Friday, May 8, 2015

Increasing plant population

The plant population is increasing. 

Gladiolus are coming up, in the garden and in pots. So are carnations and asters. I was surprised to find the nasturtium pretty much leaped out of the soil (okay, 3 of them) and are already about 4" tall. Since I just planted them Mon or Tue night, that wasn't expected. 

I am on the medical cannabis program and had bought some seeds a few weeks ago. Four of the seeds germinated out of five. They're growing taller. Little slowly but I have not yet had them in complete full sunlight. They are outside now.

Taking a slight chance financially. Ordered some seeds from a company in Amsterdam. The company has been around a while and they have a seriously extensive website including translations of language and currency into a number of languages and currencies. The only company I've seen that offers guaranteed delivery. Doesn't mean they are the only ones, just the only ones I've seen. Long as all works as planned, it winds up much cheaper than buying from the local dispensary, who charges $4 per seed. The seeds I ordered come to less than $2 per seed after shipping to include guaranteed delivery. These are also supposed to be the most prolific producers, up to 1.5 lbs per plant. (I don't use much at all. One lb would last me several years, long as it doesn't go stale.) Down side is a low CBD content. But if the purchase goes well I'll order some more expensive strains from them later. 

A couple of the tomato plants are beginning to flower, Surprising because they're not very tall yet. Though I have seen plants flower and then rapidly gain size while the fruit is small, in a rush to gain strength to support the fruit. 

Glad I got the last tomato plants in the ground a couple days ago. Wind picked up today and probably would have knocked containers over. 

Few days later than planned but got the lavender seeds started today. That's okay, gave them more time to stratify. 

Wow! I have to get more dish tubs. I have like 15-20 of them but turns out they're all in use already. Found out when I went to get seeds for watermelon and pumpkins started. Guess I'll get some more this weekend.

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