Saturday, June 30, 2012

One plant bites the dust

So, I got the imitation vanilla extract today. It's supposed to drive out squash bugs. Worth a try.  Went to apply it tonight. Ran one bottle through the irrigation system. Mixed another bottle with water in a hand spray bottle and did more targeted surface spraying. That was all the irrigating and such I did tonight. Want to leave that on the surfaces overnight to try and drive the squash bugs out. Figured running it through the irrigation system would help remove them from the whole garden, rather than displace them until next heavy irrigation or rain. Though I will repeat the process a few times over the next few weeks.

All this came a little too late for my largest pumpkin plant. It bit the dust today. Had to pull and remove it to avoid any further contamination. 

So far, most of the plants still look good. North side seems hardest hit while south side seems untouched until now. Still treated that side to avoid problems and displacement to there. Still have a couple of decent size pumpkins forming in the north garden. 

The garden has survived the worst heat of the summer rather admirably, with tomatoes still on the vine and new growth progressing. Some of the corn looks a little paler green but not bad up close. Ears are still ripening. Now, temps are forecast to begin dropping a bit after today. This was the last triple digit day on the current forecast for the year. The garden has done better after this point for the past two years, so no reason to expect differently this year. The difference being that the garden is already doing so much better this year than previous years.  

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