Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two iffy replies and one good one

So, as of this morning, I've gotten iffy replies from the corporate level of two companies I wrote to. Home Depot and Albertson's each wrote back to tell me to contact the nearest location with my request.

I think it's a reasonable reply, though rather lazy on their part. Think it would have been just as easy to forward the request to the local store. 

For now, I think I'll wait for other replies. It's not like I need a lot of sponsors for this project, I just chose to contact multiple possible sources to increase the odds of success.

Overall, I like Lowe's system best. They actually have an entire system in place for such requests. It does include questions which come down to, "What's in it for us?", which is a reasonable question. Why should they donate anything if there isn't at least some positive exposure for them in doing so?

By the way, I have seen where such ideas as this have been around in some form or another for years. The big difference is that most of the systems which have existed have involved some form of profit for the people running them. They are generally listed as non-profit but then one such program receives seeds donated from seed companies. They offer the seeds "free, just pay shipping". The shipping for the seeds is $15. Not bad but I'm sure it could be cheaper, with boxes easily available for free from the post office. I may order some of the seeds in the future, just to see what I receive (are the seeds viable?) and then post a review. Has anyone ever ordered these? What was your experience?

While writing this, I got a reply from the governor's office. My request is being forwarded to the appropriate office and the email states, "I requested that your concern be given careful attention and that everything possible be done to help you." Always nice to be taken seriously.

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