Monday, August 8, 2011

The weather has been erratic, mostly hot. However, if weather forecast is correct, will be even more erratic in the next few weeks. One day the high is forecast at 98 degrees, the following day high is 86. At least some respite from the heat is possible.

Found out what happened to one pumpkin plant which suddenly had looked weak. Wasn't insects or soil condition. The dog trampled it. Same with a number of other smaller plants.

While headed to a movie with my daughter on Sat, made a detour and picked up more seed green beans. Planted those last night. Including some rows where I had taken down the trellises. But trellises are in one piece, rolled up. Take only a couple of minutes each to put them back up.

Some things are looking better and better. Others have lots of leaves but no fruit. Others remain static. But overall the whole garden looks better than it has all summer.

Saw that the ladybugs are on the truck for delivery a day early. With the attitude of the driver on Fri, if he knows he's delivering a day early today, he should be real cheerful today (sic). I don't care, long as he doesn't leave them out in the sun. Sucks they're coming the day after daughter went back to the ex's. Hope I can keep them cool enough until Sat.

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