Saturday, March 27, 2010

What a day

I'll start with the negative of the day. It becomes lessened when the positive follows.

Neighbor kids came over and played with my daughter most of the day. However, they brought their mean little dog over. Not known to me, they took the dog in the house and let it run loose while the kids were all playing in my daughter's room. To make a long story short, the dog killed the bunny. 

This occurred while I was outside, nearly finished with the rabbit hutch. I went ahead and finished it. Better to have it complete before getting another rabbit or two. I do still need to put a roof in place but want to put hinges on the top. It's high enough to keep rabbits in but need the roof for protection from predators. It's strong and will hold up to anything short of human. Has chicken wire across the bottom to keep rabbits from digging out and predators from digging in. That wire comes up and overlaps the lower half of the side wire. There's enough space for at least 3-4 rabbits, with a decent sized run. 

Erected some of the shelves in the shed. I now have 8 shelves in three sections with space at the bottom of each section. So, 11 spaces for storage so far, each 2'x4'. Have enough equipment left for 6 more shelves in two more sections. Still need to get things organized, though. 

Back up to 17 tomato plants, up from the 10 or 11 I was down to. Planted seeds for Brandywine and Rutgers tonight. I've read good things about each but never tried either, to my knowledge. Also planted just four Roma seeds. They're supposed to be good paste/sauce tomatoes but kind of bland for anything else, to me.

Daughter and the two neighbor girls had me spray paint pink streaks in their hair today. It's washable and I had pre-approval from the mother. They loved it, like a carnival to them.

Daughter later got a bath. She was tired from playing all day. We read a couple of Dr Seuss books and she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I can't think of  better end to any day.

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