Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting there

Well, tried uploading a picture but it failed twice. Maybe file size is too large. 

Got the rest of the greenhouse base section put together and placement confirmed. Soaked the ground down with water this evening where the soil is hardest, just to make it easier to pound the bottom pieces deeper in the morning. 

Didn't get any further than that because my daughter is here and I didn't care to spend all day working on the greenhouse while neglecting her. We watched movies, talked, had lunch at Burger King, took a walk along the aqueducts and river to see the fall colors. Saw some coyote tracks as big as my hand. Not small, I wear large size gloves. Glad that spot is a distance from my house. Read three books before bed. Somehow, it still felt like a really short day with her. 

Won't get a whole lot done on the greenhouse for the next few days. Scheduled to work Sun, Mon and Wed nights, 12 hour shifts.  But I can get a lot done in one hour sessions after work. Long as I get out at a decent hour.

Much of what remains still seems like a huge tinker toy set, with some pieces out of stock in multiple places, some pieces special order and others just being too expensive to be realistic. Leaving me to improvise at times.

I did opt for the extra 5 ft length, making the size 20 ft W x 25 ft L. Only going to give the roof a 2 1/2 ft center rise from the 6 ft high base. Enough to slough rain and snow, while offering decent stability against wind and easier to cover with plastic sheeting.

Need to get to bed. Daughter wants to make ghosts, a tradition we just fell into around Halloween.

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