Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Not so much

Worked last night and it was quite a night. Off tonight, so got some sleep and set the alarm for this afternoon, woke up armed with a list of things to accomplish today, mostly outside or involving some driving. A few moments after I woke up, noticed it was cloudy. Then there was a crack of thunder and I heard a tink-tink-tink sound on the water heater exhaust and a rush of wind. Rain and hail. 

It's a couple of hours later now. hail stopped quickly but still raining. I did venture outside, took down the patio umbrella and opened up the compost pits to the rain. Nothing getting done on the greenhouse today. May chance driving but unless you live in NM, you will not believe me when I say just how truly bad New Mexican drivers are in the rain. 

Oh, well. My daughter's bd is this weekend and I have things to buy to get ready. With my schedule, can't put it off much.

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