Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am officially more sore than I have been in as long as I can remember.

Went to the dollar store for ammonia and a few other odds and ends. On the way back, I began questioning the advice to compost the mulch before using. So I started looking it up.

One big reason for composting chipped wood would be seeds. No seeds in this case. Trees had started to bud but too early for seeds. Another reason would be because wood chips acidify the soil. In some places that would be bad but in this environment not such a concern. Then some people claim fresh wood chips lock up Nitrogen. However, recent scientific research says neither of these issues is a major concern and the benfits outweigh the disadvantages. Decided to put the mulch to immediate use.

So, today the plastic sheeting came off and I mulched the entire garden. All mulch is 4"-6" deep. Before that I spread the rest of the compost which was finished. Some of it wasn't quite finished and went back in the pit. It took the whole afternoon but the rows and even the garlic mounds are completely done. Not finished with the garden, as I still want to spread mulch in the trenches but overall it's finished.

Not even half of the pile of mulch got used. Use much of it later. I did go ahead and pour a gallon of ammonia over the rest of the pile and soak it down with water. Probably give some of it away because there's more than I can use this year. By next year I should be able to buy a wood chipper.

Along the way I also planted lettuce and broccoli seeds. Both grow well in cool weather and have light frost tolerance. I think tomorrow I'll plant more onions and a few other things.

They came and picked up the van today. They tried hooking it up and hauling away fast but it had a flat and the parking brake was on. I saw them and walked outside. They started looking nervous but I had my hands at my side and was walking calmly. The head guy addressed me by name and said the name of the loan company. I told him I knew and had been expecting them for some time. Then handed him the keys, shook his hand and wished him a good day. They left, looking relieved. I'm guessing they don't have many encounters like that. No need to give anyone a hard time. Citi financial has been helpful and more than reasonable with me. I feel really badly for the situation but there's nothing left in my power which I could do about it. Wish it were different.

I need a hot bath. Least the soreness I feel is a good kind. And since I've been expecting the repo guys and I've been riding the bus for several weeks the repo ultimately came as a strange relief.

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