Sunday, February 28, 2010

Still alkaline

Got a moisture/pH/light meter a few days ago. Checked the pH of the soil and it came back still toward the alkaline side. Though I'm not entirely sure I trust the meter. Tried cleaning it off and testing a container of pure cayenne and it also read alkaline. Though the cayenne didn't have any moisture in it. Think I'll back it up with some test strips tomorrow.

However, my thinking was wrong on the Epsom Salt idea. It does add Mag and Phos to the soil, both in usable forms for plants to absorb. However, it does not help to acidify the soil. The phos is in the wrong form. At the same time, it takes time for soil pH to adjust, even after adding elements to change it. Especially if acidifying. 

On the good side, the things planted right now are okay with somewhat alkaline soil. I can add amendments which will adjust the pH slowly and they'll be fine. The part which is most alkaline is the section I haven't started working yet. I'll test that section again just before planting there and, if necessary, add vinegar at that time. Looking into the best things to add to lower the pH and maintain it that way. Trying to avoid using more chemicals, so seeing about pine needle mulch. That works well over time but does require months to have a measurable effect. Then, the vinegar works quickly but doesn't last for a long time. So, maybe they would overlap. 

My best bet will probably be to keep one part of the garden somewhat alkaline and increase the acidity in stages further over to the opposite side.

Back is still in pain. Did a job on a lat dorsi muscle and the shoulder was already hurting. So, my whole left upper body is currently in pain. So, not doing much tonight.Watching a couple of movies I had on hand from mail rental. Bad habit of having a movie for weeks and not watching it. So, watching them tonight for return tomorrow.

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