Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Some success

It's looking like I'm having some success slowly with the acid for the elm trees. Lower branches are dying off and leaves are slowly curling up. Another treatment or two should do it. I have enough on hand for one treatment but have to buy more for a second treatment. The effect hasn't reached the upper parts of the trees yet but watching for it. As it is, it's a lot easier to take out the chain saw and cut off the lower branches to get closer to the trunk. 

Some of the tomato plants in the ground are looking better, greener. Took until the temperatures were staying above 50 consistently. The mulch may have helped a little but not all that much, as late as I got it in place. May help more next year. Still going to try and have some kind of shelter in place for at least part of the garden before next spring. Not my first line priority, though. Would be cool to have tomato plants mature enough to produce by March, though. And/or producing into December.

I know I won't be able to keep tomatoes going all year but a shelter which maintained a temperature just above freezing would be good for cool weather crops like lettuce and broccoli in the winter. 

Lots more seedlings looking good. The size of many of the containers I have them in reduces or eliminates transplant shock. Watermelon plants will be ready to plant in soon as the lettuce is fully harvested. 

I still keep working toward the goal of having the majority of my basic foods coming from the garden. Especially the more expensive produce. 

For the first time, I've kept two blueberry bushes alive for several months. That is keeping them in containers but that's acceptable for now. A few strawberry vines are still alive in containers, as well. Hoping to expand on those by harvesting runners. 

Kale is coming up but still pretty smal for the moment. 

Happy with things so far this year. Just have to keep the weeds controlled this summer. 

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