it is subjected to extreme heat or cold, expiration date doesn't matter. It may become a little less effective beyond the expiration date but won't become toxic. Though ten years beyond expiration would be a bit severe.

Oh, and Benadryl will absorb into the bloodstream through the skin, so don't overdo it or it will make you drowsy. Be especially careful if you take other medications which are sedating. Only use the powder for lotion, not the cellulose capsule.

Okay. Supposed to be a breezy and cloudy but calm day today. Guess I'll go transplant out the lettuce seedlings. They should be okay if kept mulched.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Windy day

It's that time of year again. Winds were blowing over 35 mph and gusting over 50 today. Combined with humidity of only 7% and the wind just rips moisture right out of everything- skin, leaves, soil.. Meanwhile the dust, sand and allergens blasted by it cause allergies which cannot be escaped.

The Chinese Elms in and around the yard have been dropping thousands of green..things. These make it difficult to tell what is growing and what has fallen, except for the larger sprouts and seedlings. Still better than the white seed pods which will follow in a few weeks.

Daughter and I had a good weekend. Had lunch at BK, went for several walks, collected roly polys, spread flower seeds along the aqueducts, played games, read books, colored.. She seemed to be showing that she misses me when not here with me, hugging me nearly every time she passed me in the hall or kitchen or just randomly. Not like I mind!

Got her something she'll love. A color changing solar light shaped like a butterfly! It was only $3 at Family Dollar!

Between two agencies, I worked two new places in the last few days. Hoping that means more work in the near future and more options overall.

A few more spinach plants are starting to grow but only in the raised beds with the garlic. I really need more ground cover to act as a natural mulch and ad another layer of protection. The lettuce outside isn't growing large enough to be visible more than a few inches away. Lettuce planted inside only a few days ago is sprouting wildly. Going to plant it out tomorrow and avoid having to harden it off. Tonight I planted more spinach inside. Also several types of pumpkin.

I still want to get to Lowe's for ornamental corn and giant pumpkin seeds.

The dog is not very happy tonight. I gave her hot dogs this morning, which made her happy. Then, while I was asleep, the wind blew down the gate section of the fence. She got in the garden, dug up potatoes and left them sitting. She got a good swat on the nose, which I rarely ever do with this dog. Tried many other options, including building a fence. She ignored her dog food to dig up potatoes which she did not eat and destroy mounds. I'll let her be unhappy and she won't be getting any treats for a while. Not sure what it will take for her to learn.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Got a call around 7:30. The hospital asking me to work..on med/surg, the unit I was banned from last week. The agency (old one) knew about this and asked about it. Turns out the people who put me in a corner talked about it. I'm cleared to work there again. They said they felt bad about the confrontation. Somehow, I have trouble believing that. More likely they actually wound up reading the patient's chart, talking to the urologist or finding out something about my assessment was correct. No matter. I'm just happy my name is cleared.

However, from here on I will be playing "stupid private". I will do what I am told, how I am told as long as the patient is not placed at risk. If I'm expected to do something which I have not done AT THAT FACILITY before, I will ask for written protocol on how they want it done. If not provided a protocol in writing and at any time I feel a patient is placed at risk, I will refuse to do it at all. I will not leave my back open to another blade. I've always been willing to take a bullet for the sake of my patients. Not any more. I will not knowingly place a patient at risk. Ever. I will not become apathetic. Ever. I care. That's why I'm a nurse, that's why I've always been a nurse.

I turned down the shift tonight. By the time they called, I had already had one bourbon. Figured it would help me relax. Obviously, they scheduled someone less reliable who never showed up. Strange how often that happens here. It's enough my name has been cleared.

I'm still going to be looking for a more stable, less critical position. Going to step up the search beginning tomorrow. Tonight I'm just breathing a sigh of relief.

No bus

Never got a call back, so I assume no shift was confirmed for tonight. Was submitted for shifts at two hospitals. Didn't get on the bus because I wouldn't know which way to go or even if I have a direction to go.

Went ahead an trimmed the tomato plant in the living room back. It's a beautiful plant, winding around itself, down and back up and around again. If completely stretched out it would probably reach at least 10 ft in length, possibly more. Has some small tomatoes growing on it at the moment. Been thinking of moving it outside but now I'm considering keeping it indoors. It's decorative enough. No matter which, once some of these tomatoes are harvested, I need to cut some of the total unwound height off. I'll let it grow back but can't move it at this height. The bucket it's growing in is ugly, so I need to put it in something more attractive. I won't take it out of this bucket but place this one inside another. Then use a more attractive support. Never expected to keep this thing inside until now. Then again, never thought I could grow a tomato plant this size at all.

30 minutes til the bus

In less than 30 minutes, I have to catch the bus which would get me to work on time. Problem is my shift has not been confirmed. So I don't know whether to take the bus or not. As I wrote earlier, I'm tired of this life. Gets old after a few years.

Looked out and took another count. Looks like as many as 8 tomato plants have bit the dust since planting them out. Most of the other 24 seem to be doing well. While 24 are more than enough for myself and my daughter (25 counting the big one, still inside), I'd still like to have a lot for canning and selling. Since 24 are still doing okay, it's possible it's some disease the 8 were not resistant to. Multiple kinds of wilt reside in the soil here.

Only 4 strawberry plants showing which I can see so far. Some others may just be greening out under the mulch.

What I had thought were broccoli turned out to be onions. Forgot I planted onions there. Did it to co-plant with broccoli because it deters aphids. So I'm still waiting for broccoli to sprout. Hopefully soon. Last year, broccoli didn't flower until fall.

Guess I'll get ready for the bus. Just in case.

A day off

I'm giving myself a day off. Well, of course that doesn't include work tonight, should that materialize. Just taking a day off (for now) from house and yard work. Place is kind of a mess and I need to build the new mailbox pillar but taking a day off from all of it is rare for me. But the way I tend to think of things is that, in the end, we do not think nearly as much about what we did as much as what we wished we had done. I could live 5 lifetimes and probably never do everything I'd like to do. Even at 49 years old this April, I still have a passion for life and wish I could do so much more than my resources allow.

I did go get coffee, cigarettes (yeah, still haven't managed to quit) and cabbage and carrots for the bunnies.

Came back and watched a DVD from Mantis tillers. If money allows, I'd like to get one of those later this year. Never heard a bad thing about them and they're much smaller and less expensive than larger ones. Read a commendation from one person who said they'd been using the same Mantis for 16 years. Fantastic warranty and blades are guaranteed for life. Haven't read anything comparable of any other tillers. But I have a lot of other things to consider before I can seriously look at buying one. Would be nice to get one before fall. While I got lots of good exercise in the garden over the winter, I don't really want to do that much work again. Plus, some of the soil is too hard to dig manually. If I do get a tiller, that will be the section which will be revised this fall.

Something I forgot to mention yesterday was that I took a couple of cuttings from a cherry tree in the yard of an abandoned house. This is my first attempt at growing a tree from a cutting. So I took a couple of healthy looking branches, stripped a few inches of bark and planted them in buckets of damp soil. Today, they still look good and one has a couple of new buds on it. I'm not that big on cherries but would like some flowering trees in the yard. Promised my daughter I would get some at some point. These are attractive and the only city I've seen with more cherry trees is DC. So they grow well here.

I did plant some more lettuce seeds this morningz mostly iceberg but also two kinds of leaf lettuce. Romaine is good but a bit tough and bitter to me, so want to try some other types. If I don't like it, the bunnies should still love it.

Time for a nap and hope for work tonight.

Adjusted forecast

SoZ the weather forecast has been adjusted. There are now no days predicted below freezing at all and only one night predicted down to 34. That night is over a week off, so the predicted temp will probably increase.

I'm out of rabbit food. Don't really want to spend a lot of time on the bus for just that. Think I'll just go get some lettuce and carrots at the produce store across the street.

Have a shift for Fri at a new facility where I had applied a few months ago. Maybe this will get my foot in the door, let me check the place out and see if I want to work there permanently.

Place mentioned is a rehab. While I still love more acute care most of all, I'm tired. Tired of always balancing petty politics in one hand with people's lives in the other. Tired of having an unstable life. Tired of small minds with big consequences. Tired of weak work ethics. I find it amazing that many more patients do not die in NM hospitals. Earlier in my career, I could never have been happy in a less critical setting. Before looking at bankruptcy, I could not5 have survived on a lower pay rate. Now things have changed on each front. I could now be happy and secure with a stable job in a less secure setting. May mean lower pay per hour but if it means a stable, reliable income, it would work.

But I jump way ahead of myself. Haven't even worked my first shift there. For now, at least my options have increased. Took a shift for Fri, 2PM to 10PM. Have to take a taxi home but I'll still come out ahead. Need to look up the bus routes and schedules to get there.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More seeds

Didn't get any work tonight, after all. So, another movie. Least this is a good one!

Since I planted things out, tonight I went ahead and started more tomato seeds in containers. Figure if things need replacing outside it's best to have them started inside. If that's not necessary then maybe I can sell the plants, themselves. Had lots of seeds and recovered lots of potting soil from things planted out or failed seed starts. Also recovered plastic and styrofoam cups. So, it cost nothing. Started 44 seeds. Not sure they're all viable but find out soon.

Need to clear out more plastic boxes to be able to start more lettuce seeds, just in case. Largely for the rabbits. That was one reason I planted lots of marigolds. Rabbits love both.

Thought they would get the road paved today but they didn't. They did run a steamroller down the street, so they're getting close. Then they dropped off two more steamrollers. With all the work done here, tearing up the old pavement, digging and placing drainage pipes and grates, leveling and releveling and still need to repave, the total cost is high. May cost as much as $1M for repaving this one block. No question it's running over $500k.

Think I'll get to bed soon.

Still sore

Legs are still sore. Of course, some of the stuff I've been doing doesn't exactly help that condition.

Planted out the best of the container seedlings. Scattered some marigold and chrysanthemum seeds. If a fraction of them take hold, we'll have tens of thousands of flowers this year. What I'm hoping for.

I scattered some marigold seeds at the edges of the park down the street this weekend. What daughter calls the "grassy field". They frequently cut the grass on the field itself but rarely cut grass or weeds around the middle. Nothing worthwhile grows there now.

I had not noticed until now that my mailbox was sitting farther out in front of the property line than anyone else's on this side of my block. They're getting ready to do the actual paving of our street and I looked at the work, then noticed my mailbox could pose a problem when they do the sides. Been planning to move it and rebuild it, any way. Missed my mail a few times because of neighbors parked in front of the box and it's been rickety from being hit by vehicles in the past. So I took it down. Post was an old, huge welded ship's chain. In the desert. WTF? One of the welds broke while trying to take it out. So I cut one link with a hacksaw. Bent it with a huge prybar and removed the top piece. One of the guys working on the street offered to cut the rest off. He used a large pavement saw on wheels and it was done in seconds. I buried what was left well below surface level. Then I piled up cinder blocks and set the box on top. I'll have to knock old mortar and stucco off before I make it permanent. Don't want to do that while they're paving.

Need to take a short nap. Allegedly supposed to work tonight.


So, now things are beginning to grow. And now the forecast calls for several nights just below freezing in the next couple of weeks. Most of what's growing right now is small enough that the mulch will protect it, long as I make sure the mulch isn't displaced too much. But I will have to put plastic over the tomato supports. Glad I didn't make most very tall yet. Don't think I can keep the plastic up all the time, between daytime temps over 70 and the wind. Have to cover the strawberry rows, too. They won't tolerate any frost.

Need to set the remaining container plants in the ground and mulch them. They won't survive in containers outside and they're going to get too big for the containers.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Later days

Days have gotten longer. It's reamining light enough to do things outside until after 7:30 now. Noted to my daughter this weekend that the sun has moved drastically toward the north in only a few weeks. Pointed out to her that the sun will keep moving north and set further over behind the trees during the summer. She didn't seem highly interested but it's not soomething she can experience immediately or measure directly. I'll point it out again later, so she has a comparison and I think she'll be more interested. Mix it with the little solar system model I got for her birthday.

Couple more of the smaller tomato plants aren't looking too good. They looked okay this morning, so it wasn't the cold but the sun which was the problem. Most of the larger ones look good. Just for kicks, I planted more tomato seeds directly. Lots of them. Figure better to have to thin them out if necessary. If all goes well, they may grow large enough to produce by June or July.

Since planting out the tomatoes disturbed the pepper seeds, I planted more of those, also. Lots of them.

Makes for an interesting mix on those rows but they're all supposed to help each other along one way or another. Tomatoes, peppers, carrots, spinach and basil. Going to add marigold nearby soon. Basil and marigold deter some insects. Peppers tomatoes each deter some insects. Tomatoes help shade peppers and spinach. Spinach acts as a living mulch until mature. Carrots are supposed to help tomatoes, most likely by breaking up hard soil.

Some of the mulch has been displaced and saw lettuce sprouts growing (for sure this time). Planted cucumbers on those rows. So that makes a mix of lettuce, spinach, carrots, peas, green beans, celantro and cucumbers. On a couple of rows, also strawberries, melons and broccoli. Again, supposed to help each other. Trick in this case is that broccoli, spinach, lettuce and peas will be harvested and mostly cleared by the time the other items are maturing. Then likely plant pumpkins in some places to help keep ground cover.

Started laying bricks for the walkway. Not going to have enough for even half the distance of the path. May give up on that idea.


While transplanting out the tomatoes, I pulled a muscle in my left leg. Able to walk and function okay, long as I don't overdo it. So, last night I took a shift in the ER. Big mistake.

First, the ER was unbelievably busy. Had some rather sick people for some reason. Much higher than usual acuity. Then there was a nurse who was orienting, though seemed to be an experienced nurse. That made three nurses for 12 beds, right? Wrong. The nurse orienting had 2 beds. Leaves 5 each for me and the other nurse, right? Wrong. She had 4 beds, I had 6 beds. All night. As a rule, they all remained full, also. Charge nurse's idea of "helping out" was discharging a patient so she could put another patient in that bed faster. My side tends to get the more critical patients because the rooms are more visible. It was enough of a consistent imbalance that the secretary said something to me about it.

By this morning, felt like my leg was about to fall off.

Oh, well. I'm guessing something else will be pushed off on my head soon. Seems to be in the air lately. Testosterone, aggression, hate, need, drama and games. People suck.

On a more positive note, most of the tomato plants are still doing well, if not better than before. I seem to have lost one small one, unless I miscounted this morning. Not being OCD, just keeping track for further planting, if required. Temps went to lower 30's last night.

Noted a couple of strawberry plants greening up and some flower seeds sprouting this weekend. Waiting to see some peas and green beans peeking through but they can be fairly slow to show and then take off like green rockets.

The dark green color of what I can see so far tells me there's enough N in the soil. Mostly a matter of light and heat now.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can't sleep

Daughter is sleeping in my room. Been so long since she slept over here that she had a difficult time getting comfortable. So now there's a light and a radio on because that's how she sleeps. Over my objections, the ex always had some music source on in my daughter's room while she slept since infancy. I proved multiple times it wasn't necessary. Well, it is now.

For me, I sleep in silence and best in complete darkness. When I was much younger, I seriously considered buying or building a sensory deprivation tank. Not for sleep but for meditation. It turned out to be a rather impractical thought, living in apartments and barracks and with limited space. May be a more reasonable thing to have now.

Any way, since she's asleep, I can probably turn the music off now. Light isn't a problem. See if I can get to sleep.

Stepping back

Daughter and I haven't done all that much together today. Walked to the store, got Chinese food to bring home, played this evening in the yard. Much of the day she was playing with other kids in the neighborhood. That's okay. They stuck around my house most of the time. She knew she was going to be here tonight and tomorrow morning. Sometimes it is a parent's job to step back but be nearby. She never ignored me, nor I her.

While she was playing with her friends, I went ahead and planted out the tomato plants into the garden. No small job. Total of 32 plants, some 3 ft tall. I don't expect all to survive but most will. Some had too much damage from whiteflies, some may have been watered too much and a couple suffered some root damage during transplant. But if all goes well, we should have tomatoes in only a few weeks from some vines, more later as plants mature. Every variety I planted is indeterminate.

Just for safety, I'm going to start some more seeds. Wouldn't hurt anything to do so.

Now we're having dinner and watching an animated version of Baron Von Munchausen. Off to bed soon. Girl is tired and my knees hurt from all that squatting.

Warm enough!

So, the plants left out last night suffered no ill effects at all. Temperature predicted last night was for below 35. Last night it was around 50 when I went to bed. This morning it was 51 degrees at 8:30.

So the tomato and pepper plants are back outside and will remain there. Should be able to set them in the ground this week.

Probably going to have to start making insecticidal soap by the gallon for the whitefly problem and spray them every evening. Tried adding garlic to the latest batch. Maybe if I can attract lots of hummingbirds this year it will help.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Ex called a while ago, asked if I want my daughter to start spending the night again. Well, yeah! Now that weather is warmer and I'm using the gas heater less or not at all, she's okay with it. So my daughter will stay here tomorrow night. Fact is that I cannot explain why this seems important but somehow it feels less like a father when my daughter never even sleeps in my house.

Now I need to look at getting her a new bed. She's too tall for her old one. She's okay with sleeping in my bed and it's definitely large enough, being a king size . Won't be much longer that she'll want to sleep in my bed and I don't want to neglect such things while they remain true. But she needs her own bed which fits her. Some people may frown on her sleeping in my bed. However, studies have shown that girls who have a close and stable relationship with their fathers are 80% less likely to get involved in drugs or risky sexual behavior later. There is no accounting for other emotional disturbances from bad father/daughter relationships. There are no guarantees but I see no reason to exert a distance which can cause problems later in her life. Especially for the rationale of keeping other people from disapproving due to their own sick thoughts.

Any way, we can have fun and I'm sure she'll be excited to hear about it. It always sucks to see her look sad as she leaves.

So, I did bring the tomato and pepper plants inside. Forecast temp was for 34 degrees tonight. Maybe just a little too cold for them and some risk of minor frost. With these plants being several months old and a good size, rather not take needless chances this close to spring. Left some smaller, younger plants outside, mostly flowers (which I may reach max density on if a fraction of the seeds planted grow). How they fare will tell me more about whether it's safe to keep tomatoes out at night at this temp.

Need to get some sleep.

Tomato supports and adobe mud

Got the bases of the tomato supports built. Made them with all PVC. They're not very tall yet but I have enough materials to raise them a bit taller when needed. No drilling, just used nylon ties but may have to do some revisions later if the ties don't hold the weight and slip or if they degrade too much in the sun. Still happy to have them up.

All the plants I took out made it through the day with no major sun damage. Some even look a bit perkier. Think I should be able to transplant the tomatoes into the ground sooner than expected but still keeping an eye on the weather forecast. Now that supports are built, they'll take the weight if I have to hang plastic sheeting for cold protection.

Talked to the guys doing the paving and they gave me a truckload of dirt to make adobes with. Dumped it right in the driveway, like I asked. Have at least enough for 300-400 bricks. And until the bricks are made, daughter can play on the dirt pile if she wants to.

Even with the mulch, I keep having to water lightly at least twice a day for the shallow seeds, like flowers, lettuce and carrots. Otherwise they'll never take. Air is so dry, with humidity under 20%, that surface soil dries in a really short time. Once things start growing and taking root, I can back off.

Not much going on tonight. Just me, TV and dishes. Got a good amount done today. Really happy with the shape the garden is taking.


Went ahead and moved nearly everything outside which was inside. Not setting anything in the ground yet. Needs to harden off first. Sun is rather harsh today. Can feel not just spring but summer in the air already.

Some of the plants looked rather pale inside but turned out that was mostly the lighting. Most were very green in sunlight. Some showed stress after just a short while in the sun. Currently have them all grouped around the picnic table, so I put up the patio umbrella. So they're getting sun but not too much.

I put up one row of supports for tomatoes with PVC and cage fencing, 5 ft tall. Only had enough for one row. Planning on 4 rows, so that's a problem. Other rows may have to be staked or may have to build supports from PVC and/or wood. I would prefer to build supports in whole rows, so I can add support to pepper plants if they need it. And just in case the dog gets in the garden, it discourages her from running over the middle of the rows. The cage wire will stop her. The plastic poultry fencing discourages her but she could probably tear it down if determined.

So, guess I'll go take stock of what I have available and build what I can with it. Maybe PVC posts with wood crossbeams, painted white for consistency of appearance. Using PVC as posts will let me use shorter lengths for now and raise them higher if needed later. Drill holes and use nylon ties to keep the crossbeams in place.


For the next few weeks, forecast calls for daytime temps in the 70's and most nights around 40. One night is currently forecasted at 29 degrees but that's almost two weeks out and likely to change. With these temps I should start seeing some movement in the garden. Can start transplanting out some of the things which are growing inside today.

Can't set tomatoes in the ground but can start hardening them off. Honestly, the reason I can't set them in the ground for a while is because I need to wait for more onions to show, so I can plant between them. Didn't mark them. They've already been through some cold temps and shown they'll survive cold but not frost. Some are looking anxious to be moved out. Several over 3 ft tall and others over 2 ft tall.

What I can do is start building supports for them today.

Going to try different methods of pruning on different plants this summer. See which results in more and/or better fruit production. Lots of information on the internet but much of it is inaccurate. Some sparked by old wive's tales, some written by writers for profit who have never grown a tomato, much by people in different environments. I was taking with someone the other day who told me their grandmother used to place two dead fish in a hole and plant tomatoes on top of them. Said they grew like crazy. Chemist in me was thinking of the nitrogen, sulphur, fish oil and calcium the fish would release over time. (and maybe mercury?) That would be great if you live where you catch the fish but at the cost of buying? Not so practical. Ammonia, vinegar, calcium spray and compost is more economical. And bacteriologically safer.

Speaking of which, the speed of the compost pit has accelerated greatly with warmer weather. I've started composting the rabbit droppings which I had been spreading directly. Safer and can be distributed more evenly where needed. May try adding a scant amount of diluted ammonia and see how well that speeds things up more. Though I am scaling back on that for reasons of ecology.

Don't know when they'll be done paving my street. They set drains yesterday with large grates. One is right in front of my house. No complaints there. They've dug the street down by several inches and graded it so the water will run off into the drains. Think next step will be actually paving but right now I'm living on a compacted dirt road. Ghetto neighbors who have driveways still keep parking on the street where their vehicles get right in the way. Another keeps bitching about the gravel he laid down 40 years ago (not kidding), which is no longer visible.

Think I'll take some chromium and creatine and start moving around.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Comfort food and action movies

Went to the library, filled out an online application for another agency that has a good reputation and a contract for a facility I'd like to work at. Wait and see what happens.

Went grocery shopping. Got quite a bit for what I spent.

Ran into some really nice people today. Made me feel better than I was feeling about people. Most polite person I've met in a while was a young man at the bus stop. Great manners. Told him so and we had a little conversation. He opened up about his life and admitted to being addicted to heroin. Hasn't been on it long, I could see by his arms. He made sure to tell me he doesn't steal but works to support his habit. He wasn't like your average addict. Didn't try to blame anyone outside himself. Didn't defend it. Sounded kind of down on himself about it. I told him it in no way made him a bad person. I have hope for him and think he'll beat it.

Gave the dog a much needed bath. Then threw some clothes in the tub to soak. Whites which were far from white.

Now having some shepherd's pie and chocolate milk. May drink the whole half gallon of milk. Or make some fudge. Got an action movie to watch which I haven't put on yet, so have enough time to make fudge.

After rinsing the bleach from the clothes. Fumes are getting intense.

Oh, tried the thing with the well. Didn't work. Oh, well. Not enough pressure. I'm surprised. Measured today and water was 7 ft down from the top of the pipe. (Think it changes through the year. Level will go up in a few weeks.) Assuming the well is 25 ft deep, same as most of the neighbors, that means water pressure pushes the water level up the pipe by 18 ft. However, pressure was dissipated down and outward by the collar on the 1/2" pipe I used. And I couldn't get a solid seal. Outer pipe is over 40 years old and has lots of rust and corrosion. Could be deteriorated all the way through below water level, so the water would just be forced outward laterally. I still think it could work under the right circumstances. Just not my circumstances. Bummer.

Comfort food and action movies

Went to the library, filled out an online application for another agency that has a good reputation and a contract for a facility I'd like to work at. Wait and see what happens.

Went grocery shopping. Got quite a bit for what I spent.

Ran into some really nice people today. Made me feel better than I was feeling about people. Most polite person I've met in a while was a young man at the bus stop. Great manners. Told him so and we had a little conversation. He opened up about his life and admitted to being addicted to heroin. Hasn't been on it long, I could see by his arms. He made sure to tell me he doesn't steal but works to support his habit. He wasn't like your average addict. Didn't try to blame anyone outside himself. Didn't defend it. Sounded kind of down on himself about it. I told him it in no way made him a bad person. I have hope for him and think he'll beat it.

Gave the dog a much needed bath. Then threw some clothes in the tub to soak. Whites which were far from white.

Now having some shepherd's pie and chocolate milk. May drink the whole half gallon of milk. Or make some fudge. Got an action movie to watch which I haven't put on yet, so have enough time to make fudge.

After rinsing the bleach from the clothes. Fumes are getting intense.

Dead in the water

The events of this week have taken most of the wind out of my sails for the moment. I'm just sitting dead in the water. Can't afford to remain this way for long or I'll be headed for complete disaster.

The thing which gets me the most is the emotional betrayal here. I can take most anything, having faced knives, guns and too many other threats to mention. Emotional stress still takes so much out of me that it freezes me in place. I'd rather be stabbed. It hurts less.

Just have to deal with it and move on.

Found out I made a mistake. Planted cucumbers where potatoes are planted. Companion planting guides say that's a no-no. Not much to do about it for now but wait for cucumber plants to start growing and pull them up. Can plant beans in their place. Sources differ about potatoes and corn but I had those interplanted last year and they did okay.

Cucumbers apparently get along well with beans and the beans may actually benefit the cucumbers. So planted green beans along the fence where cukes are planted.

I did go ahead and plant cayenne peppers in the flower bed. They're colorful and can deter some insects. Besides, I love Tabasco sauce.

Guess I should get moving on something.

Back online

Yesterday afternoon to evening, my cell provider's internet service was offline. It had been offline the night before when I got home, also. Back on now and hope they have the kinks worked out.

Last night that I had forgotten to plant some pepper seeds I wanted to plant. Cayenne peppers. Maybe I'll just sneak those in with the flowers. They're colorful enough. Just have to tell my daughter not to pick them. Or just grow them in containers.

Was reading more about growing lettuce. Seems the seeds need light to germinate. So, with all the mulch on the rows, what I saw and believed to be lettuce germinating may have been carrots. Not sure the lettuce will germinate at all with mulch already in place. So I cut up some egg cartons last night and planted more lettuce seeds in them. May plant more today. Can't wait too long on that one because if it gets too hot lettuce either won't germinate or it will bolt to seed. I was planning on feeding the rabbits a lot of lettuce this summer.

Still need to build the tomato supports as best I can with what I've got. Extend the trellises upward with remaining netting. Then I've hit the wall until time to transplant the tomatoes out. I've planted everything that can be planted, dug everything that can be dug. Now it's a matter of waiting. I can refresh the mulch here and there but that's about it.

I do intend to use the red bricks to build a walkway down the center of the garden. Probably don't have enough for the entire length but go as far as I can. Not going to martar them, just rake the soil level and lay them in. That will let me reconfigure the garden in the future.

In spite of forecasted temps, haven't had any freezing or even frost for last few nights. It was still 50 degrees at 10 PM last night. I'm happy about that and hoping it stays that way. Forecast now calls for lots more wind but no chance of rain for weeks. Last measurable rain/snow was in Oct, I think.

Looked up prices on manual bilge pumps. Much cheaper than well pumps. Guess it's all in the label. I don't need to pump from a great depth because the water rises so high in the irrigation well that it's visible with no light, so within 5 ft of surface. Surprised there aren't natural surface springs in the area. If there are, they must be on private land. Wonder if I could sink a constricting pipe in the well and cause a semi-natural spring? Maybe worth a try. Add a shutoff and wouldn't need a pump at all. Connected to drip hoses and it could irrigate continuously unless turned off. If there's enough pressure, of course. If not, a few minutes of pumping or cranking a day would be okay.

Except for the grass and flowers, gray water isn't much of an option any more. Too many food crops. And best not to use it on flowers immediately next to the main garden. Too much chance of runoff when it finally does rain.

Gotta make some phone calls.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Decided to go ahead and plant major crops out. All companion planted. No doubt I'll be thinning later (which I hate to do) but better than looking at bare earth. Or plain mulch, as it were.

Planted lots more spinach, carrots, watermelon and cucumbers, different varieties than before.

Planted 5 types of peppers. Jalapeno, green chile, serrano, yellow and red bell. My favorite is jalapeno but green chile is most popular here, while red and yellow bells go well in salsa and spaghetti sauce. Planted lots because I can sell them easily. Serranos also go well in salsa but are really hot and slightly bitter, so only planted a few of those. Peppers also help deter various insects.

Planted cantaloupe and honeydew. Won't produce for some time but the roots and vines will have time to develop.

Planted more corn, the short season variety. Previously, hadn't read the information well enough. This variety says it only grows 4 ft tall but also says just 63 days to harvest. If that holds anywhere near true (and weather permitting), I'll be harvesting corn in May. This variety can also be planted as densely as every 12 inches, so I planted a LOT of it. Before even harvesting, can plant a second crop of long-standing corn for harvest in Sept.

Built two more trellises. Makes 9 plus around 40 ft of fence for climbing crops.

The biggest job is going to be the tomatoes. Haven't decided yet how to do those but thinking of maybe using cage fencing on just one side of each row. Tie them to it, making for easy harvesting. Also requires less materials. Growing in rows, don't want them too tall. Besides, onions and peppers are planted in the same rows and need access.

Onions are peeking through now. Saw several of them growing. Much better than last year already. Didn't have much of an onion crop at all last year. Then again, where I planted wasn't great for them. From past mistakes, everything is plotted much better this year.

Got the fence stabilized. Used the old trellis stakes and nailed them as stabilizers on the unstabilized sides of each panel. Don't believe it will blow down again. The dog looks unhappy about it but I found another potato she dug up and piles of dog poop on top of the mulch today. So she can look unhappy. Too bad for her. She'll have to get over it.

No shift tonight. Going to the library tomorrow and checking into various positions.

A terrible night

Had a terrible night last night.

Went to work and had to have a conference with a nurse manager and a charge nurse about the charting on a patient the night before. In the end I was told I could not work on that unit any more. I was called incompetent, insulted and forced into a corner, then told I was too aggressive for not lying down and just taking it. This was all about something which I have done thousands of times in the past. The method they wanted me to use makes no sense and results in major inaccuracies and false data. No amount of illustrating with paper and a calculator would change their mindset, which was focused only on being right and forcing a confrontation.

Maybe it's all for the best. I think it's a reinforcement of the fact that I need to get out of the medical field here. I can still work in the ER at the same hospital.

My stress level is still through the roof. You can call me ugly, tell me I'm an asshole, tell me I smell bad or even tell me I suck in bed and I won't argue with you, may even agree at times. Don't tell me I'm incompetent or stupid. I have a 137 IQ. I've been a chef, manager, auto/diesel/turbine mechanic, squad leader, team chief, shop supervisor, assistant military instructor and web designer. I've worked in psych, med/surg, ortho, abd-thoracic, neurosurgery, tele, ICU, CCU, ER, hospice and infectious disease. I do freelance writing and am working on various solar and agricultural designs and projects, mostly for diversion. I have been known to read books on economics, physics, sociology, psychology and algebra for fun. I do not take well to being called stupid or incompetent.

Any way, wound up working in the ER for 4 hours. They were overstaffed and I was sent home early. Just as well. Really didn't feel like working at that point.

Now it's time to pick up the pieces. I'm exhausted from trying to balance people's lives on one hand and politics on the other. I need to find something less critical than what I've been doing. Maybe see if I can find the info from the agency that had a contract for the Air Force base. Pays less but it would be stable and not so critical. Politics would suck, most likely but then may have more comeraderie. (Did I spell that right? Hmm.)

For now, think I'll go plant some spinach and carrots. Get my mind off this crap.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One shift down

Got one shift down for last night. Don't get paid for that one until next week, though. Have another shift up for tonight.

The weather forecast has been adjusted again. Light frost tonight and tomorrow night. Then the temps remain above freezing and within two weeks are expected to be mid to upper 70's during the day, mid to upper 40's at night. Very good growing weather! If it stays that way I may even start migrating tomato plants outside. Gradually. Crossing my fingers that I picked the right time to plant.

Noted yesterday that some of the lettuce was just barely beginning to sprout. Was a bit worried that it may not work to mulch immediately after planting, if the seeds need light.

Saw a couple of the strawberry plants are turning greener. Didn't check all of them, just noted a couple I was near.

Not long ago, I was looking for a manual water pump or some decent plans for one. Ready made pumps were highly expensive (?!) and didn't find any good plans readable on my phone. Put the brain to work and came up with some basic plans for one. Only problem is what materials to build some parts out of. Can use PVC for the main pipe. Main shaft is my problem right now. Has to be affordable, non-toxic, strong and rust resistant. Have to give it some thought.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Trellises, peas and green beans

Weather hasn't been great but not bad. Cloudy but warm enough to get things done outside.

So, I got out and built 7 trellises this morning. I reused the netting from last year and combined it with PVC piping and nylon ties. Right now, the netting on each one is only 3 ft tall but the poles are taller and I can extend the poles higher if needed. (One of the reasons for using the PVC.) I used 3/4" piping, so if I need to reinforce it I can insert 1/2" piping in the middle. I have enough netting to add more to most of the trellises and increase the height when needed. They're not perfect but they do look good. The minor flaws present won't be visible once things are growing on them.

Went ahead and planted Alaska Peas, which can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked. They can also be planted as densely as every 2", with no thinning required later. Those are planted on the south side of each trellis.

On the north side of each trellis, I planted green beans. Two rows of KY Wonder and four rows of KY Blue. Those say plant when soil is warm but warm is not defined. These can be planted as densely as every 8".

Also planted Top Crop bush beans where some of the corn is planted. I'm considering trellising those rows to reinforce support for the corn and provide a more stable support for green beans and cucumbers. That will let me plant an early season and late season corn crop. Using the corn as a main trellis system will limit me to one corn crop.

Turns out that cilantro is good for deterring aphids. I like cilantro a little (daughter loves it). So I planted cilantro along the entire southwest quarter of the garden. In various areas, that gives me garlic, onions, dill and cilantro to help control aphids, with marigolds to be added later. I hope that between those, insecticidal soap and garlic spray that I can control the aphids and whiteflies this year.

Some chance of rain this afternoon. Sprinkled a little a short while ago but stopped. Wait and see if it picks up again before watering.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not bad, not great

Today wasn't a bad day by any means but not the best day I've ever had with my daughter.

Had to have two talks with her today. One concerned the dog, which actually occurred twice in the same day. The other concerned soup.

Where the dog was concerned, it was because she rarely plays with the dog. I ultimately told her I was going to give the dog away if she doesn't start playing with the dog more.

Much of this started for me because I was not really happy with the dog today. First thing this morning, found the dog had chewed up a new toy daughter brought over from the ex's. The toy had been not only on the garden side of the fence but on top of the picnic table. Of course, there's the digging in the garden problem. Found 2 or 3 places where she had been digging today. Another issue is that I highly prefer keeping her "marked terrritory" limited and at a distance from the cultivated and landscaped areas. Flowers and melons will not be so attractive with piles of dog crap between them.

Last part of that is attention. Since daughter isn't playing with the dog, the dog feels insecure while she's here. The more attention I give to one of them, the more the other wants. It's seriously irritating me. My daughter makes believe she's an animal or she makes up a pretend pet and seeks attention in that way, while ignoring the dog who wants to play. Needless to say, this cycle has to end.

Other subject was soup. Daughter keeps talking about making soup, wanting me to buy vegetables and ingredients to make soup with. On a couple of occasions, I've done this. Problem is that she doesn't eat the soup. Today we talked about what she wanted for lunch and she said she wanted to make soup. I can't (and won't) buy food to make soup which will only be thrown away. We've had this discussion but had it once more. She promised to eat the soup if we made it. We got the stuff for soup. Later, she ate some of the soup but not much. It's a start.

She's doing even better with jumping rope. I'm amazed she could even walk today with as much jumping rope as she did yesterday. Today, she was still at it.

We played frisbee for a while this afternoon. That was fun and she's getting better at that, also. I still do a lot of walking to retrieve the frisbee.

We planted the corn out which I had started inside. Then planted the new package of strawberries. I'd dig the hole, she placed the plant inside and I covered it back up.

Not much else going on. I turned the soup into jambalaya for dinner. Eat and get to bed in a while.

Early to rise

Woke up before the alarm this morning. Quite a surprise.

Been wondering why it's been feeling colder in parts of the house, even though the weather has been warmer. Then realized that I took the tarps down between the living room and dining area. That allows more migration of cold air. Need to figure out how to reduce or eliminate that more permanently in the future.

Still need to come up with a way to stabilize the garden fence. Yesterday daughter and I stood the fence back up from wind knocking it down the day before. Then we went to hop the bus. Before we got 20 ft from the gate, the dog was at the back gate, barking. She had knocked one module down to get through. Between her and the wind the fence will never serve it's purpose if not modified.

But kind of glad. Been thinking of building trellises. Want to make them taller this year than last. One thing I had not taken into account was wind resistance. With short trellises, it's not much of an issue. The taller I build them, the more that needs to be factored in. It wouldn't be a problem with a bare trellis but once things are climbing, resistance increases.

This also makes me think of incorporating more bushy plants into the periphery of the garden to act as wind breaks. Marigolds may do the job and have added benefit of insect control. In any case, the concept of walled gardens makes a lot of sense for arid areas. Walled gardens are generally seen as an issue of propriety or exclusion but that really need not be the case. Using wood or stone pillars would do well, also. They would act as protection from wind and sun, forming an artificial forest environment. More so with a cover that allows partial light, like a forest canopy. I've seen such structures as patio designs but not as growing environments. A combination of low walls, columns and dappled shade make a perfect simulation of a forest environment, retaining humidity (more so with a fountain installed) and moderating temperature and wind. The combination emulates trees, canopy, low shrubbery and water sources. Yet nearly every time I've seen this design it has been with a stone floor. Same design would help protect against wind and heat loss to convection in winter. With stone columns, it would result in more thermal mass.

Things to keep in mind for my future designs of the solarium.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nice day

Daughter and I had a nice day today. Nothing outrageously special but a good day. We hopped the bus and went to Walmart. Read a book along the way. An elderly man on the bus gave her $1 for no reason at all. He was nice. She wanted to pick out a toy, so I let her. She picked out a jump rope which cost $3 and I paid the difference. Something which is good exercise and develops timing while she has fun? Great! Through the day it turned out she really enjoys jumping rope and is developing a talent for it. We had lunch, then hopped another bus to the theater. Got there at a bad time and it was hours before the next showing of a movie she wants to see. There was another movie I suggested but she was afraid (sounded like she may have been coached) it would frighten her. Instead, we went down the street to Putt Putt and played games for a while. Then hopped the bus back home.

We got one more package of strawberry roots. We can plant them together tomorrow. If they all grow, it will give us two full rows of strawberries, total of around 30 plants. Two varieties, all everbearing which are supposed to produce until fall. Here's hoping!

I've started realizing that I have some apprehension about the stage I'm at with the garden. It's at the point where the main work is nearly done. After the planting is primarily finished, it's time to step back and let nature do most of the work for a while. For some weeks, until things start reaching the point where some harvesting can occur. While this is the part most people look forward to, the point of stepping back tends to be my weak point. I'm much better at the more active and involved parts. The labor involved helps me relax. The waiting tends to make me anxious.

That's okay. Plenty of other things I can be doing and lots of things which need attention.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Not much sleep today but got up and ran my errands. Get to bed early tonight.

So, avoided overdraft. Good things about the new agency is that they do pay daily and they deposit the money to a debit card they issued me. Bad part is that it can take as late as 6 PM for it to be deposited. So, had to run to the bank, withdraw from my pay card and deposit to checking. Had a check pending to the gas company that had to be covered. Made it but it was a little close.

Got a new flushing mechanism this morning. The toilet had been acting up and wouldn't flush properly again. It was because of sediment in the pipes. The sediment is only in the pipes running to the toilet because it doesn't show up in the drinking water. The old flush mechanism had passages inside which were too small and I couldn't take it apart. So, replaced the mechanism with a more basic model which has larger water passages and should be less of a problem. Working properly now. However, the new mechanism is slightly taller than the old one and the reservoir lid weighs down on it. Had to leave the lid off until I find a way to raise the height by 1/4-1/2 inch securely.

For once, got the dishes done on Fri night. Since Thur nights through Fri days have been much the same and I've been really tired, so leaving the dishes until Sat mornings. Didn't do that tonight.

Cold front blew in today. Not really so cold but really windy. The winds blew the entire new fence over. So far, it looks like it did some good with the dog's behavior. She hasn't been digging in the garden but the fence will remain up for a while just for reinforcement. That is, when the wind doesn't blow it down.

Got some more seeds today. Mostly carrots. Can't be sure the inexpensive seeds will be available later, so thought it would be a good idea to have enough seeds for the whole season. With carrots and companion planting, it doesn't require a lot of seeds. One packet has enough seeds for up to two full rows. Also got some red salvia which I've read is a form of either sage or mint. If closer to sage, should grow well here. Have total of 3 kinds of spinach seeds, two of which claim to be long standing. I'll compare and see which one/s grow and taste best. Plus total three kinds each of watermelon and cucumbers. I don't think any are hybrids, so whichever kinds grows best I can save the seeds for next year.

Historically I've bought a lot of groceries in plastic jars for price reasons. They can have some reuse value. Lately, the price difference has narrowed a bit and glass has much better reuse value. So I've been buying more items in glass jars. Should come in handy for pickles, salsa and other things at a later date. If my income remains stable enough and the garden cuts my grocery bill, I can buy canning jars a little at a time. Canning will save more money during fall and winter months. Though I will have to figure out how to store large amounts of jars.

It's after 10 PM. Think I'll get to bed after the weather report.

Revisions required

I worked the last two nights and left the dog outside while I was gone. One night she managed to knock down one of the modular sections of the fence. Then this morning the wind kicked up and several sections went down. So some revisions will be needed. Bummer.

Just got home at 11:15 this morning. Had to do some shopping. Now take a nap and have to run errands this afternoon.

They actually are repaving my street! I guess they took up the old asphalt while I was asleep yesterday because they're in the process of leveling things now before bringing the grader through. Be interesting to see what it looks like when I wake up later. Even more interesting to see the reactions of my daughter and her mother.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fence is done

Got the fence built. Went ahead and used the wooden pallets and just used the fence slats as stabilizers on one side. Haven't made a gate yet, which I need to do mostly for my daughter. The whole fence is modular, so it can be moved or reconfigured as needed. Though I think I'll tie them together because they're stable with the wind blowing one direction, less so from the other. As predicted, it's not ugly but not exactly decorative. Kinda looks like a livestock corral. Works to keep the dog out of the garden, though.

She's not looking too happy about it. Her playground just got a lot smaller. But she still has several thousand sq ft to run around and she's not tied up.

Took some temperature readings in the garden. Ambient temperature is in the 60's. Temperature at surface of the mulch is over 90. At soil surface it's about 60 and remains that temp for about an inch. Temp at 3 inches soil depth is about 50. Those are good temperatures, where most things will grow. The temp 3 inches down is especially good because it means the soil temperature is remaining somewhat stable and not freezing even with light frost some nights. And the soil is remaining moist below the mulch, so direct planting should work now. Long as we don't have any long cold spells anytime soon.

Went through the garden a few days ago to do the last pre-season treatment with vinegar and ammonia. From this point on, I'll balance the pH of the solution to 6.0 to 6.5 and avoid the more intense mixtures I've been using.

Some environmentalists say the intense useage of N fertilizers can deplete the soil of organic matter in a short time. Up to now, I've been trying to bring the soil into balance, which it was far from. Now it's a matter of keeping it there. And keep adding organic matter along the way via compost and mulch.

I beg ignorance on modern commercial farming techniques in some ways. It's well known commercial farmers use too much ammonia. I'm not sure what they do with organic matter, though. I have been to a couple of local farms and the soil was surprisingly hard, heavy in clay. These are farms which have been worked for generations. The soil shouldn't be that way. I'm guessing they harvest not just the crops but whole plants. It would be best if they tilled the plants back in. Then they use heavy ammonia which causes bacteria in the soil to overpopulate and consume any organic matter present. I want to avoid that situation and keep things viable for many years to come.

Need a nap. Scheduled for work tonight.