Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still not done/ Got a call!

Greenhouse still isn't done. Been raining since last post. However, one benefit was that it softened up the soil enough that the rest of the posts were easily driven deeper this morning, so all posts are now sunk at least 1 ft deep. 

Keep having to adapt the design. It would be easy if the right connectors were available but they're not, so I keep having to change things. Thought I had enough of certain connectors but when I inventoried, I was short. Then I recalled that the store was out of them when I went to purchase them. Can make do with what I have but it takes some ingenuity. 

Not matter what, I can get at least started on the top section tomorrow. No more rain in the forecast, so things should go smoothly. I have the base pretty well evened out and it's stable. 

Got a call back from a government extension office, referred by the governor's office. Apparently, they're going to extend some help with the tree planting! Yay!!! I have to call them back and see what happens from there. I'm excited!

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