Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reviews begin

Finally got to the point where I can begin actually completing some reviews. Which means an income. Not really sure how much just yet. Depends on how many reviews I can complete in one week. Haven't been able to get anything scheduled for Friday yet, so I only have two reviews set for this week. Been playing phone tag too much. Even got through most of the list, then was informed that many had to be reset because Pres and Abq Health partners each have their reviews centralized. That will be beneficial in the long term but a setback at the outset. I may be able to complete 4-5 reviews per day in that situation, at about $63 per review. Not gonna get rich at that rate but better than I've been doing. 

Anyone expecting me to wear a jacket to those reviews is going to be disappointed. The forecast is predicting a temperature of up to 102 degrees tomorrow. The highest ever recorded in Abq was 107. Plus I will be riding the bike with a helmet on. Can't see myself wearing multiple layers of clothing. Maybe I'll pack it in the trunk and put it on just before walking in. 

Planted more pumpkin, green bean and watermelon seeds this evening.Planted on the east main garden yesterday, the west main garden today. Technically overplanted. 

None of the sorghum I planted ever grew. Still seems like a really useful crop, so I'll look into more seed from a different supplier.

Did some more weed control in the garden with the trimmer. Going to try and get some weeds under control by frequent trimming until they deplete their energy stores and die off. I finally have things to the point I can use acid for weed control. It's been working to a point on many weeds. Pulling and tilling are doing well for others. I need to transplant some marigolds which are growing in inconvenient places. 

Killed a couple more squash bugs this evening but they seemed to be new arrivals. There were only two of them and only one patch of eggs, all on one plant. Again, I smelled them before I saw them. 

Get to sleep soon. I actually have to wake up on a schedule tomorrow.

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