Saturday, June 29, 2013

Squash bugs

The battle of the squash bugs has begun for the year. Been battling them back. Found a lot of bugs and eggs this morning. I had killed off the few I found earlier in the week and had none for days. So these are coming in from somewhere else. Having a lot more success fighting them this year than previous years but better practiced at finding them. At least I'm finding them so far before they do any major damage, so every vine has recovered from any minor damage suffered. Also managing to destroy their eggs.

Really happy to say there are a number of pumpkins already forming. At least one is a giant variety, growing next to the compost pit, so I have high hopes for having at least true giant this year. The placement seems like karma because this vine grew up there wild, not planned. The down side to placement is lots of roly-polys in that area, which have destroyed several pumpkins in the past. So, have to protect any pumpkins on that vine from them. 

I need to thin out the flowers around the tomato plants. It appears as though there are more than a hundred tomatoes now forming. 

Found some wild tomato plants and transplanted them to rows with other tomatoes. At current count, looking like 32 vines or varying sizes. Most are beefsteak and quite a few tomatoes are getting to be a really good size. 

I need to start thinning flowers in some areas. They've gotten extremely dense in some places.


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