Thursday, April 29, 2010


Getting ready to expand the garden to the north side.

I now have over 40 tomato plants started indoors. Sounds like a lot but it's only half of what I planted. Should see more coming up in a few days. Mixed variety and I didn't label them, so they'll all be mixed when planted. It's my understanding that tomatoes do better when multiple strains are planted near each other, any way. Definitely be more colorful this way.

Also have at least a dozen strawberry sprouts now active from the seeds I started a few days ago. More reading says they may produce a few small berries this year but don't do much until the second year. But between those, two roots growing and four purchased plants, should have some strawberries this season. 

Have to start building up the mounds, fertilize and let the soil settle a bit before planting out.

Have to keep the tomatoes on the north side of the garden, since so much corn is planted on the south side. Everything I've read says they don't play well together.

After doing some more reading, found the plants that died were almost surely because of temps dropping. Still getting nights in the 30's here in the valley once in a while. Like tonight, after a serious sandstorm today. Had winds over 60 mph and measure 99 mph at the mountain peak. Couldn't even see the road in places while driving home this afternoon. Of course, some plants can't take things like that. So, I'll have to replant those things inside soon.

I have been happy to see that some Contender green beans have survived the temperatures. All others have died off. So, if Contenders produce decent beans, it will probably be my green bean of choice in the future. Then again, have to wait and see how it does in the heat, too.

Some pumpkin sprouts have continued growing. Need to get them in the ground.

Once the weather gets too hot for peas, I'll convert those mounds and trellises to green beans. Not expecting lettuce to keep growing all summer, even with the corn plants shading them. Not sure what I'll convert all those mounds to later but want to keep the lettuce going as long as I can.

Got a lot done yesterday. Weeded the entire garden, pulled about 10 lbs of weeds from the south garden. I went ahead and sprayed the non-garden areas with weed killer, since the field of weeds from last year was coming back. Knees really felt that last night at work! Haven't been able to afford more propane to burn them off. Want to keep them at bay so they don't invade the garden completely. Cleaned up some of the yard, raked up some of the elm seed pods but hoping the mulching mower will take up most of it. Planted more spinach, since only a few of the original seeds took. May have been scattered or dug up by dogs.

Okay, need to get to bed. Not sure if or when I'll get called in tomorrow.

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