Monday, December 21, 2009

Things improving

Things are improving for the moment. Got most of the Christmas shopping done. Just one more gift card to buy. For once, I even got the wrapping done before Christmas Eve.

I am very much into environmental conservation but enjoy technology, as well. I just think too often technology has left environmentalism behind. They do not have to be exclusive, as we can clearly see today. 

That said, I got my daughter some roller skates which convert from having training wheels to in-line skates when she's ready. Also got her a Tinkerbell toy which actually flies! (I think she should love that!) Several inexpensive things from Dollar Tree, one of my favorite stores. 

Since there's only the two of us, just got ham steaks for Christmas lunch. Besides, not sure what time the ex will pick her up that day, so keeping it simple. 

While cleaning house the other day, I noted that the dirt in the house is dirt, not sand! For the first few months of living here, I dealt with sand being all over the place. The fact that what is being tracked in now is less sand and more dirt is good. It means the work I've been doing in the yard is showing some results and transforming the soil into something more viable than it was.

I still have tons of leaves to rake up. Going to put them in bags and save them for the compost pits during the summer for carbon content and oxygenation.

Okay, going to get to bed. Picking daughter up from daycare to make another attempt at visiting Santa tomorrow. Tomorrow night, going to see the River of Lights at the Botanical Gardens, something set up here every year for Christmas. They've apparently added a number of new displays this year. Tomorrow is the last chance we'll have before Christmas. Hope the weather holds up long enough to go through it, since a front is headed our way. Though it would be cool if it started snowing while we're there.

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