Friday, May 17, 2013

Greener than ever!

The garden still is nowhere near where I want it to be. However, it really is turning greener than ever! 

I'm convinced at this point that no small part of this is due to increasing my use of sulfuric acid. I've been running acid through the irrigation system roughly once a week for the past 3-4 weeks. 

Though more gypsum, more organic material and reconfiguring the irrigation system hasn't hurt anything. 

No matter which step or combination, things are looking better over time. 

The flowers growing along the north fence are growing really well. That's a spot where I have been trying to get things to grow since I moved in. My only success there has been grass and weeds up to now.

The west flower bed isn't doing so great with flowers yet. However, three trees are doing really well there. Part of that may be because I only aggressively treated that spot with gypsum a few months ago. The good thing is that I have found earthworms in that area. There were none in that area last year that I found. 

The southwest flower bed is growing tons of sunflowers. Sure better than last year. Still hope to have marigolds there, too. But marigolds are just beginning to grow anyplace in the yard. They must need a lot of heat or sunlight to germinate because they always start rather late. However, they still produce more flowers than anything else I've grown so far.

Happy to say the Nasturtiums are coming up. So is cilantro. (Daughter will be happy about cilantro.) 

Whole west side of the main garden is beginning to grow things. Some of that area I've tried working before and it's been a problem area. Some of it is the new extension this year. I added lots of leaves, compost and gypsum to that area, treated with acid and improved the irrigation there. 

I planted more seeds today. Watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkin. Going to plant lots more watermelon this year since strawberries were a bust again. May try planting more strawberries if I get a decent job soon. Have to buy some well developed plants this time.  

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