Thursday, April 8, 2010

Couple days off

Worked ER tonight. Got sent home a couple of hours early but finances look better than they did at the beginning of the week. Close enough to 40 hours that it's doubtful I'll be called in because of risk of the hospital having to pay OT pay. They'll understaff long before even considering that. If I do get called in, I'll be shocked.

Between now and Sat afternoon, need to finish the chicken coop. At least enough to house the chicks. If required, I can construct the nests later, since the chicks aren't near old enough to need laying nests for some time. 

On Sat, getting some more bunnies. Two this time, so they won't be lonely. The hutch is safe enough for them, I just need to clear it of chicks for them. 

I wonder how old chicks are before they stop huddling together? Never seen adult chickens do that. They're really cute bunched up in a pile. Seem happy, singing. Getting fat, tall and feathering out. Rather fast runners, too. 

Weather still keeps fluctuating a bit but not as badly. Had light frost on Tue night, went into low 30's Wed night. Not low enough to kill things off but what is growing is growing very slowly. Lots of little things sprouting but not big enough to tell the difference between plants and weeds yet.

Some of the seeds I've tried starting in Sterilites (with a lid on) are beginning to come up. That's good because all the sprouts in one container I had tried hardening off died. Guess I left them out too long, tried to force it too fast. Bummer. The peat pots are still intact enough to replant in the same pots. Have to keep trying.

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